Content Posted in 2024
การจัดอัตรากำลังบุคลากรทางการพยาบาลในห้องคลอดตามปริมาณภาระงาน: กรณีศึกษาโรงพยาบาลรามาธิบดี (Nursing Personnel Staffing in Delivery Room According to Workload: A Case Study of Ramathibodi Hospital), นิตยา โรจนนิรันดร์กิจ and บุญใจ ศรีสถิตย์นรากูร
Nurturing Creativity & Developing Empathy Globally, Ashfaq M. Ishaq
Nutrient Removal Performance on Domestic Wastewater Treatment Plants (Full Scale System) between Tropical Humid and Cold Climates, Pongsak Noophan, Rawiwan Rodpho, Pimook Sonmee, Martha Hahn, and Suthep Sirivitayaphakorn
Nutrition during Pregnancy and Lactation(โภชนาการสำหรับสตรีระหว่างมีครรภ์และให้นมบุตร), นุชรี เบญจานุวัตรา
Obesity and the Future of Obesity Treatment(โรคอ้วนและแนวโน้มการรักษาโรคอ้วนในอนาคต), Srisombat Nawanopparatsakul
Observation of structural, spectral characterizations and correlation of physical parameters on VO2+ ions doped Cadmium Lithium Sodium Borate glasses, Mekala AVINASH, Shaik Johny BASHA, Vinukonda KHIDHIRBRAHMENDRA, Annur Vivekananda CHANDRASEKHAR, Renduchintala Venkata Satya Sri, and Nagoji RAVIKUMAR
Observations on Bureaucratic Democracy in Thailand, Anuj Arbhabhirama
Observed Changes in Daily Rainfall Extreme Along Thailand's Coastal Zones, Atsamon Limsakul, Sangchan Limjirakan, and Thavivongse Sriburi
Occupational hazard identification and health risk assessment of volatile organic compounds exposure in plastic recycling plants in Thailand: Case studies of polypropylene and polyethylene, Muhammed Ayaj Ansar
Occupy Action! Collective Actions and Emotions in Public Places, Simone Belli
Occupy Wall Street, Urban Play and the Affirmation of Crisis, Fred Landers
Occurrence of Trichodesmium Erythraeum (Cyanophyte) Bloom and Its Effects on the Fish Catch during April 2013, in the Andaman Sea, Arun Kumar, Gadi Padmavati, and Hosahalli Pradeep
Ocular surface microbiome in diabetes mellitus, Orathai Suwajanakorn
ODA in Japan's Foreign Policy : Changes, Characteristics and Prospects, Motoko Shuto
การนำ OD และ MBO เข้ามาใช้ในองค์การ, เกศินี หงสนันทน์
โอดอนโตดิสเพลเซีย (Odontodysplasia) : รายงานผู้ป่วย 1 ราย, สุนทรา พันธ์มีเกียรติ and สมชาย เศรษฐศิริสมบัติ
Of Grizzlies and Man: Watching Werner Herzog's Grizzly Man through an Ecocritical Lens, Phacharawan Boonpromkul
สัมภาษณ์พิเศษ โครงการ "OFOC" ศ.นพ.ดร. นรินทร์ หิรัญสุทธิกุล, นรินทร์ หิรัญสิทธิกุล
Oihagi โจรในวรรณคดีรวมนิทานพื้นบ้านสมัยเฮอัน วิเคราะห์เปรียบเทียบโจรในราโชมอน กับโจรฮะคะมะดะเระ, ลัดดา แก้วฤทธิเดช
OM study of effect of hip and heat treatments on microstructural restoration in cast nickel-based superalloy, GTD-111, P Wangyao, V Krongtong, W Homkrajai, N Panich, and G Lothongkum
OM study of effect of hip and heat treatments on microstructural restoration in cast nickel based superalloy, IN-738, O Wangyao, W Homkrajai, V Krongtong, N Panich, and G Lothongkum
On a Quest for the Jewel: A Review of the Fine Arts Department's Edition of Phra Horathibodi's Chindamani, Peera Panarut
Once upon a Time': Some Fleeting Sidelights on Contemporary Western Poetry, Reinhold Grimm
On English as an International Language, Saksit Saengboon
One-Pot Iodine-Mediated Synthesis of Cannabinol and Derivatives, Mongkonkorn Thanakorncharoenwit
One step pressing-annealing to produce LTP MnBi magnets, T Charoensuk, A Tamman, P Jantaratana, S Abbasi, and C Sirisathitkul
ว่าด้วยการปกครอง (On Governmentality), มิเชล ฟูโก
On Thai Transnational Subjectivity, Sudarat Musikawong
On the corrosion behaviour of as-cast and heat-treated Mg-RE alloys in 0.9% NaCl solution, Abdelkader HANNA, Lyacine RABAHI, Mohamed Amine SOUALILI, Achour DAKHOUCHE, Djamel BRADAI, and Hiba AZZEDDINE
On the Genealogy of Morality : วงศาวิทยาว่าด้วยการเป็น สัตว์การเมือง (สมัยใหม่) ของมนุษย์, พิศาล มุกดารัศมี
On the Relation between Language Teaching and Testing, John W. Oller, Jr.
Opening Urban Social Spaces Through the Arts, Lasanthi Manaranjanie and Kalinga Dona
Open secret : The Kissinger-Nixon doctrine in Asia, ประทุมพร วัชรเสถียร
Opportunity of Halal Trade and Business for ASEAN among Global Economic Crises, Virachai Veeramethekul
Optical and luminescence investigation of Er3+ doped in Na2O-Al2O3-P2O5 glasses for photonics material application, N Chanthima, N Kiwsakunkran, J Kaewkhao, and N Sangwaranatee
Optical properties of TiO2@Ag nanowires and nanospheres, Thananchai DASRI, Panuwat CHAIYACHATE, Sasiporn AUDTARAT, Panadda CHAREE, and Artit CHINGSUNGNOEN
Optimal Levels of English Proficiency of Thai Students, Karnchana Prapphal
Optimization and characterization of indomethacin-loaded plai oil microemulsion using a 23 full factorial design, Suwit Khajitkhajonwong and Warunee Leesajakul
Optimization Method in Pharmaceutical Sciences(วิธีการหาผลเหมาะสมที่สุดทางเภสัชศาสตร์), Wibul Wongpoowarak
Optimization of wet sliding wear parameters of Titanium grade 2 and grade 5 bioimplant materials for orthopedic application using Taguchi method, Sachin Ganeshrao SOLANKE and Vivek R. GAVAL
Optimizing the Extraction of Phenolic Compounds with High Antioxidant Activity from Mango Seed Kernel Wastes Using Response Surface Methodology, Francis D.C Siacor, Camila F.Y. Lobarbio, and Evelyn B. Taboada
Oral Activities in an EST Classroom Situation : Some Practical Problems and Suggested Solutions, Sorani Wongbiasaj
Oral angiomyolipoma: report of a rare case and review of the literature, Wichuda Kongsong and Sompid Kintarak
ORAL CONTRACEPTIVES ยาคุมกำเนินชนิดรับประทาน, สุรชัย อัญเชิญ
Oral Leukoplakia (รายงานผู้ป่วย), ลัคนา เหลืองจามีกร
Oral pemphigus vulgaris: A study of 8 cases, Kobkan Thongprasom and Wiwat Korkij
Oral Peptide and Protein Drug Delivery(การนำส่งเปปไทด์และโปรตีนโดยการรับประทาน), Wiwat Pichayakom, Chirasak Kusonwiriyawong, and Gampimol C. Ritthidej
Oral Proficiency Levels and Likely Use of Language Forms among Thai University Students Majoring in Japanese(ระดับความสามารถการพูดและแนวโน้มการใช้รูปภาษาของผู้เรียนภาษาญี่ปุ่นเป็นวิชาเอกชาวไทย ในคณะอักษรศาสตร์ จุฬาลงกรณ์มหาวิทยาลัย), Kanolwan Laohaburanakit Katagiri
Organizational Executions and Policies on Workplace Health Promotion: A Cross-sectional Study in Thailand, Taechit Taechamanodom, Pornchai Sithisarankul, and Jate Ratanachina
บรรยากาศในการทำงานของบุคลากรทางการพยาบาล กรณีศึกษาฝ่ายบริการพยาบาล โรงพยาบาลสงขลานครินทร์ (Organization climate of health personnel in Department of Nursing Teaching Hospital), สมสมัย สุธีรศานต์ and นวลตา อาภาคัพภะกุล
Organizing and Managing Individualized (Science/Social Studies) Classes, Suthin Kiratibhongse
กำเนิดและความย้อนแย้งของเสรีประชาธิปไตย* Origins and paradox of liberal democracy, สมเกียรติ วันทะนะ
การเดินทางข้ามขอบเขต พรมแดน เพศสถานะ และห้วงเวลา ในนวนิยาย เรื่อง Orlando ของ เวอร์จิเนีย วูลฟ์, คารินา โชติรวี
Osteogenic effects of osteogenic growth peptide on human periodontal ligament stem cells, Steven Dwi Purbantoro
Othering or Inclusion: Focusing on a Contemporary Dance Project with an Ethnic Minority in Japan, Asami Koizumi
การวิจัยเชิงผลลัพธ์เพื่อการพัฒนาคุณภาพโรงพยาบาล (Outcome research for hospital quality development), ยุพิน อังสุโรจน์
Outcomes in dogs undergoing surgical correction for septic peritonitis: A retrospective study in 61 cases (2019-2022), Krishaporn Kradangnga, Naipaporn Kongrattanachat, Wichulada Suwansukroj, Jiraporn Supasombatolan, and Chayanon Tiaraksa
Overbite depth indicator in Thai adolescents: A measurement related to anterior open-bite, Sirima Charoenpone
Oxidation of cyclohexane and ethylbenzene by hydrogen peroxide over co-substituted heteropolytungstate catalyst, W Kanjina and W Trakarnpruk
OZONE มีคุณแต่ก็ให้โทษ, ธีรพล คังคะเกตุ
รายงานสรุปการสัมมนาทางวิชาการ Pacific Basin Community
การวิจัยถ่านชีวภาพที่ศูนย์วิจัยถ่านชีวภาพป่าเด็ง (Padeng-Biochar Research Center, Pd-BRC), ทวีวงศ์ ศรีบุรี
Painting-on topical fluoride gel markedly reduces the fluoride gel amount compared with tray application, Kamonwan Sriwongchai, Wacharaporn Tasachan, Kasekarn Kasevayuth, and Chutima Trairatvorakul
Pali Buddhist Ideas about the Future, Steven Collins
Palladium-Promoted Reactions in the Synthesis of Natural Products, Kittisak Likhitwitayawuid
พรรค PAP กับการครองอำนาจทางการเมืองของสิงคโปร์, สุจิต บุญบงการ
Paper-based device for urinary oxalate detection, Kanphitcha Mueangdech
Paradigmatic vs. Syntagmatic Language Learning: an Experiment with English Irregular Verbs, Thomas Scovel
Paradigm of Eco-Urban-Agriculture for the Sustainable City:Integrating the Concept for Urban Dhaka, Ayasha Siddiqua
Parameters optimization of copper wire bonding on thin small outline package, S Srikamonsirisak, U Tantinuchawong, and Y Satirakul
Paraphrasing of Hedged Statements by Thai and Non-Thai EFL Medical Science Graduate Learners, Worawanna Petchkij
Parking problems and policies in Bangkok: issues, causes, and implications, Chakaphan Chullabodhi
Participant Continuity in Thai Fictional Narrative, Suda Rangupan
Participant political institutions in Thailand: A critique and a proposal, David Morell
Participatory Democracy; Constitutionalism, Local Governments and Democratic Practice in Thailand, Somchai Yensabai
Particle pollution : อันตรายกว่าที่คิด, ธีรพล คังคะเกตุ
Partnership for Change Oslo May 2015, Kjell Skyllstad
Pathamasambodhi in Nine Languages: Their Relation and Evolution, Anant Laulertvorakul
Patron-client relationship : The analysis of the compadrazgo
รูปแบบของความวิตกกังวลของมารดา ในระหว่างตั้งครรภ์และผลต่อทารกแรกเกิด (Pattern of Maternal Anxiety and its Impact on Infant Health Status), ชมพูนุช โสภาจารีย์
Patterns of English Used in Business Negotiations in Thailand, Bang-Orn Savangvarorose
Patterns of Language Choice in a Thai-Sikh Community in Bangkok Author(s) : Rachanee Dersingh, Rachanee Dersingh
Patterns of Lexis in the Writing of Japanese EFL Students: A Comparative Study, Phillip R. Morrow
Patterns of Thai diplomacy : A historical study, Kullada Kesboonchoo
PAVILLION ZONE "Halal Wisdom: Convergence of Science Technology and Islamic Arts"
Paving the Road to Writing Success: Self-efficacy, Metacognition, a Growth Mindset, and Academic Writing Performance among Indonesian EFL Students, Lastika Ary Prihandoko, Djatmika Djatmika, Joko Nurkamto, Ruly Morganna, Suci Nugrah Amalia, and Priyatno Ardi
สิ่งแวดล้อมเป็นพิษ P.C.B. (POLYCHLORINATED BIPHENYLS), พาลาภ สุริโยทัย
Peace, Ecology, and Religion: Evolution and Buddhism's Emphatic Response, David Jones
Peace in abstract: Re-integration of internally displaced persons in Northeastern Nigeria and its emerging socio-economic challenges, Abiola Ruth Adimula
Peasant: A concept in community study, Thiravet Prarnuanratkarn
Pediatric appendicitis or not? A retrospective cohort study from a single institution - our management and factors determining the disease, Nimmita Srisan, Teerasak PhewPlung, Katawaetee Decharun, Prapapan Rajatapiti, and Paisarn Vejchapipat
Peer Assessment of Oral Presentations: What these two cases tell us, Anil Pathak and Chan Soon Keng
การใช้ Peer Tutoring ในการสอนตามระดับความสามารถแต่ละแต่บุคคล, Damrong Attaprechakul
Pelletization of CaO catalyst for biodiesel production via transesterification of palm oil, Warisara Vornuch
People Participation in Management of Natural Resources: The Patterns, Processes and Enabling Factors for Managing Coastal Resources by the Organizations of Fisherfolk Communities in Pattani Province, Srisompob Jitpiromsri, Kusuma Kooyai, Walakkamoi Changkamol, and Muhamasukree Masaning
People's China and international law: A documentary study, Jerome A. Cohen and Hungdah Chiu
People's Liberation Army Reforms: Implications for Xi's Leadership(การปฏิรูปกองทัพปลดแอกประชาชน: นัยต่อความเป็นผู้นำ ของสีจิ้นผิง), Kittipos Phuttivanich
Perception and Behavioral Changes of Thai Youths Towards the Plastic Bag Charging Program, Sujitra Vassanadumrongdee, Dawisa Hoontrakool, and Danny Marks
Perception and Communication of Flood Risk: Lessons Learned about Thailand's Flood Crisis of 2011, Suthirat Kittipongvises and Takashi Mino
Perception and experiences of sexual harassment among LGBTQ students in universities, Bangkok Thailand, Jiratchaya Rungrote
Perception of Teachers and Parents on Appropriate Physical Environment for Learning Through Play in Malaysian Preschools, Pearly Pei Li Lim, Azizi Bahauddin, and Nor Fadzila Aziz
Perceptions of Emergency Physician Professionalism Among Healthcare Providers and Patients: A Multicenter Study in Thailand and the US, Khuansiri Narajeenron MD, MHPE; Tanawat Tarapan MD; Jasmina Dukovic; Krongkarn Sutham MD; Intanon Imsuwan MD; Ar-aishah Dadeh MD; Tanyaporn Nakornchai MD; Deena Bengiamin MD; Bharath Chakravarthy MD, MPH; Craig Anderson PhD, MPH; Somchit Eiam-Ong PhD; and Wirachin Hoonpongsimanont MD, MS
Perchloroetylene and Dibutyltin Dichloride Removal from Packed Column by Surfactant Solution, Seelawut Damrongsiri, Chantra Tongcumpou, and David A. Sabatini
Performing Transformation in the Community University of the Rivers (Part 1), Dan Baron Cohen
Performing Transformation in the Community University of the Rivers (Part 2), Dan Baron Cohen
PERHEXILINE MALEATE กับ แนวโน้มในการรักษา ANGINA PECTORIS, วิไลลักษม์ อิ่มอุดม
บทรายงานผู้ป่วย Periodic Migrainous Neuralgia (report of one case), ชัยวัฒน์ ปิ่นน้อย
ปิโตรเลียมไฮโดรคาร์บอนในน้ํา ดินตะกอน และหอยแมลงภู่ (Perna viridis) บริเวณแม่น้ําท่าจีน, เกศิณี สรรวานิช and กัลยา วัฒยากร
Peroxidase activity in unstimulated whole saliva in periodontitis patients, Em-on Benjavongkulchai, Janpen Bunmongkolruksa, and Wipavee Kosalathip
Peroxidase inhibition assay for the detection of some thiols by carbon screen printed electrodes based on square wave voltammetry, Wischada JONGMEVASNA, Orawon CHAILAPAKUL, and Manchumas Hengsakul PROUSOONTORN
Persistence of the Ritual of Caling The Khwan of the Rice Goddess in Don Pho Village, Tambon Chaina, Sena District, Ayutthaya Province, Nammon Yoo-In
ปัจจัยส่วนบุคคล ความผูกพันในวิชาชีพ การมีแหล่งประโยชน์ทาง สังคม กับความสำเร็จในวิชาชีพของพยาบาลวิชาชีพ โรงพยาบาลรัฐ กรุงเทพมหานคร (Personal Factors, Career Commitment, Social Resources, and Career Success of Professional Nurses, Governmental Hospitals, Bangkok Metropolis), เปรมฤดี ปองมงคล and ยุพิน อังสุโรจน์
Personality Traits of Thai Gen Z Undergraduates: Challenges in the EFL Classroom?, Chaisri Sriprom, Atichat Rungswang, Chirawan Sukwitthayakul, and Natthicha Chansri
Personnel policy in the City : the politics of jobs in Oakland, Frank J. Thompson
Perspectives on Online Learning and Technostress Experienced by Science and Non-science First-year University Students during COVID-19, Teerada Chongkolrattanaporn and Woralan Kongpolphrom
เทคนิคการบริหารโครงการ : PERT & CPM, ชัยสิทธิ์ เฉลิมมีประเสริฐ
Pesticide Toxicity Testings Using Minnow Barb as test, Vinit Tansakul and Palarp Sinhaseni
Petrographic analysis of ceramic artifacts from Ban Di kiln, Pattani province, Thailand, W Dhanmanonda, S Hongrittipun, and D Aussavamas
การแพร่กระจายของแก๊สเพอร์ฟลูออโรคาร์บอน (PFCs)...แก๊สเรือนกระจกที่ไม่รู้จัก, เบญจลักษณ์ กาญจนเศรษฐ์
บทของ ราไวท์ "Phanerochatete chrysosporium" กับการย่อยสลายสารพิษ
Pharmaceutical Solid Mixing(การผสมยาผงทางเภสัชกรรม), วิเชียร ธานินทร์ธราธาร
PHARMACOGENETICS Its Role in the Rational Use of Drugs, Amnuay Thithapandha
Pharmacology of Male Contraceptives(เภสัชวิทยาของยาคุมกำเนิดเพศชาย), Srisombat Nawanopparatsakut
PHARMACOTHERAPY OF DIARRHEA(ยาที่ใช้รักษาโรคท้องเดิน), อุมา กิติยานิ
Pharyngeal airway space changes in Thai Mandibular setback patients, Chavanya Asavalertpalakorn, Thitapa Lelapityamit, Natawan Piriyakulkit, Phonkit Sinpitaksakul, Kevin A. Tompkins, and Kanit Dhanesuan
Phase separation dynamics and morphologies prediction of PEO-b-PMMA copolymer by atomistic and mesoscopic simulations, N Chiangraeng, V S. Lee, and P Nimmanpipug
pH dependant coating for microfluidics devices, L Limsavarn, C Panithipongwut, P Thongkorn, and S T. Dubas
ผลของสารสกัดเห็ดกระถินพิมาน Phellinus linteus ต่อความเป็นพิษของเซลล์และการแสดงออกของยีนในเซลล์มะเร็งปากมดลูก, ธนวิชญ์ แสงคีรีพัฒน์
Philosophical Approach to Conversation of Buddhist Monastery in Thailand, Pinraj Khanjanusthiti
Philosophical Challenges of Computing Ethics: Unesco and Information Ethics, Darryl Macer
Philosophical Issues of Recycling, Vorasun Buranakarn
Philosophy of sufficiency economy : A philosophical analysis, Choltis Dhirathiti
Philosophy, Pedagogy, and Communicative Language Teaching, Edward Graybill
Phonetic Sources of Sound Change: The Influence of Thai on Nasality in Pwo Karen, Karnthida Kerdpol, Volker Dellwo, and Mathias Jenny
Phonological Variation in Phuan, Phinnarat Akharawatthanakun
Phospholipid microemulsions I : Determination of phase diagram and conductivity(ฟอสโฟลิปิดไมโครอิมัลชัน I : การศึกษาแผนภาพของวัตภาคและการนำไฟ..., Wanchai Sutananta
Phospholipid microemulsions: II. Electronphotomicrographs of systems containing butanol as a co-surfactant.(ฟอสโฟไลปีดไมโครอิมัลชัน: II. ภาพถ่ายจากกล้องจุลทรรศน..., Wanchai Sutananta
PHOSPHOLIPIDS, มณฑล สงวนเสริมศรี
Photocatalytic films for efficient gas phase CO2 reduction into value-added chemicals, Mohammad Fereidooni
Photoelectrochemical oxidation of benzyl alcohol in a continuous-flow microchannel reactor using titanium dioxide photoanode, Sirachat Sattayarak
Photopumped laser diode continuous wave for optical gain determination of Nd:YVO4 and Nd:YAG crystal medium, J Rajagukguk, W Chaiphaksa, J Kaewkhao, R Hidayat, and F Fitrilawati
Phrai, Neither Free Nor Bonded, Chatchai Panananon
Phra Phutha: A Thai Music Composition Based on Astrological Beliefs, Assanee Pleinsri and Bussakorn Binson
Phra Ram Chadok as the Attalaksana Literature of Laotian People, Niyada Laosunthon
Phra Sri An (Maitreya) as a Hero: A Structural Analysis of Phra Sri An Myths in Thai Society, Aphilak Kasempholkoon
พระปัญญาบารมีของพระเวสสันดร (Phra Wessantara's Pannaparami), ปรีชา ช้างขวัญยืน
อดีต ปัจจุบัน อนาคต : ภูกระดึง Phu Kradung
Physical and optical properties of 20CaO-(80-x)B2O3-xZnO glass system, N Jearnkulprasert, O Chaemlek, N Wantana, and J Kaewkhao
Physical and psychological factors associated with non-specific low back pain among female cleaners in academic settings, Kristsada Chaichan
Physical and strength properties of Fe/SiC composites under microwave hybrid sintering method, SN A. Daud, S M. Tahir, M S. Anuar, CN A. Jaafar, and MZ M. Yusoff
Physical properties of polyolefin/bamboo charcoal composites, S Kittinaovarat and W Suthamnoi
Physical property and compressive strength of fired clay bricks incorporated with paper waste, Anuwat SRISUWAN and Nonthaphong PHONPHUAK
Physicochemical and Microbial Analysis of Tap Water, Well Water and Sachet Water from Parts of Abeokuta South Local Government Area in Nigeria, Anslem Diayi, Ojo L.O., Gbadebo A. M., and Idabor V. N.
Physiologically based pharmacokinetic model of valproic acid using PK-sim, Lubna Gandevia, Sahithi Thotakura, and Surulivelrajan Mallayasamy
Phytochemical profile, HPLC analysis, and CNS activity of ethanol extract from the flowers of Borage, Haritha Polimati, Ho Viet Hieu, Rajeswari Pasupula, Srilakshmi Nallapaty, Srilekhya Ketha, and Alekhya Ketha
Phytochemical profiling and antioxidant potential of methanol extract of Vitis vinifera L seeds., Sindhuja Lakshmi, Kesavaram Padmavathy Dr, Thirunavukarasu UmaArasu Dr, and Dhandapani Prabu Dr
Phytochemical screening, antihyperglycemic, antihyperlipidemic, and antioxidant activities of parts of Cleome rutidosperma: A comparative study, Israel Oghenevwodokohwo Okoro, Ifeanyi Famous Ossamulu, and Edith Omozefe Okoro
Phytoplankton Community in Cage Culture Farm Areas in the Andaman Coast of Thailand, Suwat Tanyaros and David Crookall
Phytoplankton-Water Quality Relationship in Water Bodies in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam, Giao Thanh Nguyen and Huynh Thi Hong Nhien
เรื่องเก่าที่คุ้นเคย.....กับคำใหม่ที่เรียกว่า.....Phytoremediation., พันธวัศ สัมพันธ์พานิช
Pickling behavior of AISI 304 stainless steel in sulfuric and hydrochloric acid solutions, W Homjabok, S Permpoon, and G Lothongkum
Pickling kinetics of tertiary oxide scale formed on hot-rolled steel strip, Y Jatuphaksamphan, N Phinichka, K Prapakorn, and M Supradist
Piezoceramic-polymer and piezoceramic-cement composites: A brief review, S Inthong, S Eitssayeam, J Tontrakoon, and T Tunkasiri
จุฬาฯวันนี้ จุฬาลงกรณ์มหาวิทยาลัย...เสาหลักของแผ่นดิน(Pillar of the Kingdom), ภิรมณ์ กมลรัตนกุล
P. Intarapalit and his Pol Nikorn Kimnguan Comedy, Vichitvongna Pombhejara
สารเคมีในพืชสกุล Piper, กิตติศักดิ์ ลิขิตวิทยาวุฒิ
สารเคมีในพืชสกุล Piper, กิตติศักดิ์ ลิขิตวิทยาวุฒิ
ระดับเสียง การลงเสียงหนักเบาและจังหวะในการพูดของภาษาไทย (Pitch, Stress and Rhythm in Thai), Woranoot Pantupong
Planning and Difference: An Alternative to Deliberative and Social Mobilization Planning, Pitch Pongsawat
Plant produced therapies for ebola infection, Waranyoo Phoolcharoen and Matthew Paul
Plant Proteins VS Animal Proteins, Patchaya Phetchareon
Plasticity of light metal matrix composites under anodic polarization, Y B. Unigovski, E M. Gutman, Z Koren, and H Rosenson
Plato and Nietzsche: On Good and Bad Political Regimes, Pisan Mukdaratsami
Playing Techniques of New Pieces of Koto Music in Japanese Urban Culture, Kumkom Pornprasit
Pleomorphic adenoma: Review literature, Kittipong Dhanuthai
PM10 and PM2.5 from Haze Smog and Visibility Effect in Chiang Mai Province Thailand, Thitaporn Jeensorn, Pornphan Apichartwiwat, and Wanida Jinsart
ฝุ่น PM 2.5 ในประเทศไทย, อรุบล โชติพงศ์
หน้ากากกันฝุ่น กับ PM2.5, ศีลาวุธ ดำรงศิริ
PMI - A Tool for Student Reflection, Ubon Sanpatchayapong
Pneumatization of the sphenoid sinus on a panoramic radiograph, Pipop Sutthiprapaporn and Pornpop Rattana-arpha
Policy implications of urban greening to sustainable gentrification: a case study of Quezon city, Philippines, Joachim James De Castro
การถ่ายโอนนโยบายสาธารณะ (Policy Transfer)กระบวนการกำหนด นโยบายสื่อสาธารณะแห่งประเทศไทย, ธีรพัฒน์ องศุชวาล
Politeness Strategies in Research Articles: A Cross-disciplinary Study, Kunyarut Getkham
Politeness Strategies in Teacher-Student WhatsApp Communication, Herri Mulyono, Debby Rizki Amalia, and Gunawan Suryoputro
Political culture: Its nature and significance, Pricha Hongskrailers
Political development: Political culture approach, Likhit Dhiravegin
POLITICAL DISHARMONY IN THAI SOCIETY: A Lesson from the May 1992 Incident, Kritaya Archavanitkul, Anuchat Poungsomlee, Suporn Chunhavuttiyanont, and Varaporn Chamsanit
Political Economy of Agrarian Transformation & Peasant Movements in Contemporary Thailand: A Critical Observation, Pitch Pongsawat
Political economy of pragmatic refugee policies in Indonesia as a transit country, Yanuar Sumarlan
Political Forces In Thailand, Pornpilai Lertvicha
ภาวะผู้นำทางการเมือง (Political Leadership), สัญญา สัญญาวิวัฒน์
Politics and Bureaucracy behind Thai government's Issuance of Compulsory Licensing (CL), Kamolrat Chotesungnoen
Politics, porn, Pisok: a study of contemporary Minahasa, Indonesia, Philipp Borgs
มาช่วยลดมลภาวะกันเถอะ (Pollution Prevention), สุวรรณ สงค์ประชา
Poly(ester urethane)-crosslinked carboxymethylchitosan as a highly water swollen hydrogel, Nunthiya DEEPUPPHA, Apiwat KADNAIM, Boonjira RUTNAKORNPITUK, and Metha RUTNAKORNPITUK
Polymeric eutectic drug delivery system, S. Tuntarawongsa and T. Phaechamud
Popular Techniques of Buddhist Meditation as Apparatus for Mental Health Development in Thailand, Orawan Pilunowad
Porokeratosis Ptychotropica With Scalp Involvement: A Case Report, Kobpat Phadungsaksawasdi and Pravit Asawanonda
Porous NiTi produced by NiTiTa transient-liquid-assisted method, O. Worasub and A. Bansiddhi
Portfolios : An Additional or Alternative Method of Assessment in English Courses, Tim Hartigan
แฟ้มสะสมผลงานกับการประเมินผลการปฏิบัติงานและการพัฒนาความสามารถของพยาบาลวิชาชีพ (Portfolio with Performance Evaluation and Competencies Development of Professional Nurses), สุดารัตน์ ครุฑกะ and ยุพิน อังสุโรจน์
ประสบการณ์ : ห้องผ่าตัดใน Portland, Oregon, U.S.A., ศัลยา ไผ่เข็มศิริมงคล
Postcolonialism and the study of Indology in India: A Reading of Selected Works of K. K. Handiqui, Bedika Bhattacharjee
ความสัมพันธ์ระหว่างความพึงพอใจในสวัสดิการกับความผูกพันองค์กร: กรณีศึกษาพนักงาน บริษัท วิทยุการบินแห่งประเทศไทย จำกัด ที่ปฏิบัติงานส่วนสำนักงานใหญ่ ในยุค Post-COVID-19, ชญาภรณ์ นันท์นฤมิตร
Post-earnings announcement drift in Thai REITs - a take from the recent pandemic, Chawan Ratapana
นวนิยายเข้ารอบคัดเลือกซีไรต์ กับลักษณะคตินิยมหลังสมัยใหม่ (Postmodernism), อิราวดี ไตลังคะ
Postmodernism in Thai Poetry: Saksiri Meesomsueb's Tukta Roi Sai, Soraj Hongladanrom
Postoperative intussusception after congenital diaphragmatic hernia repair: a report of 2 cases, Saralee Matanaromyakit, Nimmita Srisan, Somboon Roekwibunsi, and Paisarn Vejchapipat
Post-orientalism on the Thai-Lao Border from 1954 to 2019(สภาวะหลังบูรพคดีศึกษานิยมในการตีความชายแดนไทยลาว จากปี ค.ศ.1954 - 2019), Thanachate Wisaijorn
ปัญหาทางจิตเวชหลังคลอด (Postpartum Psychiatric Disorders), ชุติมา หรุ่มเรืองวงษ์
Potential Biosurfactant-producing Bacteria from Pharmaceutical Wastewater using Simple Screening Methods in South-West, Nigeria, Aderonke K. Akintokun, Seun O. Adebajo, and Caroline A. Akinremi
Potential Degradation and Kinetics of Melanoidin by Using Laccase from White Rot Fungus, Wittawat Toomsan, Pinthita Mungkarndee, Sophon Boonlue, Nguyen Thanh Giao, and Sumana Siripattanakul-Ratpukdi
Potential effects of Yahom and Thai massage on blood pressure in prehypertension patients, Aumpol Bunpean, Oratai Neamsuvan, Sanan Subhadhirasakul, and Thanyaluck Siriyong
Potential of End of Life Vehicles Directive Implementation in Thai Automotive Industry, Sayam Aroonsrimorakot and Sirirat Akaraj
Potential of Producing Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) from Municipal Solid Waste at Rajamangala University of Technology Isan Surin Campus, Tiammanee Weerasak and Sompop Sanongraj
Potential of Recycle Waste Bank Project for Community Waste Reduction: A Case Study of Sub-Sin Pattana Community, Bang Khun Thien, Bangkok, Sayam Aroonsrimorakot and Piyaruk Pradabphetrat
Potential of Using Surfactants to Enhance Ammonium and Nitrate Adsorption on Rice Husk and Its Biochar, Lada Mathurasa and Seelawut Damrongsiri
บทกวี เรื่องสั้น เรื่องแปล : POUR FAIRE LE PORTRAIT D'UN OISEAU, Jacques Prevert
Povidone-lodine U.S.P. XIX, สมเกียรติ รุจิวัฒน์
Powder injection moulding of cemented carbides: Feedstock preparation and injection moulding, N Chuankrerkkul, P F. Messer, and H A. Davies
Pozzolanic activity of rice husk ash: Comparison of various electrical methods, S Wansom, S Janjaturaphan, and S Sinthupinyo
Pr3+ doped BaO:ZnO:B2O3:TeO2 glasses for laser host matrix, R Rajaramakrishna, C Wongdeeying, P Yasaka, P Limkitjaroenporn, N Sangwaranatee, and J Kaewkhao
Practical guide line-Ethical of researcher(ปกิณกะ : แนวทางปฏิบัต จรรยาบรรณนักวิจัย), สำนักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแห่งชาติ
Practicing and Conducting Oral Tests in the Classroom, David Evans and John Herbert
Pragmatic Dimensions of Communicative Language Teaching, Achara Wongsothorn
Pragmatics and Politeness in the Second Language Classroom, Robb Armstrong
Prague Soundscapes: Listening to the City - Urban Soundscapes Revisited, Kjell Skyllstad
Praratchapuccha: Development and Significance in Buddhist Society, Pisit Kobbun
Pratricia E. Matthers, and Sabahat Tura. Practice, Plan, and Write, Bill Helz
Predicting factors of dietary behaviors among patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, Ratchanee Prarach and Noraluk Ua-kit
Predicting newcomer’s turnover using predictive analytics : A case study of Thai financial firm in Bangkok, Thailand, Meena Kittikunsiri
Prediction models for beauty products monthly sales with price promotion, Nichakan Phupaichitkun
Prediction of Ehrlichia canis and Babesia canis in canine blood sample by Mindray BC-5000 Vet hematology analyzer, Sorawat Thongsahuan, Hansuk Buncherd, Supinya Thanapongpichat, Sataporn Noosong, Siriyaporn Choobunsong, and Kanitta srinoun
Prediction of tensile strength for sandwich injection molded short-glass-fiber reinforced thermoplastics, S Patcharaphun and G Mennig
Predictive factors of success in the first radioactive iodine treatment for Graves’ disease, Pinyaporn On-Ekkasit
Predictive Validity of the CU-TEP as an Indicator of Students’ Academic Achievement in English, Chalatip Charnchairerk
Predictors of Academic Performance among Baccalaureate Students Thammasat University(ปัจจัยทํานายสมรรถนะทํางด้านการเรียนของนักศึกษาระดับปริญญาตรี มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร์), Nutchanart Bunthumporn, Sararud Vuthiarpa, and Sukan Vattanaamorn
Predictors of Test Performance in English for Consumer Product Marketing, Nisa Vongpadungkiat and Kanchana Prapphal
Preface, Amara Prasithrathsint
Preface Kasit Piromya, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Thailand
Preface to the Special Issue of Green Mining "Mineral Resources, Mining and Environmental Management in ASEAN", David A.C. Manning
Preferred English Accent and Pronunciation of Trainee Teachers and Its Relation to Language Ideologies, Ali Karakaş
Preliminary Feasibility of Using Natural Wetland for University Wastewater Treatment: A Case Study, Nittaya Pasukphun, Yanasinee Suma, Vivat Keawdunglek, Pussadee Laor, and Anuttara Hongtong
Preliminary Report on "A Survey Study of the Language Centers in Five Continents", Arunee Wiriychitra, Suphat Sukamolson, and Wanida Kamolvej
Preliminary Study of Color Removal from Moh Hom Dyeing Wastewater Using a Low Cost Activated Carbon Derived from Pineapple Waste, Nittaya Pasukphun and Yanasinee Suma
Preliminary Study of Distribution and Quantity of Plastic-debris on Beaches Along the Coast at Phuket Province, Pensiri Akkajit, Sudarat Thongnonghin, Siriporn Sriraksa, and Supissara Pumsri
Preliminary study of effects of a standardized extract of Centella asiatica ECa 233 on minor aphthous ulcers, Chalandakorn Ruengprasertkit, Naulchavee Hongprasong, Boonyong Tantisira, and Mayuree H. Tantisira
Preparation and catalytic property of high surface area mixed oxides from calcination of MgCuCr- and MgCuAl-layered double hydroxides, W. Trakarnpruk
Preparation and characteristics of galangal essential oil/alginate microcapsules, T Jiamrungraksa and S Charuchinda
Preparation and characterization of epoxidized natural rubber and epoxidized natural rubber/carboxylated styrene butadiene rubber blends, Saowaroj CHUAYJULJIT, Thongchai NUTCHAPONG, Onusa SARAVARI, and Anyaporn BOONMAHITTHISUD
Preparation and characterization of highly filled graphite-based polybenzoxazine composites, A. Pengdam and S. Rimdusit
Preparation and characterization of lake pigments from sappan wood using Thai local clays, Jitnapa SIRIRAK, Nattawan WORAWANNOTAI, Cheewita SUWANCHAWALIT, and Supanee CHAYABUTRA
Preparation and characterization of particles from chitosan with different molecular weights and their trimethyl chitosan derivatives for nasal immunization, W Boonyo, H E. Junginger, N Waranuch, A Polnok, and T Pitaksuteepong
Preparation and characterization of silicon from rice hulls, E Swatsitang and M Krochai
Preparation and characterizations of highly filled graphene-polybenzoxazine composites, R Plengudomkit, M Okhawilai, and S Rimdusit
Preparation and properties of fired clay bricks with added wood ash, Anuwat Srisuwan, Supachai Sompech, Chiawchan Saengthong, Sukhontip Thaomola, Prinya Chindraprasirt, and Nonthaphong Phonphuak
Preparation and properties of superhydrophobic cotton fabrics, P Kampeerapappun, K Visatchok, and D Wangarsa
Preparation of alginate/2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate composite beads: Role of fillers and characteristics of bead formation, Somkiet URUSETTHANON, Somchai UDON, and Boonsri KUSUKTHAM
Preparation of alginate beads by ionic gelation method using Encapsulator B-390: Effect of process parameters on physical properties of beads, Nillapat Funfakjit, Nattakan Kanana, Kasorn Manopakdee, and Dusadee Charnvanich
Preparation of copper lead frame by powder metallurgy technique, P Y. Chew, A H. You, T R. Vijayaram, B K. See, P S. Lim, and M C. Ng
Preparation of hydrophobic chitosan using complexation method for PLA/chitosan blend, P Chouwatat, P Polsana, P Noknoi, K Siralertmukul, and K Srikulkit
Preparation of N-acetyl-D-Glucosamine Using Enzyme from Aspergillus sp., P Setthakaset, R Pichyangkura, A Ajavakom, and M Sukwattanasinitt
Preparation of organosilane treated microcrystalline (SiMCC) and SiMCC/polypropylene composites, P. Thummanukitcharoen, S. Limpanart, and K. Srikulkit
Preparation of silica gel from rice husk ash using microwave heating, S Rungrodnimitchai, W Phokhanusai, and N Sungkhaho
Preparation of ultrafine silver powder using glycerol as reducing agent, E Nisaratanaporn and K Wongsuwan
Preparaton of selenium nanoparticles stabilized by pullulan and derivatives, Punnida Nonsuwan
Preparing Oral Examinations, Ted Goldenberg
Presence of the Ade multidrug systems and response to triclosan exposure in Acinetobacter baumannii from animal origins, Sirawit Pagdepanichkit and Rungtip Chuanchuen
Present status of Global Halal Food Market, Winai Dablau
Preserving a Master: Edvard Munch & His Painted Sketches, Erika Gohde Sandbakken and Eva Storevik Tveit
Preserving Urban Roots:The Case of Shakhari Bazaar, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Maher Niger
Presynchronization in Sheep Ensures Synchronization of Next Estrus and Improves Fertility, Bülent Bülbül, Mehmet Köse, Mesut Kırbaş, Kenan Çoyan, Mehmet B. Ataman, Emine A. Bekçi, Seyit Ümütlü, Uğur Demirci, and Bumin E. Teke
Prevalence and Factors Associated with Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorder among Central Sterile Supply Technicians in Nakhon Si Thammarat Province, Thailand, Withaya Chanchai Dr, Ratree Nacglud Ms, Keatkongkrai Bunnum Mr., Nureeya Promsorn Mrs., Laddawan Duangmusik Mrs., Warunee Suwanrat Mrs., Wichuda Chantasin, and Kritsana Thonnan Ms.
Prevalence and genetic characterization of Porcine Circoviruses in Thai swine farms during 2019-2020, Chaitawat Sirisereewan
Prevalence and Pathology of Endoparasitic Infections of Rock Pigeons (Columba livia) in Taiwan, Chih-Li Yu and Yen-Li Huang
Prevalence and Predictive Factors of Poor Sleep Quality among the Elderly in the Urban Areas of Lampang Province, Northern Thailand, Pornrapath Jamwong, Punyanuch Borisuth, Kunyanut Chaiwoot, Supang Wattanasoei, Supa Vittaporn, Ruchirada Changkwanyeun, Kasama Pooseesod, Patcharin Khamnaun, Surangrat Pongpan, and Sayambhu Saita
Prevalence and risk factor analysis of feline blood-borne pathogens in Thailand, Nonsee Rodmanee
Prevalence and risk factors associated with denture stomatitis, Siripen Pesee, Boonsong Pratipsawangwong, and Chatchai Pesee
Prevalence of Coronavirus and Rotavirus in dairy calves in north-central of Algeria, DADDA Anes, MOHAMED CHERIF Abdellah, and KHELEF Djamel
Prevalence of Fatigue and Its Determinants among Chemical Transportation Drivers in Chonburi, Sujee Phatrabuddha, Thitima Wonginta, and Nantaporn Phatrabuddha
Prevalence of oral Candida carriage in denture wearers, Pratanporn Arirachakaran, Pornpan Piboonratanakit, Prudsaporn Kiatkroekkrai, Mingkhwan Sornmai, and Nattapong Srimart
Prevalence of preoperative delirium and associated factors in elderly hip fracture patients at King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital, Paul Thisayakorn
Prevalence of Small t trauma in Depressed Adolescent and Early Adulthood Patient in King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital, Krittapast Thongrakyoo, Puchong Laurujisawat, and Parichawan Chandarasiri
Prevention of trafficking in persons for forced sea fishery work in Thailand, Wicha Jampawan
Preventive effects of quercetin on the leaky gut by suppression of IL-1beta-induced transcription factors involved in an inflammatory pathway in colonic epithelial cells, Wannaporn Chayalak, Sumpun Thammacharoen, Chatsri Deachapunya, and Sutthasinee Poonyachoti
Priestly accent?: an acoustic study of voice onset time in Hindi speakers in Bangkok(สําเนียงพราหมณ์พิธี?: การวิเคราะห์ค่าทางกลสัทศาสตร์ของช่วงเวลาเริ่มเสียงก้องของผู้พูดภาษาฮินดีที่อาศัยอยู่ในกรุงเทพมหานคร), Chatchawan Janadisornchai and Sujinat Jitwiriyanont
Primary analysis of effective permeability of the flame in burning natural gas, R Jaroslav and R Magdalena
Primary Lung and Pleural Malignancies in Children: Imaging of a Case Series, Teerasak Phewplung and Tanitha Phruksahirun
Primary product exports and growth : The case of Thailand, Nicholas A. Lash
Principle of Meta-analysis of Clinical Trials(การสังเคราะห์ข้อมูลโดยวิธี meta-analysis), Nalinee Poolsup
วิวัฒนาการของความร่วมมือในเกม Prisoner's Dilemma, ฐิติเทพ สิทธิยศ
Privacy: A Philosophy Sketch and a Reach for a Thai Perception, Pirongrong Ramasoota Rananand
Proactive use of Perturbation Training on balance and posture control in geriatric rehabilitation- An Experimental Study, Reema Joshi and Kinjal Shah
Problems in international relations, Andrew Gyorgy, Hubert S. Gibbs, and Roberts Jordan
Problems in Japanese to Thai Translation -A focus on Lexical Translation-(ปัญหาการแปลภาษาญี่ป่นเป็นภาษาไทย -การแปลคําศัพท์-), Somkiat Chawengkijwanich
Problems in Writing of Chulalongkorn University Students and the Evaluation of the Constructed Writing Lessons, Priya Teerawong, Suppawan Lilavivat, Siriporn Pongsurapipat, Boonsiri Anantasate, and Naraporn Rochanachandra
Problem-Solving in the Trickster Tales of Nasrdin Avanti: Folktales from the Uyghur People, Intira Charuchinda
Procedures for Materials Evaluation, Uma Srisupinanont
Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference of Public Health Sciences
Process design and evaluation of value-added chemical production from crude glycerol obtained from biodiesel industry, Piyawan Thanahiranya
Processing and properties of palm oil-based rigid polyurethane foam, S Chuayjuljit, T Sangpakdee, and O Saravari
Processing of nano fillers in nitrile rubber A novel technique, Abitha V. K., Ajay VASUDEO RANE, and K. RAJKUMAR
Process parameter-microstructure-mechanical property relations of SiCp-reinforced aluminum composites produced by powder-injection casting, M Bunma, P Subarporn, R Bobuangern, T Patthannkitdamrong, T Thuanwong, and T Patcharawit
Production of Charcoal Briquettes from Palmyra Palm Waste in Kirimat District, Sukhothai Province, Thailand, Chanphen Chumsang and Pitak Upan
Production of Natural Dyed Palm Yarns and Fabrics, Chanphen Chumsang and Pitak Upan
Production of poly-?-glutamic acid by Bacillus licheniformis: Synthesis and characterization, N. Konglom, C. Chuensangjun, C. Pechyen, and S. Sirisansaneeyakul
Production of silica-based ceramics sintered under nitrogen atmosphere from rice husk and sugarcane bagasse ash, Wiphawan KHOPTHONG and Benya CHERDHIRUNKORN
Production of sponge rubber for monolayer rubber stamp using salt leaching method, W Trakanpruk and Y Rodthong
Production of vanillate from lignin derivatives using genetically modifiedescherichia coli, Jedsadakorn Ninrat
Production Technique and Pharmaceutical Application of Microspheres.Part II. Other Production Techniques / Comparion and Application(เทคนิคการผลิตไมโครสเฟียร์และการประยุกต์ท..., ธวัชชัย แพชมัด and กาญจน์พิมล ฤทธิเดช
Productivity of Young Broilers Fed Phyllanthus niruri Linn and Melaleuca cajuput Leaf Meal as a Phytogenic Feed Additive, Listya Purnamasari
Product variation and equilibrium, Prachoom Chomchai
ปกิณกะ : Professor Dr. Joseph F. Volker, Whom I knew, Vinai Sirichitra
กิจกรรมการทดสอบความชำนาญ (Proficiency Testing) ห้องปฏิบัติการสถาบันวิจัยสภาวะแวดล้อมจุฬาฯ, วลีพร ศรีเพ็ญประภา
Progestin-Based Non-Surgical Contraception in dogs and cats: A National Survey of Practices among Thai Veterinarians, Shanaporn Leelakajornkit, Piyaporn Kamdee, and Suppawiwat Ponglowhapan
Progression Markers in Vietnamese Narrative, Somsonge Burusphat
Progressive Women in Japan and Thailand during the Modernization Period: A Comparative Study, Pipada Yongcharoen
Proliferative verrucous leukoplakia: a literature review, Ekarat Phattarataratip
Prolonged Undernutrition and the Risk of Anemia in Indonesian Children, Ratu Ayu Dewi Sartika, Septi Lidya Sari, Winda Mulia Ningsih, and Fadila Wirawan
Promoting Cultural Traditions, Social Inclusion and Local Community Participation in Environmental Development Schemes, Dickson Adom
Promoting Halal-Tayyib Food Consumer Protection: Halal Food and Nutrition Alert (HAFANA) in the Southern Border Areas, Fakrutdin Tapohtoh
Promoting the Value of Non-Native English-Speaking Teachers, Flora D. Floris and Willy A. Renandya
Pronunciation Clinic, Tanyaporn Arya
Proper and Improper Behaviors / Conducts of EFL Instructors as Perceived by English-Majored Students, Kriengsukdi Syananondh and Watana Padgate
Proper Dissemination of Information to Improve People Awareness on Flood Disaster: A Case Study of 2011 Flood in Thailand, Neelima A. Molla, Jatuwat Sangsanont, Parinda Thayanukul, and Hiroaki Furumai
Properties evaluation of sodium nitrite treated chitosan-cotton fabric, S Srisuk and K Srikulkit
Properties in hardness of Al-Cu couples diffused at 813 K, J Hinojosa-Torres and JM Aceves-Hernández
Properties of binary and ternary composites of polypropylene containing soybean oil-g-chitosan and hydrophobic phosphonated silica, Natthaphop SUWANNAMEK and Kawee SRIKULKIT
Properties of collagen/chitosan scaffolds for skin tissue engineering, C Tangsadthakun, S Kanokpanont, N Sanchavanakit, T Banaprasert, and S Damrongsakkul
Properties of natural rubber latex filled with bacterial cellulose produced from pineapple peels, T Saowapark, E Chaichana, and A Jaturapiree
Properties of UV-curable screen printing inks containing oligolactide acrylates, S Kulsiriswad, O Saravari, and K Srikulkit
Properties of wood-plastic composites based on PVC/PLA/PBAT ternary blend, Laksamon RAKSAKSRI, Phasawat CHAIWUTTHINAN, Amnouy LARPKASEMSUK, Saowaroj CHUAYJULJIT, and Anyaporn BOONMAHITTHISUD
Property enhancement of polybenzoxazine modified with maleic anhydride, W Punuch, M Okhawilai, and S Rimdusit
Property of Lignite Fly Ash as a Substitute of Lime Materials and Ammonia Reduction in Water, Chumlong Arunlertaree
Property tourism and the facilitation of investment -migration mobility in Asia, Koh Sin Yee
Proposing a Conservation Management Plan for Bara Katra, Shirajom Monira Khondker and Mehnaz Tabassum
Prospects for U.S. - East Asian Economic Relations, Zhou Jing
Prostaglandins กับการคุมกำเนิด, อารี สุขประเสริฐ
PROSTITUTES AND BUDDHIS, Chatsumarn Kabilsingh
Protecting Cultural Space or Urban Re-colonization: When Do Cultural Districts Cross the Line?, Tom Borrup
Protective Immunity of the Pore-Forming Domains of Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae Apx Toxins in a Mouse Model, Kamonpun Chuekwon, Li-Ting Cheng, and Chun-Yen Chu
Proto-Karen (*k-rjanA) Fauna, Theeraphan Luangthongkum
Providing "Survival Bags" to Those Affected by the Spread of COVID-19 in the Southern Part of Thailand, Nurulhuda Umar
Provision of Public Health Services for Muslims in Indonesia, Budihardja Singgih
การรักษาแผลติดเชื้อ Pseudomonas ในช่องปาก - รายงานผู้ป่วย, กอบกาญจน์ ทองประสม and พรรณี สุ่มสวัสดิ์
Public Accountability in Thai Public Service, Tin Prachyapruit
Publications Available at CULI
Public hearing on Thailand's Halal Standard
'Public' Prayer Rooms of Contemporary Bangkok, Winyu Ardrugsa
Public/Private Open Space? Analysis of Multiple Intensive Land Use in Hong Kong, Mohammad Zakaria Ibne Razzaque
Public Sector versus Civil Society: An Approach to Affordable Housing Development in Thailand, Chaweewan Denpaiboon, Vimolsiddhi Horayangkura, and Mitsuo Takada
Pulmonary rehabilitation for critically ill elderly patients with COVID-19 in Thailand: A report of two cases, Thitapa Issaragraisin and Jirapa Champaiboon
Pulpal blood flow in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats measured by laser Doppler flowmetry, Supathra Amatyakul, Daroonwan Chakraphan, Siriporn Chotipaibulpan, and Suthiluk Patumraj
Purchase behavior toward luxury fashion brands during Thailand's economic recovery after the COVID-19 pandemic among generation Y consumers, Jaruwarin Palarungsri
Purification of an industrial aluminum alloy by melt stirring during Ohno Continuous Casting process, S Fashu, L Jianguo, and H Q. Dan
Push Economic Cooperation Between Southwest China and Thailand Forward, Zhu Zhenming
PVD coatings applied on the tool steels, M Hagarová, D Jakubéczyová, and M Vojtko
Pyrazole-oxime as reactivator for Chlorpyrifos inhibited Acetylcholinesterase: Synthesis and In Vitro reactivation study, Manjunatha Katagi, Jennifer Fernandes, Girish Bolakatti, B. P. Nandeshwarappa, M. L. Sujatha, D. K. Ramesh, and Shivlingrao Mamledesai
Q&A : FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions by HSC Academic Team
Qatar Announce Guidelines for Importing Halal Food, Habilla Chapakiya
Qualitative Research : What Is It and How Can It Be Used in TESOL in Thailand?, Araya Maurice and Keith Maurice
Qualitative risk analysis on likelihood of Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) reintroduction in the Philippines through the importation of dairy cattle from FMD-free zones with vaccination in Brazil, Emerson P. Tapdasan and Kenny Oriel A. Olana
Quality of life in patients prescribed vitamin B1-6-12 for treatment of sensory impairment related-mandibular orthognathic surgery, Kamolratanakul Paksinee, Ruxwongkana Taya, Kraisittisirikul Gun, Trising Worawee, and Subbalekha Keskanya
Quality of Wastewater from Creaming Process of Skim Natural Rubber Later Using Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose, Jurairat Nitayapat, Surapich Loykulnant, and Puttaruksa Varanusupakul
Quantification of Environmental Flow Requirement of the Khun Dan Prakan Chon Dam Using Hydrological-Hydraulic-Habitat Simulation Methods, Penpicha Nakvachara, Areeya Rittima, and Yutthana Talaluxmana
Quantifying Real Estate Externalities:Evidence on the Whole Foods Effect, Kanis Saengchote
Quantitative assessment of preoperative and postoperative brachycephalic airway obstruction syndrome surgery using clinical grading questionnaires and 6-minute walk test in French bulldogs, Tamolwan Anyamaneecharoen, Krishaporn Kradangnga, Saikaew Sutayatram, Pasakorn Brikshavana, and Sumit Durongphongtorn
Quantitative evaluation of different fixatives for Masson trichrome staining in canine intestinal tissue: An image analysis-based comparative study, Siriluck Juntausa, Kongkiat Srisuwatanasagul, Kittipot Kongsonthana, punnarat Vibulchan, and Sayamon Srisuwatanasagul
Quantitative trait loci analysis for antioxidant traits in rice Oryza sativa L., Saranyu Thaworn
Quenched and tempered high strength steel:A review, Gadadhar Sahoo, Krishna Kumar Singh, and Vinod Kumar
Questions about Questionnaires : Potential, Problems, and Principles for Language Teachers, Keith Maurice and Araya Maurice
ตัวแบบคิว (Queuing Model) กับการแก้ปัญหา รอรับบริการ, ชัยลิทธิ์ เฉลิมมีประเสริฐ
Rabelais กับความคิดในการปรับแก้สังคมมนุษย์, ทัศนีย์ นาควัชระ
Race, Gender, Illness, and US-Third World Relations during the Cold War, Soravis Jayanama
Radar Quality Index for a Mosaic of Radar Reflectivity over Chao Phraya River Basin, Thailand, Nattapon Mahavik and Sarintip Tantanee
Radiation Doses of Intraoral Radiographs in Dental Patients, Suwadee Kositbowornchai
Radiographic study of impacted premolars and review of the literature, Wichitsak Cholitgul and Callum S. Durward
Radiomics-based prediction of radiation-induced hypothyroidism in nasopharyngeal cancer patients, Napat Ritlumlert
Radiosynthesis of novel 68ga-labelled-α-cyclodextrin for pet imaging, Sirapop Sriaumpai
Rak Thi Tong Montra: A Modern Interpretation of Phra Lo in the Rattakosin Period, Cholada Ruengruglikit
Ramakian in Modern Performance: A Way to Cope with a Cultural Crisis, Kittisak Kerdarunsuksri
Random forest algorithm using quartile-patternbootstrapping for class imbalanced problem, Worawit Jitpakdeebodin
Rapid Estimate of Adult Literacy in Medicine (REALM) is associated with congestive heart failure (CHF) Discharge Summary Comprehension, but not Readmission, Ann Schindler, Danielle Baek, and Shoshana Weiner
Rapid Urbanization and the Informational Metacity in China, David Grahame Shane
Rattlings from the gender prison: A look at contemporary Indian children's literature, Siriporn Sriwarakan
Ravanasura: Replay the Rashomon Effects and Revise Our Conflicts(ราพณาสูร: บทละครเล่าย้อนความขัดแย้ง), Dangkamon Na-pombejra
REACH ระเบียบว่าด้วยสารเคมีของสหภาพยุโรป, รดาวรรณ ศิลปโภชากุล
Reach Back, Reach Deep, Reach Out: A Case History of the Songs of Memory Project in the Community, Victoria Vorreiter
"Reaching the unreached": The role of civil society in providing access to education for migrant children from Myanmar in Thailand, Kristine Stenbeck
Readdressing Dhaka's Public Water Bodies: A Design Research, Sanne Peeters and Kelly Shannon
Reader's Theater: An Alternative Tool to Develop Reading Fluency among Thai EFL learners, Panya Lekwilai
Reading Comprehension: An Active Engagement or a Passive Experience?, Malinee Chandavimol
Reading Comprehension Techniques Through Broad Contexts of Language, Prakaikaew Pasurapunya
Reading English Discourse : Business, Economics, Laws, and Political Science Reviewed by Ponsawan Chavanachat, Lyle F. Bachman and Ponsawan Chavanachat
Reading Faster, Paul Nation
ความยืดหยุ่นในการอ่าน (Reading Flexibility), รัชนี ซอโสตถิกุล
Reading of the English of Science and Technology : An Overview of the Literature, Dusadee Chulasai
Reading Portfolio and Video-mediated Reflection Tasks: University Studentsʼ Engagement in Dialogic Reading, Reni Kusumaningputri
Reading Portfolio Assessment : The Case of Taiwan EFL Learners, Chin Min Lin
Reading Problems and Exercises for Thai Learners of English
Reading Through Multimedia: Wasteful or Worthwhile, Malinee Chandavimol
Ready resiliency : A hobson's choice in Thai diplomacy, Wiwat Mungkandi
แนวความคิดขององค์การสังคมและการบริหาร : ข้อเสนอเบื้องต้นของทัศนะอรรถนิยม (Realism), โกวิทย์ กังสนันท์
Real time PCR เทคนิคที่ใช้ในการตรวจหาดีเอ็นเอของเนื้อสุกร
Recent advances in a three-dimensional fabrication of hydroxyapatite-based biomaterials for craniofacial bone regeneration, Chanekrid Oupadissakoon and Weerachai Singhatanadgit
Recent developments in the field of metal foam-polymer hybrid materials: A brief overview, A Chaturvedi
Recent Popular Movements in Thailand in Global Perspective, Pasuk Phongpaichit
Recent Publications on Asian Women Studies
Recent trends in Thailand's external trade, Prachoom Chomchai
Recipes for Tired Teachers Reviewed by Saree Kulsiriswad, Christopher Sion and Saree Kulsiriswad
Reciprocal Teaching in Reading Comprehension, Reongrudee Naranunn
Reclaiming the Lost Architectural Heritage Sompur Mahavihara:Through Conjectural Restoration, Tanzila Samad Choudhury
Recollections of Ajarn M.L. Boonlua Debyasuvarn, R.J. Owens
Reconceptualizing lndianization: A Study of the Art of the Local Female Deities, Rattanaporn Poungpattana
Recording the past of "peoples without history": Southeast Asia’s sea nomads, Barbara Watson Andaya
Recovery of Metals from Electronic Waste by Reduction Melting Method, Pornpaitoon Laosombatthawee, Dawan Wiwattanadate, and Sujarinee Kotchawattana
Recovery of recycled poly(ethylene terephthalate) via melt mixing with poly(butylene succinate) and ultrafine wollastonite, P Chaiwutthinan, S Chuayjuljit, A Boonmahitthisud, and A Larpkasemsuk
Recovery of zinc from the spent zinc-carbon dry cell batteries through pyrometallurgical route, M Haque Khan and ASW Kurny
Re-creation of Tribals: Debt, Bonded Slavery and Bonded Prostitution in Mahasweta Devi's Imaginary Maps, Kittiphong Praphan
การลดปริมาณขยะ : การนำวัสดุใช้แล้ว กลับมาหมุนเวียนใช้ใหม่/ผลิตใหม่ (RECYCLE), ธนพรรณ สุนทระ
ข่าวสิ่งแวดล้อม RECYCLE+ แนวทางการแยกขยะแบบใหม่ในรั้วจุฬาฯ, ศีลาวุธ ดำรงศิริ and สุจิตรา วาสนาดำรงดี
Recycled poly(ethylene terephthalate)/polypropylene/wollastonite composites using PP-g-MA as compatibilizer: Mechanical, thermal and morphological properties, P Chaiwutthinan, S Suwannachot, and A Larpkasemsuk
Recycling of medical gown nonwoven fabric manufacturing waste as a filler for high density polyethylene, P Singsatit and V Pimpan
Redefining Places for Art, Helen Lancaster and Huib Schippers
Reduced Forms and Liaisons in the Teaching of English to Thai Learners, Tanyaporn Arya
การส่างเสริมองค์กรปกครองส่วนท้องถิ่นในการดำนเนงานด้านการลด ใช้ซ้ำ และแปรรูปใช้ใหม่ (Reduce Reuse Recycle: 3Rs), บัญชาการ วินัยพานิช
Reducing the Effects of Oxidative and Nitrosative Stress on Viability of the Broiler Blood Cells when Exposed to High Ambient Temperatures by Using Tannic Acid, Jaroon Wandee, Piyarat Srinontong, and Worapol Aengwanich
Reduction of GHG Emissions Using Zeolite 4A under Different Fertilizer Usages in Rice Cultivation, Patthanant Natpinit, Borisut Chantrawongphaisal, Rewadee Anuwattana, Thitirat Ditkaew, Chotika Kongsomboon, Phavit Thapnui, and Phongsak Hongcharoensri
REEs: ปัญหามลพิษที่ถูกมองข้าม?, ธีรพล คังคะเกตุ
Re-examining Productive-Skills Anxiety Constructs in Online Instructional Contexts Involving Thai Undergraduates Following the COVID-19 Pandemic, Teaka Sowaprux and Chatraporn Piamsai
Reference Document on Language Situations in Seameo Countries for the UNESCO-RELC Conference on Language Teaching Issues : A Report from Thailand, Achara Wangsothorn, Theraphan L. Thongkham, Suppawan Leelawiwat, and Suphat Sukamolsun
Referential Choices in Narratives of 4-year-old Thai-speaking Children, Theeraporn Ratitamkul
Refining the Adaptive Capacity Framework for World Heritage Management, Montira Unakul
Reflection and Projection on Thailand's Language Education Policy for the New Millennium, Achara Wongsothorn
Reflections on American foreign policy and communism: The Southeast Asian case, David L. Thornton
Reflections on Capitalism and the Military in Modern Thailand, Giles Ungpakorn
Reflections on UNESCO 2nd World Conference on Arts Education Seoul, South Korea, May 2010, Michele Root-Bernstein and Robert Root-Bernstein
Reflective Practice in Teacher Education: Issues, Challenges, and Considerations, Ponsawan Suphasri and Sumalee Chinokul
Reforming the Thai Print Media, Duncan McCargo
Regional cooperation in Southeast Asia: Problems, possibilities and prospects
Regional differences in urbanization in Thailand 1947 - 1967, Sidney Goldstein
Reheat treated microstructures and gamma prime particle coarsening behaviour at 900˚C of cast nickel based superalloy IN-738, S Polsilapa, P Sopon, N Panich, N Chuankrerkkul, and A Thueploy
Reimagining Eden: Homoerotic Relationships in Emily Dickinson's Poetry, Chutima Pragatwutisarn
Reintegration into Thai society of Thai female returnees with children from Japan, Yuko Kato
Reintegration of Thai Returnees in the Context of Sex Trafficking, Aatcharaporn Chaowahem
Reinterpreting the 'Body' in the Second Sex, Supakwadee Amatayakul
Reinvigorating Urban Under Space:Towards a New Type of Public Landscape, Yujia Wang and Gandong Cai
Rekindling the Torch: Report on the 29th International Society for Music Education (ISME) World Conference Beijing, China, August 2010, Kjell Skyllstad
Relationship between Annual Average Concentration of Ambient PM10 and Out-patients with Respiratory Disease: Thailand Case Study, Thoucha Rummasak
Relationship between parathyroid hormone level and parathyroid gland size and numbers in renal hyperparathyroidism, Thanattha Intrarak, Netsiri Damrongpisutikul, and Tunchanok Paprad
Relationship of hyperlipidemia and gallbladder sludge scores in dogs with hyperadrenocorticism, Jayeop Jo, Dohee Lee, Taesik Yun, Yoonhoi Koo, Yeon Chae, Dongwoo Chang, Byeong-Teck Kang, Mhan-Pyo Yang, Kyung-Duk Min, and Hakhyun Kim
Relationship of the Quantity of Blood Lead Levels and the Knowledge, Work Practice, and Attitude of Workers in a Recycling Battery Factory in Nakhonsawan Province, Santi Keadthongthawee and Piyalamporn Havanond
ความสัมพันธ์ระหว่างปัจจัยส่วนบุคคล พฤติกรรมการแสดงออกที่ เหมาะสม ความสามารถในการใช้คอมพิวเตอร์กับความสำเร็จในการ สร้างเครือข่ายของหัวหน้าหอผู้ป่วย โรงพยาบาลมหาวิทยาลัยของรัฐ (Relationships Between Personal Factors, Assertiveness, Computer Competencies and Successful Networking of Head Nurses, Governmental University Hospitals), สุภิญญา แสนศรีจันทร์ and พวงเพ็ญ ชุณหปราณ
ความสัมพันธ์ระหว่างปัจจัยส่วนบุคคล บรรยากาศจริยธรรมในกลุ่ม งานการพยาบาล การมีส่วนร่วมในงานของบุคลากรกับคุณภาพชีวิต การทำงานของพยาบาลประจำการ โรงพยาบาลทั่วไป เขตภาคกลาง (Relationships Between Personal Factors, Ethical Climate in Nursing Departments, Employee Involvement, and Quality of Working Life of Staff Nurses, General Hospitals, Central Region), ประภาพร นิกรเพสย์ and สุกัญญา ประจุศิลป
ความสัมพันธ์ระหว่างปัจจัยส่วนบุคคล พลังวิชาชีพพยาบาล ความเชื่ออำนาจภายในตนกับความผูกพันในวิชาชีพของ พยาบาลวิชาชีพ โรงพยาบาลทั่วไป (Relationships Between Personal Factors, Nursing Career Vitality, Internal Locus of Control, and Career Commitment of Professional Nurses, General Hospitals), สุนีย์รัตน์ บุญศิลป์ and สุชาดา รัชชกูล
ความสัมพันธ์ระหว่างปัจจัยส่วนบุคคลอาการวิตกกังวลซึ่งเป็นอุปนิสัย กับอาการวิตกกังวล ขณะเผชิญของหญิงตั้งครรภ์ ที่มีอาการแพ้ท้องอย่างรุนแรง (Relationships between personal factors, trait anxiety and state anxiety of pregnants with hyperemesis gravidarum.), ปิยภรณ์ ปัญญาวชิร and พรทิพย์ วงศ์วิเศษสิริกุล
ความสัมพันธ์ระหว่างปัจจัยคัดสรร กับอาการวิตกกังวลและซึมเศร้าภายหลังสูญเสียการตั้งครรภ์ (Relationships between selected factors, anxiet and depression after pregnancy loss), พรทิพย์ วงศ์วิเศษสิริกุล and นงลักษณ์ วิจิตรพันธุ์
Relationships Between Student Background and Motivation Toward Achievment in English, Achara Wangsotorn
Relations of the tooth position and the operation time to the complications after surgical removal of impacted molars, Pairoje Sriaroon, Chunsuk Tunjalern, Yupapan Jamonniem, and Supichaya Khameiam
Relevancy, Authenticity, Comprehensibility and Selection of EFL Materials, Jerry G. Gebhard
Reliability and validation of Thai version of Cosmetic Procedure Screening (COPS) questionnaire in Thai women, suvit bunyavejchevin, Thanawat Sangnucktham, and purim ruanphoo
Religions and religious movements in nation-making in ASEAN, Udomporn Teeraviriyakul
Religious beliefs and practices as factors affecting population change, Suchart Prasithrathsint
Religious Contacts between Sri Lanka and Thailand from the Pre-Colonial Period tothe Colonial Period, Piyanart Bunnag
Religious fertility differentials in Thailand, 1960, Sidney Gddstein
Religious symbol : Its definition and interpretation, Prasit Swasyart
Remarks on the uses of question words in current Thai(ข้อสังเกตการใช้คำแสดงการถามในภาษาไทยปัจจุบัน), Nuntana Wongthai
"Remember me, in your stories and in your songs": The Magical Journey to Celtic Cultural Resurrection and the Re-Discovery of Self in Song of the Sea, Wisarut Painark
โทรสัมผัส (Remote Sensing), ผ่องศรี วนาสิน
Removal of adsorbed moisture on iron powders by rice husk ash, T Luangvaranunt, S Jearwun, and K Kondoh
Removal of Copper (II) from Aqueous Solutions Using Cuttlebone as Bio-adsorbent, Pathompong Vibhatabandhu and Sarawut Srithongouthai
Removal of Heavy Metal Ions by Lignocellulosic-Formaldehyde Ion Exchange Resin Produced From Water Hyacinth, Somchai Pengprecha, Pechporn Chawakitchareon, and Pitee Krasinsri
Removal of Lead by Using Na-A Zeolite Synthesized from Spent Silica-Alumina, Pimonpan Uttapan, Petchporn Chawakitchareon, and Dawan Wiwattanadate
Removal of Nitrate by Bimetallic Copper-nanoscale Zero-valent Iron (Cu-nZVI): Using 2k Full Factorial Design, Nalinee Krasae, Kitirote Wantala, Puek Tantriratna, and Nurak Grisdanurak
Replacement migration and governance: Migrant domestic workers in Egypt, AKM Ahsan Ullah
Report and Case Study on the Course 'Conservation of Collections and Intangible Heritage' Brunei March 13 - 27, 2011, Kyaw Myo Ko
Report and Case-Study on the Course: The Conservation of Collections and Intangible Heritage Brunei March 13 - 27, 2011, Kjell Skyllstad
Report from International School of Bangkok : Bangsue Intermediate School
Report from the Chulalongkorn Demonstration School
Report of the National English Language Coordinating Committee 13 May, 1975
Report on the 8th Academic Forum: Chulalongkorn University Bangkok, Thailand, March 2010, Pornprapit Phoasavadi
Report on The Evaluation on The English for Science Students Programme at Chiang Mai University, Saithong Ballapavanich
Report on The University of Manchester Approach, Sorani Wongbiasaj
Representation, Birch, A. H.
Reproduction and In Vitro Technologies of Swamp Buffalo; Past, Present, and Future, Ruchikon Jongsuwanwattana, Theerawat Swangchan-uthai, and Sudson Sirivaidyapong
Re-reading Dutch Architecture in Relation to Social Issues from the 1940s to the 1960s, Pat Seeumpornroj
Research Abstracts, Chuencheewee Chalermpatarakul, Penpimol Preasawad, and Tiraporn Bunnag
แนะนำโครงการ Research Clinic โครงการ "คลินิกวิจัย" เพื่อผลิตผลงานวิจัยที่เพิ่มขึ้น
Research in Asian studies in Thailand, Prachoom Chomchai
Research in Critical Pedagogy: Implications for English Language Classrooms in Asia, Paolo Nino Valdez
Researching Musicscapes in Urban Tourism: Case of the Town of Krk, Diana Grguric
Research Notes An Assessment of Japanese Investment in Thailand : A Study of the Japanese Construction Business, Khien Theeravit, Ukrist Pathmanand, Saikaew Choosup, and Chpa Chitpratoom
Research Notes II. Contents of Newspapers in ASEAN Countries on the Cambodian Problem
Research Notes I. Trends in Trade between Thailand and the Indochinese Countries
Research on Chinese Language Education Policy and Chinese Language Education Development in Thailand, Mengyao Zeng
Research progress on the structure and function of the main glycoproteins of bovine infectious rhinotracheitis virus, Xin Zhang, Ruizhen Jian, Weijuan Jia, Yunjiao Chen, Qinglei Meng, Fang Yang, Jianjian Han, Zhilin Liu, Zelin Jia, Jiayu Cui, and Xueli Wang
Residential to Commercial Area Development: The Case of Nimmanhemin, Chiang Mai, Thailand, Chompoonoot Chompoorath and Hiroaki Kimura
Resilience and related factors among volunteers of Thai Red Cross Society at King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital, Kanyaphak Nakalekha
Resolving the Conflict between Mining and Sustainability, David A.C. Manning
Response rate of imatinib among patients with chronic myeloid leukemia in Thailand: A retrospective study., Natthawat Yodsurang, Narawadee Niamhun, Thanawat Rattanathammethee, and Buntitabhon Sirichanchuen
Restoration of dental erosion in silent gastroesophageal reflux patients: a case report, Kanlapat Pongcharoensuk and Chalermpol Leevailoj
Restoring Urban Historical Past for Future Generations: An International Workshop Munich April 2012, Kjell Skyllstad
Results of Survey of Tertiary Level Language Teachers in Thailand on their Needs for Training in Programme Evaluation, Achara Wangsotorn and Suphat Sukamolsun
Resurrecting a Dying Tradition: The Strategic Management of Traditional Thai Desserts and Snacks at Laan Fueng Nakorn, the Old Siam Plaza, Tanachanan Petchsombat
Retention of amorphous silica in rice hulls at high temperatures, Takeshi OKUTANI
ความขัดแย้ง/การต่อต้านขัดขืน: "คิดใหม่ ทำใหม่" (Rethinking Conflict/Rethinking Resistance), ไชยรัตน์ เจริญสินโอฬาร
Rethinking Intramuros: Threats, Values, and Possibilities in Modern Philippines, Ellen Hsieh
Rethinking modernization theory in the study of Thai politics, Noppon Phon-amnuai
Rethinking the Cold War and the American empire, Soravis Jayanama
Rethinking Tradition-Another Look at the Essential Characteristics, Piyalada Devakula Thaveeprungsriporn
Retracted: Comparing Throughfall and Litterfall Nutrient Fluxes in a Rubber (Hevea brasiliensis willd. muell-arg) Plantation Agro-ecosystem at Ikenne, South-west Nigeria, Oludare H. Adedeji and Adeniyi S. Gbadegesin
Retrospective analysis of SARS-CoV-2 RNA detection in pooled saliva samples: An effective cost saving method., Jiraphat Charoenkupt, Arkom Chaiwongkot, Ati Burassakarn, and Pokrath Hansasuta
Retrospective analysis of Senecavirus A emergence in diagnostic samples from 2010-2021 in Thailand, Parin Watcharavongtip, Patumporn Jermsutjarit, Angkana Tantituvanont, and Dachrit Nilubol
Revealing the History of Parakan: Through the Architectural Heritage of Kauman Parakan, Central Java, Indonesia, Ari Widyati Purwantiasning and Kemas Ridwan Kurniawan
ละครโศกนาฏกรรมแนวล้างแค้น : ศีลธรรมเบื้องหลังความสับสนอลหม่าน (Revenge Tragedy: The Morality Beneath the Mayhem), Supakarn Iamharit
Review: Bangsokol - Requiem for Cambodia: A Performance for World Peace, Kjell Skyllstad
Review: How to Read Journal Articles in the Social Science: A Very Practical Guide for Students, Parima Kampookaew
Review of Graduate Research on Language Assessment in Turkey between 2011 and 2016, Aysenur Uzun and Ferit Kilickaya
Review of literatures: Importance of vitamin D in dentistry, Wareeratn Chengprapakorn
Review of the Current Situation of Cd Contamination in Agricultural Field in the Mae Sot District, Tak Province, Northwestern Thailand, Pensiri Akkajit
Review of the Potential for Constructing Inter-regional Input-Output Table of Thailand and the Application for Transportation and Logistic Research, Pongsun Bunditsakulchai
Review on the suppression of Zn dendrite for high performance of Zn ion battery, Jufni ABDULLA, Jin CAO, Panyawat WANGYAO, and Jiaqian QIN
Reviews: Assessing English Learners in U.S. Schools, Pornchanok Sukpan
Reviews: Assessment Myths, Sasithorn Limgomolvilas
Reviews: Experimental Research Methods in Language Learning, Chanisara Tangkijmongkol
Reviews: Focus on Assessment, Prathana Siwathaworn
Review Strategies in a First-Year University Undergraduate Thai EFL Writing Context, Walaipun Puengpipattrakul
Review: The Companion to Language Assessment, Benjamas Dhammarungruang, Krittaya Ngampradit, Prathana Siwathaworn, and Nattharmma Thong-Iam
Revision of an Academic English Writing Rubric for a Graduate School Admission Test, Chawin Srisawat and Kornwipa Poonpon
Revisiting democratization in Myanmar and Indonesia from a comparative perspective, Thu Thi Anh Nguyen
Revisiting Ramayana through Oppositional Telling of Anand Neelakantan’s Asura: Tale of the Vanquished (2012), Natawan Wongchalard
Rewriting Genders, Revising Genres: Reading Angela Carter's "The Bloody Chamber" as a Female Bildungsroman, Phacharawan Boonpromkul
RFID Technology and Traceability in Food Industry, Chitaporn Pratan
Rhetorical Structure of Education Research Article Methods Sections, Baoya Zhang and Anchalee Wannaruk
Rhythmic Units and Tonal Variation in Thai, Phanintara Teeranon
Rhythm in Nyah Kur, ธีระพันธ์ ล. ทองคำ
Rhythm in Thai from Another View Point, Theraphan L. Thongkum
Ribosome Modulation Factor (ไรโบโซมโมดูเลชันแฟคเตอร์), Auayporn Apirakaramwong
Rice granules as natural carrier to encapsulate drug and aromatic oils, Xue Liu
อิทธิพลของระยะวิ่งต่อการชาร์จและอัตราการชาร์จของยานยนต์ไฟฟ้าต่อการให้บริการ ride sharing ในพื้นที่จุฬา-สามย่าน, ภูมิรพี ขัดศรี
Risk assessment of GMP inspection of overseas pharmaceutical manufacturers based on desktop inspection as required in Thailand, Varin Titapiwatanakun, Waranon Cheewajorn, and Narueporn Sutanthavibul
Risk factors associated with systemic reactions in allergen immunotherapy: A systematic review and meta-analysis, Prayuth Poowaruttanawiwit, Teerawat Nitichaikulvattana, Chanida Chantim, Kanyakorn Potikit, and Supitchada Songkram
Risk factors of bovine clinical mastitis and antimicrobial resistance of mastitis-causing Escherichia coli in Shandong, China, Liu Peng, Dongfang Hu, Jinjiao Zuo, Caihong Wu, Hui Lu, Zilong Cheng, and Mengda Liu
Risk Management of Lead and Arsenic Poisoning in Children through Public Participation in Communities near Abandoned Tin Mine, Southern Thailand, Anchalee Pongkaset and Banchong Witthayawirasak
Risk Ratio of Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, and Xylene (BTEX) Exposures and Their Relations to Biological Parameters of Gasoline Workers in Bangkok, Thailand, Tanasorn Tunsaringkasrn, Panthira Ketkaew, Kalaya Zapaung, Anusorn Rugsiyothin, and Surasak Taneepanichkul
Risk shifting in mutual funds: evidence in Thailand, Suphitcha Ekjariyakorn
Ritodrine and Other Tocolytic Agents for Preterm Labor - An Overview, Matana Borrisud, Brian D. Andresen, Michael S. Alexander, and Joseph R. Bianchine
Rizal, Sex, and Civilization, Raquel Reyes
Rohingya in Thailand: Existing social protection in dynamic circumstances, Ankana Kaewkuekoonkit and Supang Chantavanich
Role commitment and coping strategies in female patients with depressive disorders at King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital, Peeraphon Lueboonthavatchai
Role of aluminum monostearate on heat treated-chitosan sponges properties, K. Yodkhum and T. Phaechamud
Role of Calmodulin in Various Cellular Processes, Matana Borrisud
Role of Natural Wetlands in Arsenic Removal from Arsenic-Contaminated Runoff, Vanlop Thathong, Netnapid Tantamsapya, Chatpet Yossapol, Chih-Hsiang Liao, and Wanpen Wirojanagud
บทบาทพยาบาลเบาหวาน ตามการรับรู้ของพยาบาลวิชาชีพ (Roles of Diabetes Nurse's as Perceived by Professional Nurses), พรรณวดี เหลืองรัตน์ and กัญญดา ประจุศิลป
Roles of LIN28 Proteins in Cholangiocarcinoma, Nattapong Puthdee
Roles of WOx on Pt/γ-Al2O3 catalysts on the prevention of Pt metal sintering during hydrogenolysis of glycerol to 1,3-propanediol, Poonnapa Limsoonthakul
Root canal treatment of the three-canalled maxillary second premolar: a case report, Parichart Tangkrisanakajorn
Rotterdam: Dynamic Polder City = Land + Water + Culture, F. L. Hooimeijer
Royal Thai Army’s role in de-escalating the Thai-Cambodian border dispute: a case study of suranaree command (2012-2022), Phromnachanok Ketphan
Ruang Terbuka Hijau: Observing Green Social Spaces in Central Jakarta, Najah Md Alwi
Rural to Urban Culture Programs - Implementation Insights, Barbara Bauer
Rural - Urban Boundaries in Contemporary Vietnamese Cinema: A Look from Phan Dang Di's Films, Hoang Cam Giang
Russian motives in cyberattacks: case studies of Estonia and Ukraine, Theeratiphong Pannil
Sacralization of the Mekong River Through Folk Narratives, Pathom Hongsuwan
Sacred Innovation in the Shadow Conservation Network, Julia Watson
Sacred Power Transmission and the Network of Phu Thai Folk Healers in Tambon Nonyang, Nongsung District, Mukdahan Province, Surachai Chinnabutr
Safeguarding the Tradition of Myanmar Marionette and Performing Arts, Kyaw Myo Ko
แซ็งเตกซูเปรี กับ "เจ้าชายน้อย" (Saint-Exupery and "Le Petit Prince"), วัลยา วิวัฒน์ศร
Samadhi in Buddhism, Phra Dhammapitaka and Bhikkhu P.A. Payutto
Samambaia - The future focus for Indian researchers in the treatment of psoriasis, Kuntal Das and John Wiiking Einstein
แซมมวล เบกเกตต์ : คอยโกโดต์ (Samuel Beckett: Waiting for Godot), วัลยา วิวัฒน์ศร
Sandwich-type cobalt tungstophosphate: Synthesis, characterization and catalytic activity, Wimonrat TRAKARNPRUK, Aphiwat WANNATEM, and Jutatip KONGPETH
Sangha and state in Burma : A study of monastic sectarianism and leadership, Micheal E. Mendelson
Satoyama Agricultural Development Tool (SADT) for Collaborative Assessment of Hilltribe Communities in Chiang Mai: Case Studies of Mueang Ang, Nhong Lom and Pa Kea Noi, Devon R. Dublin, Jarunee Pilumwong, Sumamas Chaiwong, Thitima Jantakoson, Anchan Chompupoung, and Noriyuki Tanaka
โครงการติดตามคุณ่ภาพน้ำบริเวณอ่าวสัตหีบ (Sattahlp Water Quality Monitoring Program), สมมาตร์ เนียมนิล
Scanning electron micrograph and antimicrobial activity of Streptomyces species N28-1 and N97-1(ภาพอิเล็กตรอนสแคนนิงและฤทธิ์การยับยั้งจุลชีพของเชื้อ S..., Penphun Naenna, Nuttada Virochsaengaroon, and Somboon Tanasupawat
Scenarios of gloregionalization and post-globalization in the beginning of the 21st century: The BRIC Forum, Juan Gonzalez Garcia
Schema Theory, Comprehensible Input and the Teaching English as a Foreign Language, Ted Plaister
School Decentralization: Does It Bring About Desired Outcomes Promptly to Developing Nations?, Weerasak Krueathep
Schumann's Last Piano Work: Geistervariationen, Eri Nakagawa
Science-based Society : Alcohol Determination in Food Products, Prasertsri Tunglertsumphan
Science-based Society : Determination of Fats and Oils in Foods by Gas Chromatograph, Sathaporn Ngamukote
Science, Technology and the Supernatural in Contemporary Thai Novels, Pornvipa Watarachanakool
Scientific English Program at Prince of Songkhla University, Arunee Wiriychitra
Scientific English: Some Factors in Materials Preparation, Jerry Owens
SCRABBLE Revisited, Patrick Blanche
Screams and Visions: The Arts Embracing Urban Change, Kjell Skyllstad
Screening of lactic acid bacteria that have health promoting effect from Thai local fermented foods, Md Faridunnabi Nayem
Screening SARS-CoV-2 main protease inhibitory activity of herbal extracts and development of alpha-mangostin loaded polymeric micelles, Su Sundee Myint
Screen printed textile electrodes using graphene and carbon nanotubes with silver for flexible supercapacitor applications, Norawich Keawploy, Radhakrishnan Venkatkarthick, Panyawat Wangyao, and Jiaqian Qin
Screw retightening increases the implantabutment connection screw loosening resistance of two implant systems, Sudarat Nubdee, Ticha Kanchanapoomi, Wacharasak Tumrasvin, and Trakol Mekayarajjananonth
Scripted and Unscripted Information Exchange Tasks : Two Approaches to Learner Negotiation in the Foreign Language Classroom, Steven Ross and Richard Berwick
Searching for Female Identity in Okamoto Kanoko's Boshijyojyo, Duantem Krisdathanont
Searching for the Red Hue: Problems and Prospects for Global Norms, E.R. Klein
Seasia 2017 Conference - Unity in Diversity Bangkok December 2017, Kjell Skyllstad
Seasonal and Annual Trends of Rainfall and Streamflow in the Mae Klong Basin, Thailand, Alamgir Khalil, Areeya Rittima, and Yutthana Phankamolsil
Seasonal and Land Use Effects on Amphibian Abundance and Species Richness in the Sakaerat Biosphere Reserve, Thailand, Matthew Crane, Colin Strine, and Pongthep Suwanwaree
Second International Association for Music & Medicine Conference Bangkok, Thailand, Jane Edwards
Second Language Acquisition (SLA) and English Language Teaching (ELT), Saksit Saengboon
Secularity, Emotion and Law in Ian McEwan's The Children Act, Bancha Rattanamathuwong
Security Issues Between China and Southeast Asian: What Problems are they Facing and How to Solve Them?, Dao Shulin
Security regime or "security community"? Classifying ASEAN in the spectrum of regional security organizations, Deniz Kocak
Sedation, anxiolysis, and analgesia of midazolam orally administered in adult patients undergoing surgical removal of impacted molars, Pairoje Sriaroon, Ratachai Samol, Watcharobon Sitisara, and Suntharee Chaisen
Sedimentological characteristics of storm deposits induced by the tropical storm Pa Buk along the western coast of the gulf of Thailand, Chanakan Ketthong
Seed Germination and Growth Parameters of Zea mays L. as Influenced by Municipal Solid Waste Incineration Fly Ash (MSWIFA) and Sewage Sludge (SS) Amended Soil, Pensiri Akkajit and Wannaporn Nuamkongman
Segment Timing in Twelve Southeast Asian Languages, Yanin Sawanakunanon
Selected Factors Related to Physical Functional Abilityamong Stroke Older Persons(ปัจจัยคัดสรรที่สัมพันธ์กับการทำหน้าที่ด้านร่างกายของผู้สูงอายุโรคหลอดเลือดสมอง), Boontarika Maneechot and Siriphan Sasat
Selection of blowing agent for metal foam production: A review, Ankur BISHT, Brijesh GANGIL, and Vinay Kumar PATEL
Selective Oxidation of H2S in Biogas to Sulfur on V2O5 Catalyst Dispersedon CeO2-MO2 (M = Ti, Si, Zr) Mixed Oxides, Benjamaporn Tudkesorn
Self-Access Learning at the AIT, Myint Myint Thein
Self-Awareness of Luang Phrabang Laoness in Thailand: A Case Study of Myth and Ritual, Bourin Wungkeeree
Self-crack closing ability of mortar with different additives, D Jaroenratanapirom and R Sahamitmongkol
Self-Directed Learning through the Internet and Intranet Pedagogy : A Choice for Language Teachers, Kanchana Prapphal
Self-Evaluation of Language Skills and Non-Linguistic Factors through WWW and E-Mail Tasks, Kanchana Prapphal
Self-management Experiences of Asthma in School-age Children(ประสบการณ์การจัดการตนเองเกี่ยวกับโรคหืดของเด็กวัยเรียน), Boonjai Srisatidnarakul and Wipada Sangnimitchaikul
Self-Regulated Learning by Thai University Students in an EFL Extensive Reading Program, Chitchon Pratontep and Apasara Chinwonno
Self-replicating RNA for Cellular Reprogramming in Domestic Cat, Woranop Sukparangsi, Nattakorn Suban Na Ayuthaya, Ratchapon Prakongkaew, Santhita Karoon, and Ampika Thongphakdee
Self-Representation of Filipino Teachers and Korean Learners of English in Online Classes, Leonardo MUNALIM, Betty TUTTLE, and Cecilia GENUINO
Self-striking red glass fabrication at low temperature using gold nanoparticles, Y Ruangtaweep, J Kaewkhao, and N Sangwaranatee
Semantic Extension of the Verb of Breaking in Thai and Japanese, Kingkarn Thepkanjana and Satoshi Uehara
Semisolid Matrix Capsule Formulations(ตำรับแคปซูลเมตริกซ์กึ่งแข็ง), Wanchai Sutananta and Theerasak Rojanarata
ข้าราชการระดับสูงในการปรับปรุง โครงสร้างส่วนราชการ: กรณีศึกษา กระทรวงยุติธรรม Senior Bureaucrat in Structural Reform: Ministry of Justice Case, อรุณี สัณฐิติวณิชย์
Sentence Structure: An Obstacle to Understanding English Poetry(โครงสร้างประโยค: อุปสรรคในการเข้าใจกวีนิพนธ์ภาษาอังกฤษ), Kris Iamharit and Jiranthara Srioutai
Separation of lycopene/solvent mixture by chitosan membranes, P Yodjun, K Soontarapa, and C Eamchotchawalit
Separation of silver and gold ions/nanoparticles in water using chemically modified-silica for spectrometric detection, Pimpimon Anekthirakun
"September 11" and the changing dynamics of Malaysia-US relations, Khadijah Md. Khalid
Serial Cultural Heritage: Concept, Applications, Categorization and Its Roles in Present Day Contexts, Saowalux Poshyanandana
Seroprevalence and associated risk factors of Toxoplasma gondii infections in dogs in Egypt, Abdelfattah Selim, Mohamed Marzok, Hattan S. Gattan, Omar A. AlJabr, Mohammed H. Alruhaili, and Mohamed Salem
Seroprevalence of Lawsonia intracellularis Antibodies among Large-scale Swine Farming Systems in Thailand, Thanh Che Nguyen, Chairani Ridha Maghfira, Nathaya Young, Kanokwan Samatiwat, Chaiyan Kaewpaluk, Apisak Laothanakit, Pawarisa Mungprasittichai, Roongroje Thanawongnuwech, and Yaowalak Panyasing
Serum proteomic profile of subclinical Babesia bovis infection in PCR-positive Eld's deer using serum protein electrophoresis coupled with LC-MS/MS, Vichayanee Pumpitakkul, Sittiruk Roytrakul, Narumon Phaonakrop, and Gunnaporn Suriyaphol Assoc. Prof.
Sesquiterpene lactones, ศรีรัตน์ กสิวงศ์ and นิจศิริ เรืองรังษี
การประเมินความเสี่ยงของการลงทุน SET100 ในตลาดหลักทรัพย์แห่งประเทศไทย ด้วยปัจจัยทางเศรษฐศาสตร์มหภาค โดยใช้ตัวแบบ GARCH-MIDAS, ทัตพงศ์ บุญแก้วล้อม
Seven days in Phang-nga: The role of military in the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake in the Indian Ocean disaster relief operation, Panita Chaisom
Severing body from mind: the Cartesian model revisited, Supakwadee Amatayakul
Sexuality in Thai Folk Songs, Buaphan Suphanyot
Sexuality, love, and marriage of Chinese women as reflected in Post-Mao era novels by women writers, Usama Mahapasuthanon
Sexuality: Reading through Agony Columns, Wijit Wongwareethip
Sexual Offence Law and the Women's Movement: The Case of Thailand and the Netherlands, Sucheela Tanchainan
Sexual orientation microaggressions and mental health concerns: a conditional process modeling of protective effects of microaffirmations, Rapinpat Yodlorchai
อัตมโนทัศน์ทางเพศ : ผู้ป่วยโรคกล้ามเนื้อหัวใจตาย (Sexual self-concept: myocardial infarction patients), วินิตย์ หลงละเลิง and นรลักขณ์ เอื้อกิจ
Shahrazads' dominate contemporary art show, Apinan Poshyananda
Shan printing and publication in Thailand, Paphatsaun Thianpanya
Shan royal ladies' roles in life narratives, Jiraporn Achariyaprasit
Shape-controlled synthesis of tungsten oxide nanostructures and characterization, K Petsom, A Kopwitthaya, M Horphathum, Y Ruangtaweep, N Sangwaranatee, and J Kaewkhao
Shape fixity and shape recovery characteristics of aliphatic epoxy-benzoxazine shape memory polymer, T Tanpitaksit, M Okhawilai, and S Rimdusit
Shaping a Creative Milieu: Creativity, Process, Pedagogy, Leadership, and Place, Tom Borrup
Sharing Vocabulary Size Test Scores with Students: What's the Impact on Motivation?, Jay Tanaka and Patharaorn Patharakorn
Shear bond strength of metal brackets to temporary crowns with different dental adhesives and bond failure, Sirima Charoenpone
Shear-peel bond strength of metal bracket to porcelain surface treated with 1.23% acidulated phosphate fluoride gel, Suchon Vatarugegrid and Smorntree Viteporn
Shear strength of reinforced concrete beam with embedded steel trusses, Khonesavanh Pormeuanpieng
“She Taught Me Words”: The Availability of Vocabulary Help in EFL Classrooms during Cooperative Learning’s Peer Interaction, Puji ASTUTI and Leslie BARRATT
Shock-absorbing concepts for osseointegrated prostheses, Sompop Bencharit, Root Chumdermpadetsuk, and Piyawat Phankoso
Short native α-helical cationic antimicrobial peptides: promising alternative antibiotics, Jiraphun Jittikoon
Short-term compliance with stabilization splints in a group of Thai patients with temporomandibular disorders, Siriya Pakanimit, Atinuch Malakul, and Suknipa Vongthongsri
Shrimp farming and its sustainability: Ecological footprint analysis (1) Saowalak Roongtawanreongsri, Saowalak Roongtawanreongsri
Shrimp farming and its sustainability: Ecological footprint analysis (2), Saowalak Roongtawanreongsri
เที่ยวจุฬาฯ : Siam Green Sky, เพิ่มยศ โกศลพันธ์
Significance and Role of the Chicken in the Akha Worldview, Sukanya Sujachaya and Chomnard Sitisarn
Significant Features of Northern Thai Cooking Terms and Cooking System, Kosin Panyaatisin and Amara Prasithrathsint
Silent Period by Tooth Taps, Seechompoo Norabhoompipat and Picharn Chamnannidiadha
Silica Coating Methods for Resin-to-Metal Bonding, W. Iramaneerat and R. Panichuttra
Silicate as the Probable Causative Agent for the Periodic Blooms in the Coastal Waters of South Andaman Sea, Karthik Raji, Arun Kumar Muthuraj, and Gadi Padmavati
Simple and rapid preparation of CuO film using SILAR process for application as hole-transporting layer in p-i-n perovskite solar cell, S Wongrerkdee, K Hongsith, S Choopun, K Lohawet, and P Kumno
Simply Another American Myth Revisited, Chalermsri Chantasingh
Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms associated with Angleûs Class I and III Occlusal Relationship in Thais with Thyrotoxic Hypokalemic Periodic Paralysis, Jaijam Suwanwela, Virunpat Nitipong, and Naruborn Ongprakobkul
Single-tank sequencing batch bioreactor with a cellulose substrate for simultaneous nitrification and denitrification of an aquarium, Aranya Ponpornpisit, Malinee Jongjaroenjai, Naowarat Suthamnatpong, Sanit Piyapattanakorn, and Surachet Burut-Archanai
เรื่องจากปก: "Single use plastic" มีค่ามากกว่าที่เรารู้, สุทธิรัตน์ กิตติพงษ์วิเศษ
Sino-African Technical Cooperation, Xue Mouhong
Sinonasal Anatomical Analysis in Nonsyndromic Bilateral Coronal Suture Craniosynostosis Using Computerized Tomography, Tunchanok Paprad, Netsiri Dumromgpisutikul, and Warunee Napakaew
Sintered Fe-Al2O3and Fe-SiC composites, T Yodkaew, M Morakotjinda, N Tosangthum, O Coovattanachai, R Krataitong, P Siriphol, B Vetayanugul, S Chakthin, N Poolthong, and R Tongsri
Sintered materials prepared from stainless steel series 300 and 400 powders, M Morakotjinda, N Kuljittipipat, N Poolthong, N Tosangthum, P Wila, R Krataitong, T Yodkaew, O Coovattanachai, B Vetayanugul, and R Tongsri
Sintered properties of 409L powder compacts influenced by metal powder additives, O Coovattanachai, T Yodkaew, M Morakotjinda, N Tosangthum, R Krataitong, A Daraphan, B Vetayanugul, and R Tongsri
SiO2-included cesium polyoxotungstate catalysts for oxidation, W Trakarnpruk and W Kanjina
Site Selection of Housing Development Projects in Thailand and Malaysia Border Trade Areas by Modified Sieve Analysis, Treechart Loakaewnoo
Situation analysis of plastic waste management in Sri Lanka: An empirical evidence of microplastic contamination in Kelani River, Helamba Arachchige Kalani Perera
Situation and Problems of the Three Southernmost Provinces in Thailand, Senee Madakakul
Situation des Missionnaires Catholiques au Siam, Valai na Pombe Jr.
Situation of Adopting the Automated Medication Pre-dispensing Machine in Public Hospitals in Thailand, Kornkaew Chanthapasa and Panyaporn Ketkram
Skin irritation of capsicum patches by in vitro study and human repeated insult patch test., Apirada Sucontphunt, Tun Chusut, Thaniya Wannakup, Paninee Chetprayoon, and Laksana Charoenchai
มลสารช่วงชีวิตสั้นที่ส่งผลกระทบต่อสภาพภูมิอากาศ (SLCPs) : การซื้อเวลาเพื่อชะลอปัญหาภาวะโลกร้อนและการเปลี่ยนแปลงสภาพภูมิอากาศ, ธงชัย ขนาบแก้ว
Sleep Deprivation Could Cause Problems More Than You Have Thought, Winai Dahlan
Sleeping Giant Awakens! : The Middle Class in Thai Politics, Anek Laothamatas
Sludge Dewatering by Decanter Centrifuge Using Polymers, Ploenpit. Varachak-akom
Sm3+ ions doped zinc barium tellurite oxyfluoride glasses for laser materials, Yaowalak YAMSUK, Patarawagee YASAKA, Jakrapong KAEWKHAO, and Narong SANGWARANATEE
เที่ยวจุฬาฯ : ห้องสมุดคณะวิศวกรรมศาสตร์จุฬาลงกรณ์มหาวิทยาลัย Smart Chula Engineering Library, ณัฐชา ทวีแสงสกุลไทย and สุพรรณี ยงกิจเจริญลาภ
การพัฒนาเมืองอัจฉริยะ (Smart Cities) ของจีนในประเทศกำลังพัฒนาผ่านข้อริเริ่มหนึ่งแถบหนึ่งเส้นทาง (Belt and Road Initiative : BRI), นันท์นภัส ภัทรอังกูร
สัมภาษณ์ รองศาสตราจารย์ ดร. วีระศักด์ิ เครือเทพ ความพร้อมขององค์กรปกครองส่วนท้องถิ่นของไทยสู่การเป็นเมืองแห่งอนาคต : Smart City, วีระศักด์ิ เครือเทพ
smart city: A case of seoul, Myounggu Kang
Smart grid แนวทางการอนุรักษ์พลังงานในอนาคต, ศิริพร สมบัติจินดา
Smart ID Card in Thailand from a Buddhist Perspective, Krisana Kitiyadisai
Smart Light Pipe Strategies in Deep Plan Office Building in Dhaka, Bangladesh, Sabrina Afroz Mostofa
ผลของ Smear Layer ต่อการเปลี่ยนแปลงพีเอชของเนื้อฟันส่วนราก หลังจากใส่แคลเซียมไฮดรอกไซด์, เมตตจิตต์ นวจินดา and อมรรัตน์ บุญศิริ
ยกขบวน SME จากชายแดนใต้ Business matching
คุณลักษณะการสื่อสารภาวะผู้นำของผู้นำองค์กรเจนวาย กับการมีส่วนร่วมของพนักงานองค์กรในธุรกิจครอบครัวแบบ SMEs ยุคดิสรัปชั่น, เมธากุล สุวรรณบุตร
Smile: an esthetic point of view, Rud Sooparb and Issarawan Boonsiri
Smile makeover in an esthetic-compromised patient: a multidisciplinary approach, Chatsuda Pawasoottikul, Chalermpol Leevailoj, and Niramol Chamnannidiadha
Social and Psychological Factors in Thai Students' Code Switching, Sumittra Suraratdecha
Social demography, Thomas R. Ford and Gordon F. De Jong
Social enterprise and promotion of safe migration among returned migrants: Case studies of a credit union in Bone district of South Sulawesi province Indonesia, Fatimana Agustinanto
Social Factors Related to Dental Caries and Need: a Literature Review., Sompol Lekfuangfu
Social functioning and associated social skills in patients with depressive disorder in Psychiatric Outpatients, King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital, Peeraphon Lueboonthavatchai
Social Movement Unionism and Economic Unionism in Thailand, Napaporn Ativanichayapong
Social Networking, the Elderly, and the Ethical Life เครือข่ายทางสังคม ผู้สูงวัย และชีวิตจริยะ, Soraj Hongladarom
Social Support in Pregnancy: A Concept Synthesis, สุกัญญา แสงมุกข์
Social welfare of Burmese refugees and human security, Naruemon Thabchumpon
Sociology of (under) development: A reconsideration, Prudhisan Jumbala
ความตกลงแม่น้ำโขง: การจัดกรอบ การอภิบาลในรูป Soft Law, สาธิต มนัสสุรกุล
Soft Tissue Profile Changes Following Treatment of Class II Division 1 Malocclusion with Different Orthodontic Modalities, Suhatcha Maetevorakul and Smorntree Viteporn
'So Hydous was the Noyse': Forgetting the 1381 Rebellion in Geoffrey Chaucer's The Nun's Priest's Tale, Rawitawan Sophonpanich
Soldering of copper using graphene-phosphoric acid gel, Gurudatt Puranik, Asis Sarkar, Nirankar Mishra, Sangam Chandrasekhar Gurumurthy, and Shridhar Mundinamani
Solid Dispersions, เพียรกิจ แดงประเสริฐ
Solidification of Oyster Shells Used as Cadmium Ion Removal Material with Portland Cement, Chayapat Tabtong
Solid particle erosive wear behaviour of flame sprayed EVA based polymeric coatings, Ekrem ALTUNCU and Barış ÖNEN
Solid Waste Generation, Composition and Management in Paro Hotel Industry, Choni Zangmo and Alice Sharp
Solubility and Related Properties, อุทัย สุวรรณกูฏ
Soma: Not So Devine, Jean Mulholland
Some Aspects of Australian-Asean Trade, Brian Sheehan and Harchand Singh Thandi
Some balance of payments confusion, Prachoon Chomchai
Some Controversies in Present-Day Error Analysis : "Contrastive" vs. "Non-Contrastive" Error, Gerhard Nickel
Some Directions in the Teaching of English in Thai Universities and Their Implications for Staff Development, Maurice Broughton
Some Evidence of Cross - Cultural Transfer and Some Proposals on Second/Foreign Language Teaching, Hilaiwan Kanittanan
Some Games for Advanced Students, Marc Pollard
Some Myanmar Historical Fiction and Their Historical Context, U Than Htut and U Thaw Kaung
Some Observations on Variation and Change in the Use of Classifiers in Thai, Angkab Palakornkul
Some Phonetic Notes on Tai Yuan, Woranoot Pantupong
Some Phonetic Observations on the Speech of Thai Children, Sudaporn Luksaneeyanawin
ปัญหาเรื่องคำพ้องรูปพ้องเสียงบางประเภทในภาษาไทย (Some Problems Concerning Homophonic-Graphic Words), วิจินตน์ ภานุพงศ์
Some Problems Encountered by Thai Students in the Learning of English Verbs
Some Properties Of Extending Hypermodules, C11-Hypermodules And T-Extending Hyperrings, Chokchai Wongyai
Some sociological aspects of Thai rural education, Harold E. Smith
Some Syntactic Errors Made by Two Different Thai-Speaking Groups : A Comparative Study, Suphat Sukamolsun
Some Thoughts on the Relationship between Language and World View with Reference to Thai Language and Culture, Martin Schalbruch
Some Uses of Evaluation in Language Programs, Lyle F. Bachman
"SOS" Multi-Brand Store โมเดลธุรกิจที่เย่าวงการเสื้อผ้า
Source and Health Risk Assessment of Some Heavy Metals in Non-Certified Organic Rice Farming at Nakhon Nayok Province, Thailand, Porntiwa Satachon, Sasithorn Keawmoon, Patcharida Rengsungnoen, Sirikul Thummajitsakul, and Kun Silprasit
South African English : A Language Apart, James L. Sherman
South China Sea contestations: Southeast Asia’s regional identity and ASEAN’s sustainability, Victor R. Savage
Southeast Asia and Pacific Security, J. Kullavanijaya
Sovereign Power and the Living Dead: 'Politics' and Resistance at 'the End of History', Soravis Jayanama
Soy sauce decolorization using autochthonous isolates, Rachatida Det-udom
Spatial and temporal variation of heavy metals in PM10 and PM2.5 surrounding e-waste dismantling community in Buriram province, Siriwipha Chanthahong
Spatial Association between Environmental Noise Levels and Occurrence of Children Hearing Impairments in Ibadan Metropolis, Nigeria, Olusegun Oguntoke, Muideen Olatinwo, and Olalekan J. Taiwo
Spatial Composition andConfiguration Changes in the Bangkok Metropolitan RegionLandscape, Komgrij Thanapet and Shiann-Far Kung
Spatial heterogeneity distributions and seasonal variations of microplastic contaminations in surface waters and sediments and microplastic pollution level assessments of the inner Gulf of Thailand, Pathompong Vibhatabandhu
Spatial Seasonal Distribution of Climatological Precipitation over the Middle of the Indochina Peninsula, Nattapon Mahavik
Spatio-temporal changes in total annual rainfall and the annual number of rainy days in Thailand, Atsamon Limsakul, Sangchan Limjirakan, and Boonchob Suthamanuswong
Special Interview with Professor Dr. Anne Burns
Species-specific Responses of Water Use by Urban Trees to Artificial Soil Drought: Results from a Small-scale Study, Pantana Tor-ngern and Somsak Panha
Specific Problems of German - Thai Translations, Ampha Otrakul
Spectral reflectance analysis for genome-wide association of thali rice Oryza sativa L. Under phosphorus-deficient condition, Sompop Pinit
Speech Rhythm in Luang Phrabang Lao: Comparison between the ISO and RM Methods(จังหวะเสียงในภาษาลาวหลวงพระบาง: การศึกษาด้วยวิธี ISO และ RM), Nantana Ronakiat, Varisa Ostananda, and Apinya Hantrakul
รูปและเสียงในภาษาไทย (Spelling and Sound), ยุพา ส่งศิริ
Spiritual Transformation and Inculturation as a Key to the Understanding of Sacred Architecture: Case Study of Wooden Church Heritages in the Northeast of Thailand, Kittitouch Chaiprasith
"Spittelau" จุดบรรจบของศิลปะกับพลังงานไฟฟ้าจากขยะครัวเรือนใจกลางเมืองเวียนนา, วรรณภา ซุมเมอร์เอลเดอร์ สุวรรณรัตน์
SPLINTING, Jiraporn Charudilaka
Sporicidal effects of common disinfectants and their practical application in dental practice in Thailand, Pratanporn Arirachakaran, Wanpen Sinheng, Talent Theparee, and Amy Alisara Arirachakaran
Stable Isotopes in Ecology and Environment โอโซโทปเสถียรในระบบนิเวศและสิ่งแวดล้อม, นรินทร์ บุญตานนท์
วิธีการเรียนรู้แบบกลุ่มด้วยเทคนิค Stacking สามารถเพิ่มความแม่นยำของการทำนายสัญญาณการซื้อขายสกุลเงินดิจิทัลได้หรือไม่, ศราวุฒิ ทองเชื้อ
ผลการจัดกิจกรรมการเรียนรู้ ตามแนวคิดทฤษฎีสร้างองค์ความรู้ด้วยตนเอง ร่วมกับการเรียนรู้แบบร่วมมือเทคนิค STAD ที่มีต่อผลสัมฤทธิ์ทางการเรียนคณิตศาสตร์, เสรี คําอั่น and กิรณา จิรโชติเดโช
Staff Development Programs in English Teaching, Anchalee Chayanuvat
Stakeholder Involvement in Developing Environmental Indicators for the Lam Nam Yang Part 1 Watershed in the Northeastern Thailand, Warintorn Khunanake, Art-ong Pradatsudara, and Sura Pattanakiat
Stakeholders' Perspectives of Design Options for a Rooftop Solar PV Self-consumption Scheme in Thailand, Kespanerai Kokchang, Sopitsuda Tongsopit, Siripha Junlakarn, Wichsinee Wibulpolprasert, and Morrakot Tossabanyad
Stanislavski's Chart and Language Learning, Richard A. Via
Starch consolidation of porous fused silica ceramics, K Kanlai, T Wasanapiarnpong, B Wiratphinthu, and K Serivalsatit
Stateless People's Needs and Problems in Obtaining Thai Nationality: A Case study of Hill Tribe People in Chiang Rai, Thailand, Aticha Wongwian
Stimuli-responsive chitosan-based hydrogels for antibiotic delivery, Tu Tran Vo Minh
Stories Matter: The Complexity of Cultural Authenticity in Children's Literature, Suriyan Panlay
Strategic distribution centres location for traffic safety products, Pakaporn Bunwit
Strategic economics, M.W.J.M. Broekmeijer
Strategies Used in Taking a Computer-based Speaking Test: A Retrospective Verbal Protocol Study, Sutthirak Sapsirin, Kanchana Prapphal, and Lyle F. Bachman
Strategy & Social Interaction for Making Creative Community: Comparative Study on Two Cities of Crafts in South Korea, Dongsuk Huh, Su-Hee Chung, and Byung-Min Lee
Strengthening local government to enhance flood risk management:A case study of Xay district, Lao PDR., Souksamay Manhmanyvong
Strengthening of reinforced concrete members with lap splices using steel collars, Aji Ejaz
Strengthening of the ASTM-356 alloy with silicon carbide particles, Jaime Hinojosa-Torres, Diego Sánchez-García, Andrés Herrera-Vázquez, and Jose Luis Velázquez-Ortega
Stress and work-related accidents among food delivery riders in Chiang Mai, Thailand, Chadaporn Wanwaen, Parichat Ong-artborirak, and Sineenart Chautrakarn
ปกิณกะ : ทฤษฎีความเครียดในงานวิจัยทางการพยาบาลและจิตสังคม (Stress Theory in Nursing and Psychological Research), สุกัญญา แสงมุกข์
Structural Characterization of Iron Oxides and Hydroxides in the Clay Fraction of Soil from the Inca Civilization Moray Terraces, Maria Luisa CERON LOAYZA, Jorge Aurelio BRAVO CABREJOS, Felipe Americo REYES NAVARRO, and Rosio ASCUNA ARCONDO
Structural integrity assessment of tufted textile composite and its comparison with laminated textile composite, A Saboktakin, A Ghasemi, and H Mohammadi
Structuralism, Poststructuralism and New Hermeneutics, Eberhard Lämmert
Structural studies of natural zeolites and optimizations for water hardness softening media, Tesfamariam Teklu GEBRETSADIK and Teklit Kidane GEBREMEDHIN
วิวาทะ Structure-Agency และการหาทางออกให้กับปัญหาทวิลักษณ์นิยม: Marxism versus Foucault, เชษฐา พวงหัตถ์
ปัจจัยทำนายระยะเวลาการตัดสินใจในการมารับการรักษาของผู้ป่วยภาวะกล้ามเนื้อหัวใจขาดเลือดเฉียบพลันชนิด ST-segment ไม่ยก, ศราวุธิ ปลอดฤทธิ์
Student Impressions of Portfolio Assessment: A Thai Case Study, Sornchoen Honsa Jr., Pongrat Ratanapinyowong, Salee Kiewkarnka, and Anchalee Sattayatham
Students' Perceptions of Shared Living in a university Hostel at dhaka, Bangladesh:A Post Occupancy Evaluation, Asma Siddika and Zannatul Ferdous
Studentsʼ Perspective on the Importance of EFL Teachersʼ TPACK (Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge) and XK (Contextual Knowledge) for learning English during the Pandemic, Imelda Gozali and Bambang Yudi Cahyono
Studies on the Intellectual Development of the Children Residing on a Road Overlaid with Old Batter Casing at Bangkru Canton, Pra-pradang, Wasna Sornmani
Study conditions of aluminum billets for relationship between precipitated phases and homogenizing temperature with different cooling methods, U Phongsophitanan, M Polboon, and N Chumchery
Studying Learner Strategies : Feedback on Compositions, Andrew D. Cohen
Study of covering conditions for sintering of metal injection moulded commercially pure titanium, N Muenya and A Manonukul
Study of discontinuation of oral contraceptive pill in Ban-Rai rural area of Thailand : A psychosocial aspect, Sunya Sunyavivat, Thassance Nuchprayoon, Venus Udomprasertgul, and Termsri Chumnijarokij
Study of dynamic vulcanized PLA/ENR TPV filled with various organic modified MMT (OMMT), C. Thongpin, N. Kuttanate, K. Kampuang, and N. Suwanwanit
Study of effect of temperature on the synthesis of carbon nanotubes by floating catalyst method, R. Rajarao and B.R. Bhat
Study of genetic determinants to explain antimicrobial resistance in Escherichia coli and salmonella isolated from food animals, meat and humans in Thailand, Jiratchaya Puangseree
Study of HIV-1 reverse transcriptase and protease inhibition by mushroom extracts, Chanin Sillapachaiyaporn
Study of nationalism and consolidation of democracy in South Korea : 1987-1993, Nura-arnis Kitkongpat
Study of orthodontic treatment experiences among first-year students at Chulalongkorn University, Chanchai Hosanguan, Suthean Umpronsirirat, and Poowadis Kosonittikul
Study of process parameters in conventional powder metallurgy of silver, S Amaranan and A Manonukul
Study on flame retardancy and anti-dripping of polyester fabric treated with bentonite, diammonium hydrogen phosphate and aluminium hydroxide, P Lerdkajornsuk and S Charuchinda
Study on physical, optical and luminescence of Er3+ in K2O-CaO-B2O3 glasses for photonic application, N Wantana, S Insiripong, Y Ruangthaweep, and J Kaewkhao
Study on structure and luminescence properties of LaBMoO6:Dy3+ phosphor for photonic material applications, E Kaewnuam, N Wantana, H J. Kim, and J Kaewkhao
Study on the Fire-Protection: Characteristics of Green Spaces in Central Sakai City, Misato Kagioka, Yuji Hara, and Kazuaki Tsuchiya
Styles, Strategies & Tasks: Are They Related?, Urarat Parnrod, Pornapit Darasawang, and Wareesiri Singhasiri
Stylistic Patterns in Language Teaching Research Articles: A Multidimensional Analysis, Woravit Kitjaroenpaiboon and Kanyarat Getkham
Styrian Autumn Festival: A City Revisiting Its European Heritage Graz September 2018, Kjell Skyllstad
Suan Nai Bangkok and Suan Nok Bangchang: The Emergence and Transformation of Floating Markets in the Chao Phraya River Delta of Thailand, Luxana Summaniti, Wannasilpa Peerapun, and Khaisri Paksukcharern
Subject Index of the Articles in ELC Report on a Seminar on Reading, BELC, and PASAA Journal, Achara Wangsothorn and Suphat Sukamolsun
Subject : Materials Development/Syllabus Design
Subject : Phonetics and Phonology
Subject : Teacher Training / Staff Development
Subject : Testing and Evaluation
Subnational probabilistic projections of fertility: rethinking from Latin America, Lucia Andreozzi
Suburban Self-suffi cient Living: An implementation of the Philosophy of Suffi ciency Economy, Sirimas Hengrasmee
Successful Transcatheter Edge-to-Edge Mitral Valve Repair via Minithoracotomy in Canine Myxomatous Mitral Valve Disease: Case Report, Anusak Kijtawornrat, Pasakorn Brikshavana, Suphanut Kulabsri, Varit Wijitratanagorn, Nilubol Booncharoensombat, Phanupong Chinnabrut, Wutti Bunjerdsuwan, Natrada Rujivipat, and Nakkawee Saengklub
Sudhira : or the Proch of Spirits A Story of Siam, Joe Darwin Palmer
Suggested Sources and Activity Types for Teaching English in a Business Setting, Kantatip Sinhaneti
Suitable Low Income Flood Resilient Housing, Nachawit Tikul
Summarising Techniques in the English Language Classroom: An International Perspective, Juan Carlos Palmer Silveira
Summary of Research Report: Foreign Language Teaching in the Northern Part of Thailand, Anek Kimsuvan
Summary of Research Report: Foreign Language Teaching in the Southern Part of Thailand, Pratana Karnnawakul
Summary of Research Report: German Language Teaching in Thailand -- Past, Present, and Future, Wanna Saengaramrueang
ซูโม่ในวัฒนธรรมพื้นบ้านญี่ปุ่น (Sumou in Japanese Folk Customs), ชมนาด ศีติสาร
Superdisintegrants in pharmaceutical solid dosage forms and searching for new disintegrant(สารช่วยแตกตัวยิ่งยวดในเภสัชภัณฑ์รูปแบบฃองแฃ็ง และความพย..., Thawatchai Phaechamud and Garnpimol Ritthidej
Super hydrophobicity of sputtered PTFE films on nanotextured aluminum surface, S Lumjeak, T Lertvanithpo, P Limnonthakul, M Horprathum, and P Songsirirtthigul
Supervision of a Music Therapy Team in Medicine, Diego Schapira
Suppositoires en France(ยาเหน็บในฝรั่งเศส), วิไลลักษณ์ อิ่มอุดม
Suppression of Pyrite Oxidation with Iron-phosphate Coating: Technique for Prevention of Acid Mine Drainage, Chantra Tongcumpou, Nipon Kongmak, and Chakkaphan Sutthirat
Surface and Deep Structure of Language Tests, Kanchana Prapphal
Surface-enhanced raman scattering technique for nanoplastics detection, Boonphop Chaisrikhwun
Surface-enhanced raman scattering using fluorescence-quenched carbon quantum dots for mercury ion detection, Andaru Dena Prasiwi
Surface modification of bricks by chitosan coatings, S Nilpairach and S T. Dubas
Surface modification of microfluidic devices, P Kumlangdudsana, S T. Dubas, and L Dubas
Surface modification of polyester fabrics with vinyltriethoxysilane, B Kusuktham
Surface treatment of powder material by metal coatings - study of corrosion properties, Z Fečková
Surgical treatment of intra-abdominal vaginal cyst severely adhered to associated organs in a dog, Nithida Boonwittaya, Anchisa Suvisit, Piraya Jaiyangyeun, Wallaya Phongphaew, and Kasamapohn Hutachinda
Survey of opinions on competencies standard in dentistry for new dental graduates, Janejira Thirawat
Survival and Factors Associated with Mortality among Patients with Lung Cancer in Northeastern Thailand, Bhunyabhadh Chaimay, Somkiattiyos Woradet, Nuntiput Putthanachote, Pongdech Sarakarn, and Jutalux Kaewmafai
Sustainable Cities in the Age of Global Warming and Peak Oil, Pål Steigan
Sustainable Mining in Myanmar, Kyi Htun
Sustainable Mining in Thailand: Paradigm Shift in Environmental Management, Saneh Niyomthai and Annuwat Wattanawan
Sustainable Tourism Paradigm in Lao PDR (1986-2004 AD), Boonyasarit Aneksuk
Sustainable Transition Models for Municipal Solid Waste Management: A Case Study of Saraburi Provincial Administration Organization, Thailand, Siwaree Boonthavornsatien and Dawan Wiwattanadate
Sustaining the Identity of Spiritual Mughal Monuments: Case of Sat Masjid Road Dhaka, Jinia Sharmeen
Sustaining Urban Spatial Network of Historical Communities through the Reuse of Temple Grounds and Social Space - A Case Study of Rattanakosin, Bangkok, Khaisri Paksukcharern
Swine vallate papilla, Nualnoi Wechbanjong, Sitthi S. Srisopark, and Wandee Apinhasmit
การวิเคราะห์ SWOT ของการพัฒนาพลังงานทดแทน น้ำมันเชื้อเพลิงในประเทศไทย, วิสาขา ภู่จินดา
SWOT Analysis for Preliminary Study of Municipal Waste Management Toward a Zero Waste Highland Community in Northern Thailand, Nittaya Pasukphun, Anuttara Hongtong, Vivat Keawdunglek, Yanasinee Suma, Pussadee Laor, and Tawatchai Apidechkul
Syllabus Design Reviewed by Lalita Morkpring, David Nunan and Lalita Morkpring
ซิลเวีย แพล็ธ และ เท็ด ฮิวส์จากอีกมุมมอง (Sylvia Plath and Ted Hughes: Another Perspective), พจี ยุชิต
Symbolism in the Chaomae Song Nang Ritual, Panupong Udomsilp and Sukanya Sujachaya
Symmetric dimethylarginine in dogs with pulmonary arterial hypertension, Siwayu Rattanakanokchai, Numfa Fungbun, Ketmanee Senaphan, Supranee Jitpean, and Trasida Ployngam
Symposium - Coconut Science from Research Bench to Industry and Business, Tipayanate Ariyapitipan, Nisaudah Radenahmad, and Kanit Suwanprasit
Synchronous tri-cavitary biphasic malignant mesothelioma in a dog presenting with dyspnea, Nawarus Prapaiwan, Tawewan Issarankura Na Ayudhaya, Poonavit Pichayapaiboon, and Onrampha Tanglakmankhong
การใช้ ไคโทซานในการตรึงเซลล์ไซยาโนแบคทีเรีย Synechocystis sp. ด้วยวิธีการเกาะติดและการกักเก็บเซลล์ในเจลไคโทซาน, ปราณี โรจน์สิทธิศักดิ์, สุรเชษฐ์ บุรุษอาชาไนย, อภิรดี โพธิพงศา, and สรวิศ เผ่าทองศุข
Syntactic Ambiguity in Legal, Political, Media, and Academic Registers of Thai: Patterns and Avoidance, Nattawut Chaicharoen
Syntactic Analysis of Online Tourism Slogans: Frequency, Forms and Functions, Narumon Huadhom and Wannapa Trakulkasemsuk
Syntactic and Semantic Properties of Benefactive Markers phuea and hai in Thai(คุณสมบัติทางวากยสัมพันธ์และอรรถศาสตร์ของตัวบ่งชี้ผู้รับประโยชน์"เพื่อ" และ "ให้" ในภาษาไทย), Piroon Piyamahapong and Kingkarn Thepkanjana
Syntactic Patterns of Zhuang Idioms, Somsonge Burusphat and Qin Xiaohang
Syntactic, Semantic and Pragmatic Properties of the Negative Form /plàaw/ in Thai(คุณสมบัติทางวากยสัมพันธ์ อรรถศาสตร์ และวัจนปฏิบัติของรูปปฏิเสธ เปล่าในภาษาไทย), Rujira Bumrungkarn and Kingkarn Thepkanjana
Syntactic Word-compounding in Tai Khrang, Unchalee Wongwattana
Synthesis and anti-psoriatic activity of a mycophenolic acid-curcumin conjugate as a mutual prodrug, Yonelian Yuyun
Synthesis and biological activities of chalcone derivatives, Ade Danova
Synthesis and characterization of amorphous silica nanoparitcles from aqueous silicates uisng cationic surfactants, M Abou Rida and F Harb
Synthesis and characterization of ball-milled eggshell and Al2O3 reinforced hybrid green composite material, Shrawan KUMAR, Shashi Prakash DWIVEDI, and Vijay Kumar DWIVED
Synthesis and characterization of poly(acrylic acid) hydrogel for doxycycline drug release study, Tukiakula Madhusudana Reddy, Ganjeenahalli Puttagiddappa Mamatha, Thippaiah Demappa Mahadevaiah, Lachakkal Rudrappa Shivakumara, and Nayak Devappa Satyanarayan
Synthesis and characterization of SiO2 nanowires prepared from rice husk ash, S Pukird, P Chamninok, S Samran, P Kasian, K Noipa, and L Chow
Synthesis and evaluation of hepatoprotective effects of a tetrahydrocurcumin-diglutaric acid prodrug, Nattapong Jongjitphisut
Synthesis and fabrication of polyaniline/eggshell composite in ammonia detection, Nurul Aqilla MAZLAN, Jamil M. SAPARI, and Kavirajaa Pandian SAMBASEVAM
Synthesis and luminescence properties of CaMoO4:Sm3+ phosphors for orange photonic materials, N Luewarasirikul, J Kaewkhao, and H Kim
Synthesis and Scaling up of Fe3+ by Sol-gel Method Doped on Ceramic Foam for Decolorization of Reactive Red Dyeing Wastewater, Pongsak Khaowin, Prukraya Pongyeela, Pichayapan Kongpanna, and Juntima Chungsiriporn
Synthesis between Chinese and Western Theatricalities of the Three-tiered Stage Pleasant Sound Pavilion, Sasiporn Petcharapiruch
Synthesis of aligned carbon nanotubes by floating catalyst method using ferrocene, R Ravindra and B R. Bhat
Synthesis of Calcium Oxide from River Snail Shell as a Catalyst in Production of Biodiesel, Sasiprapha Kaewdang and Rotjapun Nirunsin
Synthesis of functionalized porphyrins for application as soft materials, Dumrongsak Aryuwananon
Synthesis of hydroxyapatite from cuttlebone under various pH conditions: An approach for medical materials, Sineenart KANGKAN, Premjit ARPORNMAEKLONG, and Sarute UMMARTYOTIN
Synthesis of modified nickel iron layered double hydroxides to enhance electrochemical properties for supercapacitor, Machima Mongkhonratanachai
Synthesis of nanoparticulate Ti-doped ZnO by solution combustion technique, O Jongprateep, P Deedit, R Puranasamriddhi, and K Meesombad
Synthesis of nitrogen-doped carbon dots from aromatic amino acids, Nattapon Siengdung
Synthesis of Porous Silica by co-Micelle Emulsion Ternplating Technique Using PEG/Acrylamide and 2-(Acryloyloxy)-N,N,N-Trimethylethanaminium Chloride/Acrylamide as Templates, Iman ABDULLAH, Widyastuti SAMADI, Arvinda WIDYANA, David Chandra PANDAPOTAN, and Ridla BAKRI
Synthesis of zeolite A membrane from rice husk ash, C Bhavornthanayod and P Rungrojchaipon
Syphilis, Gonorhoea, Leprosy, and Yaws in the Indonesian Archipelago, 1500-1950, Peter Boomgaard
Systems analysis in application to setting up the school of Deputy District Officer in Thailand, Arun Ractham
Tabi-tabi po: Situating the narrative of the supernatural in the context of the Philippines community development, Paolo Miguel Vicerra and Jem Javier
Tailoring in the ESL Classroom : Finding a fit between instructional and learning styles through the medium of simulations, Shanta Nair-Venugopal
TAITRA launched the first Halal Taiwan Week on September 14 - 16, 2021, Jasmin Manee and Yuting Wu
Taking Notes in Engineering Lectures : Suggestions for ESP Materials Development, Dermot F. Murphy
Taking Religion Outside:New Secular Identities between Autonomy, Contingency and Total Immersion, Antonio Petrov
Tales in the Paasaali Dirge: Structure and Moral Lessons from the Past, Confidence Gbolo, Samuel Adu-Gyamfi, and Charles Ofosu Marfo
Tales to Tell, Chatraporn Lertvatrakan
Talking About Pen Sao in the 1950s-60s: An Exploration Through Discussion on A History of Design and Manners, Juthamas Tangsantikul
Talk of the Town : Clay detergent and cleansing the "Najis", Winai Dahlan
Tang poetry and the reproduction of nation-building ideology in Chinese society, Patchanee Tangyuenyong
Tann:D : Noodle from Egg White Protein, The Innavation by Chulalongkorn University's Nutritionists, Uarna Nungarlee
Targeting Phuket and Andaman as Halal Tourism Hub, Veerasak Kowsurat
Tarnish resistance of silver reinforced with carbon material to artificial sweat and hydrogen sulfide, Kunthida Chanthaban
Task assignment and path planning of multiple unmanned aerial vehicles using Integer Linear Programming, Imran Saeed Mirza
Taste Perception in Patients Wearing Upper Removable Orthodontic Appliances with Posterior Bite Planes, Sarawan Siripanthana and Chidsanu Changsiripun
Taste Terms in the Patani Malay Ethnic Group, Nuntana Wongthai
Teacher Ideology and the Climate for Change, Mike Long
Teacher Intervention during the Writing Process: An Alternative to Providing Teacher Feedback on EFL Academic Writing in Large Classes, Kriengsukdi Syananondh and Watana Padgate
Teacher into Counselor: Are You Ready for the Transformation?, Pattama Sappapan
Teachers' Reflections Towards Performance-based Language Assessment, Bordin Chinda
Teacher Training for an Individualized Classroom, Paul Aiken and Kannikar Chonaltong
Teacher Workshops - They Really Do Work!, Malinee Chandavimol
การจัดกิจกรรมและสภาพแวดล้อม การเรียนการสอนภาคปฏิบัติ วิชาการพยาบาลผู้สูงอายุ ของอาจารย์พยาบาล ในวิทยาลัยพยาบาล สังกัดสถาบันพระบรมราชชนก (Teaching Activities and Teaching Environment in Clinical Setting in Gerontological Nursing of Nursing Instructors, Nursing College Under The Jurisdiction of Prabaromarajchanok Institute), วาสนา ฉัตรเวทิน and พวงเพ็ญ ชุณหปราณ
Teaching and Learning English in Thailand : Some Problems and Remedies, Alan Mountford
Teaching Business Communication in English : Programs at GIBA, Bangkok, Thailand, Richard Mead, Kantatip Sinhaneti, and Kenneth Pas
Teaching Communicative English Skills through Video, Daphne LIU-yi
Teaching Critical Thinking in Non-Western Contexts, John Michael McGuire
Teaching Critical Thinking through Cultural Perspective Taking: Potential Insights for the Asian Critical Thinking Movement from US Multicultural Education Reform, Barbara M. Kinach
Teaching Cultural Studies and Area Studies in Thailand, Michael Hayes
Teaching digital literacy to enhance reading comprehension for EFL students, Thanchanok Rochanaphapayon
Teaching English as a Foreign Language : The Experiences of a Thai University, Toemsakdi Krishanamara
Teaching English the Student-Accommodating Way, Peansiri E. Vongvipanond
Teaching English Writing for a Global Context: An Examination of NS, EST and EFL Learning Strategies That Work, Rebecca K. Webb
Teaching Listening Comprehension Reviewed by Parichat Choochotkaew, Penny Ur and Parichat Choochotkaew
Teaching of German in Thailand: Past, Present, and Future, Wanna Saengaramruang
Teaching Practice in Malta, Davivarn Vannaprux
Teaching Practice in Malta, Panninee Sagarik
Teaching Reading Comprehension in Large Classes, Pimpan Srivardhana
Teaching Texts for Scientific English
Teaching the Vocabulary of Citation: Action Research in a Southeast Asian Context, Jena Lynch
Teaching Vocabulary with Special Reference to EAP Reading for Commerce and Accountancy, Saree Kulsiriswad
Teaching Western Philosophy in Japan -- One Experience, Andre Goddu
Teak Log Coffins in Northwest Thailand: Dated by Dendrochronology and 14Cwiggle Matching, Nathsuda Pumijumnong and Sineenart Wannasri
Team English in Adolescent Large EFL Classes, Marguerite G. MacDonald, Zena M. Thiravithul, William Butkulwong, and Pranee Kednoi
Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching Reviewed by Saree Kulsiriswad, Diane Larsen-Freeman and Saree Kulsiriswad
Techniques for Analyzing Source of Gelatin in Food Sample, Arnat Denyingyhot
Techniques in Teaching English Writing, Bang-Orn Savangvarorose and Melvyn Sharman
Techniques of Text Simplication, Suphat Sukamolson
Techniques to improve coating adhesion of superhard coatings, N Panich, P Wangyao, N Vattanaprateep, and S Yong
Techno-economic analysis of acetone and ethylene production from bioethanol, Thanyarath Nueangchamnong
Techno-economic analysis of monoglyceride and diglyceride production from waste cooking oil, Napat Olarachin
Technological Drive, the Self and the Ethical, Michael Kelly
การประเมินเทคโนโลยีทางการพยาบาล (Technology Assessment in Nursing), พวงทิพย์ ชัยพิบาลสฤษดิ์
Technology Transfer in Thailand: For Whom and For What ?, Jan Servaes
ประสิทธิภาพของยีน TEF ในการจัดจำแนกเชื้อ Aspergillus ที่เพาะได้จากผู้ป่วยไทย, ประภาพร คชพงษ์
การสอนภาษาอังกฤษในประเทศไทย : เราจะไปทางไหนกัน? (TEFL in Thailand : Where do we go from here?), ประพาศน์ พฤทธิประภา
TEFL Wonderland : The "puu puu plaa plaa" Philosophy of Teaching English, Prapart Brudhiprabha
Telex Language in Thailand : Its Importance, Its Teaching and the Materials Required, Bang-Orn Savangvarorose
Temperature dependence of dielectric properties for BFO-BTO-BZT ceramics, S Unruan, M Unruan, and R Yimnirun
Temporal distribution of air pollutants (PM2.5, PM10 and O3) in Yangon City, Myanmar during 2019-2021, Tin Saw Pyae
Ten Mistakes to Avoid When Writing a Literature Review, Woravut Jaroongkhongdach
Terrarium : โลกสีเขียวใบเล็กๆ, เสาวนีย์ วิจิตรโกสุม
Terrorism in Thailand in the Post-Cold War Era: An Enduring Armed Separatism, Wuttikorn Chuwattananurak
Testing : A critical part of good teaching, Khedair S. Al-Khedair
Testing for Communicative Proficiency: A Scenario-Based Approach, Jane Davics and Gavin Hibbs
Testing Student Language Performance at the Asian Institute of Technology, David Hall, Roger Hawkey, and Brian Kenny
Testing Students' Ability to Read Scientific English, Mayuree Durongbhan
Testing the Translation Skills, Achara Wangsothorn
Testing University Learners' Interlanguage Pragmatic Competence in a Chinese EFL Context, Lan Xu and Anchalee Wannaruk
Testing Washback in Language Education, James Dean Brown
Tests and Measurement for People Who (Think They) Hate Tests and Measurement, Sakolkarn Insai
Test Takers’ Perceptions of Design and Implementation of an Online Language Testing System at a Thai University during the COVID-19 Pandemic, Kornwipa Poonpon
Test-Taking Strategies Used in the Reading Section of the Test of English for Thai Engineers and Technologists: A Computerbased ESP Test, Thanaporn Waiprakhon and Natjiree Jaturapitakkul
สารยับยั้งการสงเคราะห์ Tetrahydrofoiate กับการนำมาใช้เป็นเคมีนำบัด, สุนันท์ พงท์สามารถ
Text and Discourse Analysis and their Implications for Use in the Preparation of EAP Materials, Suraprom Puangmali
Textile Installations Inspired by Cubism for Biodiversity Sustainability Education, Gideon Owusu Manu, Ebenezer Kofi Howard, Dickson Adom, and Osafo Agyemang
Thai civil servants and their development-orientedness, Tin Prachyapruit
ประชาสังคมไทย (Thai Civil Society), วัชรินทร์ ชาญศิลป์
Thai Classical Music Composition Pleng Ruang Puja Nakhon Nan, Pattara Komkhum and Kumkom Pornprasit
ประสิทธิผลของการใช้แอปพลิเคชัน ThaIDในการลงทะเบียนเลือกตั้งล่วงหน้านอกเขต พ.ศ. 2566, พีรพงษ์ หมื่นอินทร์ชัย
Thai Difficulties in Using English Prepositions, Phon Khampang
Thai Dominace over English and the Learning of English by Thais, J. Marvin Brown
Thai Education Under Ancient Regimes, Rong Syamanonda
Thai EFL Undergraduate Engineering Students’ Perspectives on Academic Writing: Challenges and Strategies, Chariya Prapobratanakul
Thai foreign direct investment and human security implications: A case study of the Xayaburi Dam in Lao PDR, Naruemon Thabchumpon and Carl Middleton
พจนานุกรมไทย-ฝรั่งเศส (Thai French Dictionnary), แพรวโพยม บุณยะผลึก
Thai Gender Ideology: A View from Representations of Social Actors in Crime News Headlines, Phennapha Klaisingto and Wirote Aroonmanakun
Thai Identities as Scened in Twenty-first Century Contemporary Thai Media Art, Prapon Kumjim
Thai Impersonal Pronouns and Language Power, Kitima Indrambarya
บทความ: "เฮมพ์"…พืชฟื้นฟูดินปนเปื้อนสารพิษสู่นวัตกรรมผลิตภัณฑ์ชุมชน…ยุค Thailand 4.0, อชิรญาณ์ คเณศรักษพงษ์ and พันธวัศ สัมพันธ์พานิช
Thailand and Cambodia after 1991: Cambodia as a new interest for Thailand, Ukrist Pathmanand
Thailand and Myanmar: permanent enemies turned friends?, Pornpimon Trichot
Thailand: Another Vietnam?, Daniel Wit
Thailand : A vertically structured social system, Gosa Arya
ดร.สุรินทร์ พิศสุวรรณ ผู้อยู่เบื้อหลังความสำเร็จของงาน Thailand Halal Assembly
Thailand International Halal Expo 2017 (TIHEX2017 งานแสดงสินค้าฮาลาลนานาชาติ)
Thailand's 2007 Constitution Beyond Intellectuals' Discourses: A Perspective for the Common People, Vong-on Phuaphansawat
แนวพรมแดนของไทย (Thailand's Boundaries), รัชนีกร บุญ-หลง
Thailand's elite civil servants and their development-orientedness : An empirical test of national data, T. Prachyapruit
Thailand's Elite Civil Servants : Some Propositions On Their Developmental and Professional Orientations--In Search of Professor Siffin's Enquiry, Tin Prachyapruit
Thailand's Female Elite Civil Servants and Their Development-Orientedness : A Comparative Study Utilizing National Data, Tin Prachyapruit
Thailand's foreign policy, J. L. S. Girling
Thailand's foreign policy determination, Likhit Dhiravegin
Thailand's Halal Science: No.1 in the world
Thailand's Land Reform: Agenda- Setting Process for the Enactment of the Land Reform Law for Agriculture Act of 1975, Sakaraporn Thirasirikul
Thailand's move from a pity to a rights-based understanding of disability, Michelle Proyer
Thailand's national security policies: Knowledge of the Deep South unrest, Punpipit Pipitpun
Thailand's primary exports - An essay in demand and supply analysis, Prachoom Chomchai
Thailand's Role in ASEAN's Preventive Diplomacy, Usaimeen Waenalai
Thailand's tourist destination image and their intentions to revisit, Juxin Mou
Thailand's transition: A study of the new approach of developing countries, คุณตรีรัตน์ พรหมศิริ
Thailand, the People's Republic of China and the United Nations, Anandvichai Dhanasunthorn
Thai Language Learners' Sense of English Ownership, Songyut Akkakoson
Thai Learners' Problems in Translating Thai Serial Verb Constructions into English(ปัญหาการแปลหน่วยสร้างกริยาเรียงภาษาไทยเป็นภาษาอังกฤษของผู้เรียนชาวไทย), Somjit Jirananthiporn and Prima Mallikamas
Thai medical population genomics based on Brugada syndrome cohort, John Mauleekoonphairoj
Thai migrants' access to HIV/AIDS treatment in Japan, Kannikar Kijiwatchakul
Thai migrants in Japan: Experience and return, Kannika Angsuthanasombat
Thai movies as symbolic representation of Thai life, Jure Vichit-V Adakan
Thai peasant personality, Herbert P. Phillips
Thai PhD Students and their Supervisors at an Australian University: Working Relationship, Communication, and Agency, Singhanat Nomnian
THAI POLITICAL CULTURE, Pricha Hongskrailers
ผลลัพธ์ด้านความเสมอภาคของนโยบาย Thai SELECT (พ.ศ. 2561 - 2566), ชลิดา เดชมนต์
Thai stakeholders' perceptions of Vietnam and Thai- Vietnamese relations, Theera Nuchpiam
Thai Students' Encounters with English : Two Common Situations Conductive to Improper Response, Thanyarat Panakul
Thai student's political interest and attitudes, Suchit Bunbongkarn
Thai students' usage of Mandarin second-person pronoun "ni" and "nin", Seubpong Changboonchu
Thai Students' Written English ....... A Syntactic Analysis, John Paul Fieg
Thai Tertiary Learners’ Attitudes towards Their Thai English Accent, Eric A. AMBELE and Yusop Boonsuk
Thai Tones Produced by Tonal and Non-tonal Language Speakers: An Acoustic Study, Chommanad Intajamornrak
Thai University Students' Variables as the Predictors of Computer-Based Test Performance, Prateep Kiratibodee
บทกวี เรื่องสั้น เรื่องแปล : Thai version of Dr. Jose Rizal's "Mi Ultimo Adios, Ananchanok Pahnichaputt
Thai Way of Saying 'NO' to a Request, Nattaporn Panpothong
Thai Yai, Shan, and Tai Long: Political identity across state boundaries, Nicola Tannenbaum
สัมภาษณ์ : สภาเครือข่ายเยาวชนสิ่งแวดล้อมแห่งชาติ (Thai YEN), สิริพร แก่นสียา
ธาเลส: บิดาของปรัชญาตะวันตก (Thales 624? - 548 ก่อน ค.ศ.), กีรติ บุญเจือ
Tha Tien: Case Study of Use Transformation, Peeraya Boonprasong
The 10th Annual Urban Research Plaza's Forum and Music Freedom Day Bangkok March 2012, Pornprapit Phoasavadi
The 11th Cultural Diversity in Music Education Conference (CDIME) Singapore January 2012, Kjell Skyllstad
The 11th IMT-GT Working Group Meeting on Halal Products and Services
The 2005 Year's Work in Linguistics in Thailand, Pranee Kullavanijaya
The 21st Century's New Paradigm for Landscape Architecture; Restoration of Spiritual Environments in Landscape Design, Sim Woo-kyung
The 45th International Council for Traditional Music World Conference Bangkok July 2019, Alan Kinear and Pornprapit Phoasavadi
The ABC's of Lexical Additions to American English, Edward M. Anthony
รายงานการวิจัยเรื่อง "ความเป็นผู้นำทางวิชาการความพึงพอใจในงานของหัวหน้าภาควิชา ในสถานศึกษาพยาบาลที่ส่งผลต่อความสำเร็จ ในการบริหารภาควิชา (The Academic Leadership and Job Satisfaction of Nursing Department Chairpersons Contributing to the Managerial Success), พิชญาภรณ์ มูลศิลป์ อิงคามระธร
The Accentual System of Thai Polysyllabic Words, Udom Warotamasikkhadit
The Acceptance of Western Culture in Thailand, Titima Phitakspraiwan
The acquisition of English irregular past tense morphology by L1 Chinese learners, Tingting Yang
The Address given by Professor Kasem Suwanagul, Minister of the Office of University Affairs
การดูดซับตะกั่วและแคดเมียมจากน้ำเสียโดยใช้กากสาคูเป็นวัสดุดูดซับ (The Adsorption of Lead and Cadmium from Wastewater by Using Dregs of Sago Palm (Metroxylon sagu Rottb) as Adsorbents), ประวิทย์ เนื่องมัจฉา and ปิยวรรณ เนื่องมัจฉา
บทวิเคราะห์นวนิยายเรื่อง THE AMBASSADORS ของ เฮนรี่ เจมส์, อานันท์ชนก พานิชพัฒน์
The American challenge, J.-J. Servan-Schreiber
The Analysis of Garbage Management Tools Based on the Levels of Transactional Collaboration between Shipping Company and Seaport, Chalermpong Senarak, Kamonchanok Suthiwartnarueput, and Pongsa Pornchaiwiseskul
The anatomy of influence : Decision making in international organization, Rober W. Cox and Harold J. Jacobson
The Anatomy of Thai Face, Larry Scott Persons
The Ancient Colors of Mural Paintingwan Chapel: Re-Imaging of Faith in the Bhuddhaisawan Chapel- Re-Imaging of Faith, Pichai Thutongkinanon
The Antagonist in Trickster Tales of Trang Quynh, Soratee Jaisa-ard
The anti-Japanese movement in Thailand in the 1970s in international and domestic perspective, Saikaew Thipakorn
The Anxieties of the Silent Colonial Discourse in The Sheik, Omar Moumni
The Application of Global Grammar Theory to Locative and Directional Structures in Chinese, Thai and English, Chanyaporn Parinyavottichai
The Architecture of Batak Toba: An Expression of Living Harmoniously, Himasari Hanan and Surjamanto Wonorahardjo
The Art Museum Propelling City Development: Oslo as a Creative City, Stein Olav Henrichsen
The Art of Politics as Corpus Xenophonteum : A Study in Political Philosophy, Prasert Patanaponpaiboon and Chaiyan Chaiyapom
The Asian Conference on Arts and Culture: What Allows Cultures to Survive? - The Performing Arts Responding to Urban Crises Bangkok August 2012, Kjell Skyllstad
The Assessment of the Reading Speed and Reading Ability of Thai University Commerce and Accountancy Students Who are Trained by Using a Computer Reading Program, Kulaporn Hiranburana and Prakaikaew Opanon-amata
The Association between Medication Use and Peri-operative Delirium in Older Hip Fracture Adult Patients at King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital, Krittin Wannarong, Yanin Thipakorn, Jirada Prasartpornsirichoke, Warong Sitthisarunkul, Chumpol Suraphanphairoj, and Paul Thisayakorn
Theatre for Development - A Tanzanian Road Towards Citizenship and Cultural Renewal, Hilde Kvam
The Audience is your Friend: A Brief Guide for International Conference Presenters, Nor Hafizah Ismail and David Crookall
The Author in Edward Said's Orientalism: The Question of Agency, Phrae Chittiphalangsri
The Bandung ideology: Anti-colonial internationalism and Indonesia's foreign policy (1945-1965), Ahmad Rizky Mardhatillah Umar
The Beginning of Labor Movement in Thailand (1900-1930), Kanchada Poonpanich
The Behaviourist in the Woodpile, Joe Darwin Palmer
The benefits of dexmedetomidine for pain mitigation after cautery disbudding in calves, Tsung-Ching Liu, Chen-Fei Chiang, Thomas Chia-Tang Ho, and Jacky Peng-Wen Chan
The Blending of Thai-Muslim Musical Performances in Southern Thailand, Bussakorn Sumrongthong
The Body and Sexuality in Siam: A First Exploration in Early Sources, Barend Jan Terwiel
The Buddha Image in Thailand, Kukdej Kantamara
ทัศนะของพระพุทธเจ้าต่อระบบวรรณะ (The Buddha's Attitude towards Caste System), ชาญวิทย์ ทัดแก้ว
The Buddhist Theravāda Coun-cils, and the Preservation of the Buddhist's Teachings, Visuth Busyakul
The bureaucrats' role in Thai politics : The bureaucratic polity confirmed?, Likhit Dhiravegin
The Case for Unscripted Listening Comprehension Materials, M.A. Frankel
ปราสาทของบารอนฮุนแดร์ - เตน-ทรองค์ใน ก็องดิดด์ ของวอลแตร์ (The Castle of Baron Thunder-Ten-Tronckh in Voltaire's "Candide"), ปณิธิ หุ่นแสวง
ดอะแค็ตเชอร์อินเดอะไรย์ : ขบถวัยรุ่นห้าสิบปีให้หลัง (The Catcher in the Rye: Youthful Rebellion Fifty Years After), คารินา โชติรวี
The central and peripheral analgesic effect of Vietnamese traditional herbal formula Thai Binh HV decoction on experimental animal models, Nhu Quy Nguyen Thi, Mai Linh Nguyen Thi, Quan Nguyen Van, Huu Tran Duc, and Ngan Nguyen Hoang
The Challenge of Promoting Greater Use of Economic Instruments in Thailand: Lessons Learned from the Draft Act on Economic Instruments for Environmental Management, Sujitra Vassanadumrongdee and Panate Manomaivibool
การเปลี่ยนแปลงของระดับแอลฟา-ฟีโตโปรตีนและ ฮอร์โมนฮิวแมน คลอริโอนิค โกนาโดโทรปิน ของสตรีมีครรภ์และน้ําหนักทารกแรกเกิด (The Change of Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) Hormone Levels in Pregnant Women and Their Newborn Birth Weight), กัลยาณี ตันนศฤงฆาร, เบญจภรณ์ ประภักดี, สมชาย อิสระวาณิชย์, อนุสรณ์ รังสิโยธิน, วีนัส อุดมประเสริฐกุล, เริงศักดิ์ บุญบรรดาลชัย, สุชาดา มะโนทัย, อากฤษฎ์ บุญสงวน, สมร ตันธนสุทธิวงศ์, and หทัยพร ชุมมณีกุล
The change of surface alloy compositions and corrosion behavior after WEDM machining of commercially pure titanium (grade 4) and Ti-6Al-4V (grade 5), K Sriprasertying and S Rhaiphu
The Changing Role of Water in the Spatial Construction andDesign of Southeast Asian Polities, Lily C. Wong
The characterization and pathogenicity of Morganella morganii strains isolated from beef cattle in Sichuan Province, China, Dongjie Cai, Bin Tian, Xiao Liu, Jianzhu Liu, David Ranucci, Xiaoping Ma, Ya Wang, Liuhong Shen, Zhijun Zhong, and Zhicai Zuo
The Chinese community in Bangkok during the second half of the nineteenth century, Piyanart Bunnag
The Chinese Hokkien People and the Orchard Development in Bang Kho Laem in the Past, Punnee Bualek
The Church of the East and the Preservation of Western Intellect(คริสตจักรแห่งตะวันออกกับการเก็บรักษาภูมิปัญญาตะวันตก), Supavit Thavaraputta
The CIEL Individualized Language Learning Project (ILLP), Paul L. Aiken, Lyle F. Bachman, and Greta K. Sealey
THE CITY OF BANGKOK, Rong Syamananda
คลาสสิกยุโรปและคลาสสิกในวรรณกรรมไทย (The "Classic" in European Literature and the "Classic" in Thai Literature), พรสรรค์ วัฒนางกูร
The clinicopathological study and associated causes of pleural effusions in cats, Hsu Mon Hla
THE COLD WAR : A RE-VISIT, Soravis Jayanama
The combination effect of lapatinib and palbociclib in endocrine-resistant breast cancer cells, Kantasorn Horpratraporn
The Commodification of Public Spaces on Khao San Road, Parisa Musigakama
The Comparison of Density and Land Use Activities near Transit Stations in Bangkok and Singapore, Jittichai Rudjanakanoknad, Achara Limmonthol, Chayatiya Leecharoen, and Sarisa Nakaratanakorn
The comparison of the surface roughness and surface morphology of sintered and chairside polished monolithic zirconia implant crown, Wasan Vatanasak and Kamolporn Wattanasirmkit
The Concept of Buddhas in the Karandavyuha Sutra, Minkwan Chaiyapong
แนวคิดและหลักการว่าด้วยการละเมิดอำนาจรัฐสภา The concept of contempt of parliament, พรสันต์ เลี้ยงบุญเลิศชัย
The concept of "development" and the Thai government's policies to develop the Northeast, 1951-1966, Somsri Chaiwanichaya
The concept of "Entrepreneur" in social anthropology: Its relevance to the studies of peasant economy, Preecha Kuwinpant
The Concept of ''Perfectly Virtuous Women'': Identity and Power of Khmer Women and the Nation, Areeya Hutinta
The Conciliatory Rebels: Aspects of Contemporary Thai Literature, Chetana Nagavajara
The conference of the international commisson of jurists, M.R. Seni Pramoj
The consequences for South East Asia of events in Indo-China, Dr.Thanat Khoman
The Conservation and Management of the Cultural Heritage of Thailand: The Drafting of the Charter, Weeraphan Shinawatra
The Conservation of Cultural Heritage along Amphawa Canal, Samut Songkhram Province, Wannasilpa Peerapun, Siriwan Silaphacharanan, and Vira Sachakul
The Conservation of Traditional Waterfront Markets in Thailand, Siriwan Silapacharanan
The construction and development of Public Administration knowledge: A state-of-the-art review of Thai doctoral dissertations, Pratumtip Thongcharoen and Chokchai Suttawet
The Content of Business Communication, Richard Mead
The "cool heart": Social relationships in a Northeastern Thai village, William Klausner
The Correlation and Contribution of Depth of Vocabulary Knowledge to Reading Success of EFL Bangladeshi Tertiary Students, Md Kamrul Hasan and Ahmad Affendi Shabdin
The Correlation Between Occupant Thermal Comfort and Discomfort Glare in Office Buildings in the Tropics:A Case Study in Thailand, kittiwoot chaloeytoy and Masayuki Ichinose
The COVID-19 Pandemic and Human Rights Limitation: The Role of Trust and Communication in Vietnam, Van Thanh Vu
The Creation of an Integrated Set of Musical Instruments for Mentally Disabled Children, Tepika Rodsakan and Bussakorn Binson
The Creation of Cultural Heritage: Towards Creating a Modern Thai Architectural Identity, Vimolsiddhi Horayangkura
The credit risk-return puzzle and the value premium puzzle in Thailand, Pimnara Ratanasaeng
The cross-sectional return dispersion with momentum strategyand the spill over across FX and Equity markets, during COVID-19, Pisit Grittiyarangsan
The CULI English for Academic Purposes ReadingCourse, Christopher Cleary
The CULI English for Academic purposes Writing Course, Stephen Edmonds
The Cultural Development of Vietnam: Updating Policy for 2020, Dung Nguyen Manh
The Cultural History School the next phase of Thai studies, Chatthip Nartsupha
The cultural significance of Buddha representations from Bangkok in a Japanese Buddhist historic site: A case study of Nittaiji Temple of Japan, Vannaporn Phongpheng
The Culture Mosaic : Classroom connections, Margaret Kersten and Marilyn Weir
The Curricular Canon in Northern Thailand and Laos, Justin McDanial
The curvature of the palatal root canal of the maxillary molars in the Thai population, Mettachit Nawachinda
The Day of Eid-ul-Fitr is Not Islamic New Year, Acharee Suksuwan
The deactivation of gamma-alumina based catalyst during aqueous phase reaction using density function theory, Phakaorn Aphichoksiri
The deactivation study of titanium dioxide catalyst in thermochemical processes via density functional theory, Chinanang Ngamlaor
The Death Penalty, Preecha Changkhwanyuen
The Decline of Socialist Realism in Post-1975 Vietnamese Literature, Montira Rato
The Defense of State's Role in Public Policy(รัฐยังต้องมีบทบาทสำคัญในนโยบายสาธารณะ), Pisanu Sangiampongsa
The Defiance of Patriarchy and the Creation of a Female Literary Tradition in Contemporary World Popular Fiction, Surapeepan Chatraporn
The Destruction of Heritage - Rock Art in the Burrup Peninsula, José Antonio González Zarandona
The Development and Trends of Literary Studies in Thailand, Trisilpa Boonkhachorn
The Development and Validation of Willingness-to-Listen in L2 (WTL) Scale, Ahmet Selçuk Akdemir
The Development of a Full Online Flipped Classroom Instructional Model for Enhancement of Engineering Students’ English Meeting Skills and Learning Engagement, Piyatida Changpueng and Fasawang Pattanapichet
The Development of a Local Online English Proficiency Test for Young Learners: Key Considerations and Challenges, Jirada Wudthayagorn, Chatraporn Piamsai, and Phasphan Thanompongchart
The Development of an Intensive English Course for Buddhist Missionary Monks Using Task--Based Instruction, Nopphawan Chimroylarp
The Development of an Online Reader Self-Perception Scale for EFL University Students, Wanpen Poomarin and Dumrong Adunyarittigun
The development of a PCR assay for the detection and identification of Candida in oral samples, Oranart Matangkasombut, Jarumon Siraprapa, and Issara Wongpraparatana
The Development of Asian Rail Corridors-, David Murray
The Development of Blue Light Activated Methacrylated Hyaluronic Acid Hydrogel for Drug Delivery System, Puree Chaopanitcharoen, Nirada Dhanesuan, Jittima Amie Luckanagul, and Sorasun Rungsiyanont
The Development of Competencies of Caregivers in Caring Stroke Patients(การพัฒนาความสามารถของผู้ดูแลในการดูแลผู้ป่วยโรคหลอดเลือดสมอง), Arissara Sukwatjanee and Anchaleeporn Amatayakul
The Development of Environmental Education Model "KAPP" Concerning Natural Energy with Evaluation Model CIPPIF via Mixed Media, Chaiyuth Laohachanakoor
The development of Indonesian bureaucratic polity, Withaya Sucharithanarugse
The Development of Syntactic Complexity in Thai Children's Narratives, Suthasinee Piyapasuntra
ไม้ยมกกับการแปล (The Diacritic "Mai-Yamok" and Translation), ปทมา อัตนโก
The difference of plasma 16s ribosomal bacterial deoxyribonucleic acid level between cirrhotic patients with and without hepatic encephalopathy, Kessarin Thanapirom
The Discourse of Democracy in Thailand, William Callahan
The Distinctions between Indefinite Pronouns and Interrogative Pronouns in Thai, Roongaroon Teekhachunhatean
The distribution of severe periodontitis in urban (Bangkok) and rural (Payao province) high risk to stress group of Thai population, Varaporn Buatongsri, Yupin Songpaisan, Naulchavee Hongprasong, Pratheep Phantumvanit, and Nigel Clarke
The division of labour and microeconomic theory, Prachoom Chomchai
The Double: Tracing the Cracks of Dual Identity in Balinese and European Ritualized Performance, Catherine Diamond
The Dramatic Implicatory Component, Colin Mortimer
The dynamics of Thai household poverty and its implications, Nattabhorn Leamcharaskul
The dynamics of the cross-border trades and the trades and the traders of Northwestern Thailand, 1950s to 2010s, Waraporn Ruangsri and Kriangsak Chetpatanavanich
The Dynamics of Working Class Cultural Practice : An Ethnography of Media Activities in Women Textile Workers, Ubonrat Siriyuvasak
The Econometric Model of Ship-generated Operational Waste: The Underlying Tool for Waste Management in Container Port, Chalermpong Senarak
สนทนาภาษาหนังสือ : The Edible Woman, ดารินทร์ ประดิษฐทัศนีย์
The effectiveness of a multimodal preoperative anxiety intervention on postanesthetic emergence delirium in preschoolers, Thitima Veeraburus
The Effectiveness of Student-Generated Question Technique on Reading Achievement : An Experimental Study, Prapa Vittayarungrangsri
The effect of AH plus and Zinc Oxide Eugenol-based root canal sealers on preventing residual bacteria in dentinal tubules from accessing the root canal, Napapas Nidhidvanich, Panida Thanyasrisung, and Pavena Chivatxaranukul
The effect of bank liquidity creation on performance and stock returns: Evidence from Thailand, Wanlaya Boonsongkhoh
The effect of broken marriage on fertility levels in Thailand, Sidney Goldstein, Alice Goldstein, and Sauvaluck Piampiti
The effect of capital ratio on risk, efficiency and profitability of insurance companies: evidence from Singapore and Thailand, Supanuch Limvisitsakul
The effect of democracy on the mutual fund recovery, Evidence from emerging countries, Supisara Songdecha
The effect of earning surprise on market reaction at various free float levels: an event study in Thailand, Netchanok Thongplod
The Effect of Empowerment Program on Late Phase Postoperative Recovery Among Post Lumbar Spine Surgery Patients(ผลของโปรแกรมเสริมสร้างพลังอำนาจต่อการฟื้นสภาพหลังผ่าตัดระยะท้ายในผู้ป่วยที่ได้รับการผ่าตัดกระดูกสันหลังระดับเอว), Rattiya Toeysri and Pachanut Nanthaitaweekul
The Effect of Enhancing Family Cargiving Abilty Program on Autistic Symptoms among Autistic Preschoolers(ผลของโปรแกรมเสริมสร้างความสามารถในการดูแลของครอบครัว ต่ออาการออทิสติกของเด็กออทิสติกวัยก่อนเรียน), Suchawalee Punphong, Jintana Yunibhand, and Sunisa Suktrakul
The Effect of Experience on Semantic Schemata in L2 Teacher Talk, Vahid Rahmani Doqaruni
The effect of fluid replacement during 60 minutes of moderate-intensity running on splanchnic blood flow., Warot Rangsimahariwong, Onanong Kulaputana, Tanat Tabtieang, Sompol Sanguanrungsirikul, and Natthaya Chuaypen
The Effect of Fluoride on Acid Production of Streptococcus Mutans, BHT., Jeerasak Nopakun
The effect of gamma-ray vulcanized latex gloves on the setting of light body poly(vinyl siloxane) impression materials, Chairat Wiwatwarrapan, Bow Bukkavesa, Chayagrit Siri-Upathum, and Piriyathorn Suwanmala
The Effect of Gamma-ray Vulcanized Latex Gloves on the Setting of Putty Poly(vinyl Siloxane) Impression Materials., Chairat Wiwatwarrapan, Bow Bukkavesa, Chayagrit Siri-Upathum, and Piriyathorn Suwanmala
The effect of goodwill impairment avoidance on future performance growth: Evidence from Thailand, Chantanit Limapichat
The effect of granule morphology and composition on the compaction behavior and mechanical properties of 92% alumina spray dried granules, K. Somton, K. Dateraksa, D. Atong, and R. McCuiston
The Effect of Group Experiential Learning for Parents on Aggressive Behaviors of Children with Attention - Deficit /Hyperactivity Disorder(ผลของโปรแกรมการเรียนรู้โดยประสบการณ์แบบกลุ่มของบิดามารดาต่อพฤติกรรมก้าวร้าวของเด็กสมาธิสั้น), Jirapan Saboonma, Branom Rodcumdee, and Sunisa Suktrakul
The Effect of Health Teaching on Self-Practice Among Persons with Colorectal Cancer Risk(ผลของการให้ความรู้ต่อการปฏิบัติตนก่อนการส่องกล้องลําไส้ใหญ่ ในบุคคลกลุ่มเสี่ยงโรคมะเร็งลําไส้ใหญ่), Nirin Chomali and Rungrawee Navicharern
The effect of ICT infrastructure on inward FDI in APEC countries, Nyi La Min
The effect of institutional factors on inward FDI in Asian developing countries, Thinn Nay Chi Sun
The Effect of Integrated Exercise-Oriented Program on Fatigue in Persons with Chronic Kidney Disease Receiving Hemodialysis(ผลของโปรแกรมแบบบูรณาการที่เน้นการออกกำลังกายขณะฟอกเลือดต่ออาการเหนื่อยล้าในผู้ป่วยโรคไตเรื้อรังที่ได้รับการฟอกเลือดด้วยเครื่องไตเทียม), Patcharin Injan and Sunida Preechawong
ผลของโปรแกรมการจัดการแบบบูรณาการต่อความเหนื่อยล้าหลังผ่าตัดของผู้ป่วยสูงอายุผ่าตัดทางศัลยกรรมกระดูก (The Effect of Integrative Management Program on Postoperative Fatigue of Orthopedic Elderly Patients), พัชราภรณ์ ศรีคะชินทร์ and จิราพร เกศพิชญวัฒนา
The effect of intranasal Medetomidine/Ketamine and Diazepam/Ketamine combinations on tear production and intraocular pressure in dogs, Osman BULUT and Rahime YAYGINGUL
The Effect of Learning Environments on Thai Speakers' English L2 Vocabulary Depth, Sarut Supasiraprapa
The effect of long-term thermal exposure at elevated temperatures on microstructures and mechanical properties in centrifugally casted iron-base alloy, G Lothongkum, N Thaweepornkhasemsukh, and P Wangyao
The effect of marginal recession around anterior maxillary implants on the esthetic satisfaction assessed by the patient and the clinician, Supreda Suphanantachat, Ketsuda Thovanich, and Kanokwan Nisapakultorn
The effect of N-trans-p-coumaroyl tyramine on indomethacin-/diclofenac-mediated-cytotoxicity in breast cancer cells., Angkana Wongsakul
The effect of preparation technique on the properties of alginate floating beads, Ali Alazzo and Mohanad Alfahad
The Effect of Self-Care Enhancement Program on Post-Bariatric Surgery Self-Care Behaviors among Morbid Obese Patients(ผลของโปรแกรมส่งเสริมการดูแลตนเองต่อพฤติกรรมการดูแลตนเองภายหลังการผ่าตัดลดน้ำหนักของผู้ป่วยโรคอ้วน), Sipaphan Lavasut and Rungrawee Navicharern
The effect of silver nanoparticles in addition to sodium fluoride on remineralization of artificial root dentin caries, Padchara Kongyodsueb
The Effect of Steam and Glycerol Pretreatment on Chemical Contents of Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunch (EFB), Ornjira Choopakar, Chongchin Polprasert, Panagiotis Elefsiniotis, and Supawadee Polprasert
The Effect of Students, Language Aptitude on their English Achivement, Achara Wangsotorn
The Effect of Temparature on Anaerobic Digestion of Organic Solid Wastes, Suthirak Sujarittanonta
The Effect of The Coaching Program in Health Behaviors Modification on HbA1C of Persons with Pre-diabetes(ผลของโปรแกรมการสอนแนะในการปรับเปลี่ยนพฤติกรรมสุขภาพต่อระดับน้ำตาลเฉลี่ยสะสมในเลือดของผู้ที่มีภาวะก่อนเป็นเบาหวาน), Jintipa Sirikunwiwat and Rungrawee Navicharern
The effect of water temperature and carbohydrate drink on intestinal epithelial injury, endotoxemia, splanchnic perfusion, and core temperature, during running in the heat, Warot Rangsimahariwong
The Effects of a Planned Behavior Program on The Eating and Physical Activity Behaviorof Overweight Late Primary School-Aged Children(ผลของโปรแกรมปรับเปลี่ยนพฤติกรรมตามแผนต่อพฤติกรรมการบริโภคอาหารและการทํากิจกรรมทางกายของเด็กวัยเรียนตอนปลายที่มีภาวะน้ำหนักเกิน), Supalux Srithanya, Wanalada Thongbai, and Jeeraporn Kummabutr
ผลของโปรแกรมการส่งเสริมสมรรถนะแห่งตนในการดูแล ผู้ป่วยของผู้ดูแลผู้ป่วยโรคหลอดเลือดสมองในระยะเปลี่ยนผ่านจากโรงพยาบาลสู่บ้าน (The Effects of a Self-Efficacy Promoting Program for Care of Stroke Patients on Caregivers During The Transition Phase from Hospital to Home), อมรวรรณ กวีภัทรนนท์, ธีรนุช ห้านิรัติศัย, and ปรีย์กมล รัชนกุล
The effects of concentrations of ZnO nanoparticles on dewetting suppression of PS thin films, J Thapoung, K Tasurin, N Traiphol, and N Pangpaiboon
The Effects of Correction Feedback Techniques on EFL Learners's Pragmatic Production and Confidence, Pajaree Nipaspong and Sumalee Chinokul
The Effects of Flipped Learning integrated with Role-play on EFL Business English Undergraduates’ Oral Communication Performance, Pallapa Lertcharoenwanich and Kittitouch Soontornwipast
The Effects of Franco-Siamese Treaties on Ubon Ratchathani Urban Landscape Transformation, Lalida Boonmee
The Effects of Inductive and Deductive Instruction in a Flipped Classroom on English Grammar Ability of Undergraduate Students in Thailand, Pornpimol Sukavatee
The Effects of Online Corrective Feedback on University Studentsʼ Self-Regulation in Writing, Pajaree Nipaspong
The Effects of Pre-Lecture Online Quizzes on Language Students' Perceived Preparation and Academic Performance, Ferit Kilickaya
The effects of propofol on Doppler echocardiographic values of the aorta, main pulmonary artery, and mitral E wave in New Zealand white rabbits, mehmet alper çetinkaya and mahir kaya
The effects of speaking portfolios on speaking ability and interactional competence of Thai EFL undergraduate students, Pirada Anuwech
The effects of the brain training program on cognition among the older adults in Thailand, Chutima Thongwachira, Vilaivan Thongcharoen, Usa Khemthong, and Natnarun Kleawklong
The Effects of Using a Self-developed Mobile App on Vocabulary Learning and Retention among EFL Learners, Xingxing Ma and Butsakorn Yodkamlue
The Effects of Using Corpus Tools on EFL Student Teachers' Learning and Production of Verb-Noun Collocations, Galip Kartal and Gonca Yangineksi
The Effects of Verbal and Nonverbal Communication on Relationship Satisfaction in Thai-German Couples, Martina Beg
The Effects of Yoga Exercise on Fatigue and Quality of Life in Primiparous Mothers(ผลของโปรแกรมการออกกําลังกายด้วยโยคะต่อความเหนื่อยล้าและคุณภาพชีวิตของมารดาหลังคลอดครรภ์แรก), Panyupa NaoSrisorn, Siriwan Sangin, and Piriya Suppasri
The electrical conductivity of 24-h urine is decreased in patients with calcium oxalate urolithiasis., Kamonchat Boonkam
The Emergence and the Way of Life of the Wage Laborer Class in Thailand from the End of the 18th to the 19th Century, Punnee Bualek
The Emergence and Transformation Processes of Waterfront Community Markets in Tha Chin River Basin, Kritaporn Haocharoen, Wannasilpa Peerapun, and Khaisri Paksukcharern
The Emergence of a New Cultural Infrastructure: Lessons from Silicon Valley, Tom Borrup
The Emergence of the Beauty of the 'Childscape': Rediscovering the Path to the Hidden Dimension of Architecture for Children, Tipsuda Patumanon
The enactment of Thailand's inheritance tax law 2015 : A policy process analysis, Pisanu Sangiampongsa
วิจารณ์หนังสือ : The Enchantress by Han Suyin, ธีรวัต ณ ป้อมเพชร
The English Present Perfect in Authentic Use and Textbooks: A Corpus-driven Study, Chanakarn Chareonkul and Raksangob Wijitsopon
The Environment Education Model for Sustainable Mangrove Forest Management in the Eastern Part of Thailand, Niwat Sarakhan
The Errors in English Catenative Structures Arising from Thai Polysemy, Archara Pengpanich
The ESL Program at the University of Weissnichtwo, Samue J. Sackett
The essence of security (Reflections in office, Robert S. Mc Namara
The Establishment of a Community-based Mangrove Forest Management Plan: Lessons Learned from Mangrove Forest Conservation in the Nernkhor Sub-district, Rayong Province, Thailand, Piyapong Janmaimool
The Establishment of the Neutral Passive and the Persistence of the Adversative Passive in Thai, Amara Prasithrathsint
The Ethics of Caring, Amy A. Bartjes
The ethics of James Bond, William Bradley
The European Union as Kantian Neoliberalism, Thitarat Sriwattanapong
The Evaluation of EAP Science New Materials, Walaiporn Pragorbsuk and Iain Moore
The Evaluator's Role, Lyle F. Bachman
The Evolution of Entertainment Culture in Thai Society: From Sacredness to Popularity, Patarawdee Puchadapirom
The Evolution of Thai Theatre in Bangkok between 1782 - 1935, Surapone Virulrak
The Ex-Coal Mining City of Sawahlunto Revisited:Notions on Revitalization, Conservation and Urban Development, Widjaja Martokusumo
การทดลองใช้วัสดุที่หาง่ายเป็นตัวกลางสำหรับระบบแผ่นหมุนชีวภาพ (The Experiment on the Use of Local Material as Media in Rotating Biological Contactor), อุษณีย์ อุยะเสถียร
The factors associate with the utilization of Emergency Medical System (EMS) services in Chiang Mai province, Thailand, Sherin Ibrahem, Waraporn Boonchieng, Suwat Chariyalertsak, Kannikar Intawong, Aksara Thongprachum, and Napaphat Poprom
The Factors of Prosodic Phrasing in Thai(ปัจจัยในการสร้างหน่วยประกอบทางสัทสัมพันธ์ในภาษาไทย), มนต์ชัย เดชะพิพัฒน์สกุล and พิทยาวัฒน์ พิทยาภรณ์
The Factors Related to HIV Prevention Behavior among Myanmarese Youth Migrant Workers(ปัจจัยที่มีความสัมพันธ์กับพฤติกรรมการป้องกันการติดเชื้อเอชไอวีของเยาวชนแรงงานข้ามชาติชาวเมียนมา), Ekkalak Faksook, Pregamol Rutchanagul, and Wanalada Thongbai
The failure of Mao Tse-Tung's ideology and the crisis in communist China, Nathan M. Talbott
The family planning program of Thailand, Nibhon Debavalya
The Fantastic: Towards a Dynamic Notion of Genre, Suradech Chotiudompant
The far south of Thailand in the era of the American empire, 9/11 version, and Thaksin's "cash and gung-ho" premiership, Surat Horachaikul
The Female Characters in Oe Kenzaburo's Early Literary Works -- Focusing on Our Age and Sexual Beings, Duentem Krisdathanont
The Figgerin' of Aunt Wilma: A Literary Analysis of the Narration, Poonyasika A. Abhayakul
The First ASEAN Music & Creative Arts Therapy Summit Bangkok June - July 2012, Bussakorn Binson
The First-Semester Course at King Mongkut's Institute of Technology (Thonburi), Nuantip Tantisawetrat
The Five Senses in Genre Paintings of the Dutch Golden Age, Kitsirin Kitisakon
The Five Senses of Teaching/Learning English As An International Language, Larry E. Smith
The Forgotten Heritage of the Rattanakosin Area, Piyamas Lernapakun
ประเทศโลกที่สี่กับปรากฏการณ์ การประท้วงในเอเชีย (The Fourth World and the Demonstrations in Asia), อดินันท์ พรหมพันธ์ใจ
The Fox in the Cabbage Patch Thailand and Japan's Southern Advance, E. Bruce Reynolds
The Functional Approach To Foreign Language Teaching : Some Myths Dispelled, M.A. Frankel
The Fundamental Frequencies of Tai Yuan Tones Spoken by Lua' (Mal) Speakers in Nan Province, Thailand, Chommanad Intajamornrak
The Future needs the Past:Problems and Challenges of Post-Cataclysm Heritage Management in Kotagede, Jogjakarta Special Province, Indonesia, Widjaja Martokusumo
The future of East Asian regionalism: forging a common vision, Richard W. X. Hu
The future of the Social Sciences, Renate Holub
เที่ยวจุฬาฯ : พิพิธภัณฑ์จุฬาลงกรณ์มหาวิทยาลัย The Gateway of Chulalongkorn University, พิมพ์พิศา กำเนิดจิรมณี
The gender of the sangha and the reform and bureaucratization of Thai Buddhism, Varaporn Chamsanit
The general life style and adjustment patterns of rural migrants and city-born residents in Bangkok, Vithavas Khongkhakul
The Genetics in Periodontal Diseases, Jeerasak Nopakun
The Genre of Tourist Leaflets, Ania Saorin Iborra and Miguel F. Ruiz Garrido
The Ghostless Garden City: Evaluating the Clean and Green Movement in Singapore, Jun Yi Ong
The giant omphalocele contenting a surprised congenital segmental intestinal dilatation, a case report and review literature., Sirima Liukitithara
The Glottal Stop in Siamese : Predictability in Phonological Description, Jack Gandour
The Good Person of Setzuan And the Dilemma Between Means And Ends, รัศมี เผ่าเหลืองทอง
The government and politics of communist China, D.J. Waller
The Grand Transformation… Towards the World of Digital Technology, Malarin Srimoolkum
ศึกษาประวัติศาสตร์การเงินจาก "The Great Depression", สมภพ มานะรังสรรค์
The great divergence : China, Europe, and the making of the modern world economy, Erik Ringmar
สัมภษณ์ : ดร. สมพร กมลศิริพิชัยพร ผู้ประสานงานศูนย์ The Greening of Industry Network-Asia
The Halal Science Center, Chulalongkorn University, Chiang Mai Office
The Halal Science Center Chulalongkorn University (Samyan Office)
The Harmony between Nature and Man in Thai Poetry, Suchitra Chongsatitvatana
The Historical Representations of Place in the Military base Town of Koza: The 'Reassessment' of U.S. Military Presence as a Developmental Resources, Takashi Yamazaki
The History, Society and Culture of Spain Shown in the Paintings of Francisco de Goya(ประวัติศาสตร์สังคมและวัฒนธรรมสเปนที่ปรากฏในภาพเขียนของฟรันซิสโก เด โกยา), Chantra Pramoonsab
The House and the Reversible Destiny: The Work of Arakawa and Madeline Gins, Santirak Prasertsuk
The House of Open Gates: An Enclave Between the City of Graz as it is, and as We Imagine it Could be, Daniela Brasil
The Human Face of Radicalization - Fuuse Forum, Oslo September 2015, Kjell Skyllstad
The Image of Foreigners in Modern German Films and the Use of Films as Teaching Materials in German as a Foreign Language Classes(Das Ausländerbild in zeitgenössischen deutschen Filmen und der Filmeinsatz im DaF-Unterricht), Rassamee Wuttikraikrieng
The Image of "Opening and Changing" Vietnam in Thai Contemporary Fiction Books, Tran Cam Tu
The Image of the Ideal Monarch in the Tale of Duodecagon, Kusuma Raksamani
The impact of audit quality on trading suspension propensity; detection in Thailand, Kulthida Surattachaipong
The impact of brand image on customer loyalty toward Haidilao Thailand, Liu Xin
The Impact of Chinese Studies on Thai Politics and Foreign Relations, Nareumit Sodsuk
The Impact of Communication Technology and Social Media on Intergenerational Relationships between Older Individuals and Their Adult Children in Bangkok, Marie-Helene Thomas
The impact of COVID-19 booster vaccination on reducing mortality in patients hospitalized with COVID-19 at Sisaket Hospital, Nidhikul Tem-eiam
The impact of Green House Gas emission on firm's performance in Japan, Chanikan Veerachadsakulchai
The Impact of Historical Geography and Agricultural Land Development Processes on Wetland RestorationMethods Used to Create Ecological Networks:A Comparison of Japan and the Netherlands, Yuji Hara, Fransje Hooimeijer, Steffen Nijhuis, Maki Ryu, and Arjan van Timmeren
The impact of involuntary job loss on unemployment rate during Asian financial crisis and subprime crisis in Thailand, Benya Kongthanasomboon
The impact of perceived corruption levels in public sector on stock market development, Chotiwat Kumhang
The Impact of Phenylurea Herbicides on Oxidation Lagoon Effluents, Winai Somboon
The impact of regulation, financial liberalization, and mobile banking on banking crises : evidence from cross-country data, Napisa Saengmaneenimitr
The impact of socio-economic and health factors on family on planning programmes in less developed countries, Netrnapis Nakavachara
The Impact of Teaching Communication Strategies on English Speaking of Engineering Undergraduates, Tiwaporn Kongsom
The impact of the contemporary organization theory on personnel administration, Kasem Suwanagul
The impact of trade policy uncertainty on Thai exports during the U.S.-China trade war, Siratchaya Poolsawas
The Importance of Numeral Systems in Trinisinghe(ความสําคัญของระบบ เลขในคัมภีร์ตรีนิสิงเห), Natthan Maneeratana and Chanwit Tudkeao
The Improvisation of Thai Xylophone or Ranaat Eek, Bussakorn Sumrongthong
THE INCLUSIVE I.C.E. CUBE :New dimensions and approaches for design inclusion, Praima ISRASENA NA AYUDHYA
The Indic Perspective of the Pro-democracy Agitation (2020) in Thailand, Pulind Samant
The influence of AI chatbots on purchase intention of electric vehicles among consumers in China, Ning Fang
The influence of ESG performance on the cost of debt: evidence from Asia Pacific Countries: the moderating role of economic policy uncertainty, Wiraya Nillaorsrisakul
The influence of extracellular matrix on human periodontal ligament stem cell properties, Daneeya Na Nan
The Influence of Family Psychological Factors on Stroke Recurrence using the Partial Least Square Structural Equation Model (PLS-SEM) in Bukittinggi City, Indonesia, Yaslina Yaslina, Nur Indrawaty Lipoeto, Junaiti Sahar, Yuliarni Syafrita, Delmi Sulastri, Nursyrwan Effendi, Hema Malini, and Rozi Sastra Purna
The Influence of Grammatical Gender on Hindi and German Speaker's Sex Categorization, Jaralvilai Charunrochana
The Influence of Grammatical Gender on Russian and Thai Speakers' Cognition, Kusuma Thongniam and Amara Prasithrathsint
The Influence of Initial Consonants on the Intrinsic Pitch of High and Low Vowels in the Malay Dialect Spoken in Pathumthani Province, Thailand, Phanintra Teeranon
The Influence of Second Language Experience in the Pattern of Language Processing of the Bilingual Lexicon, P. Sudasna, S. Luksaneeyanawin, and D. Burnham
The influence of therapeutic body positions on hemodynamics and respiration in adults with and without obesity, Ruchada Sriamad
The influence of the strain rate on the material properties of the zinc-coated sheet, Z Vadasová and M Mihaliková
อิทธิพลของความรู้สึกไม่แน่นอนในความเจ็บป่วย ความแตกฉานด้านสุขภาพ การสนับสนุนทางสังคมต่อคุณภาพชีวิตของผู้ป่วยภาวะหัวใจล้มเหลว (The influence of uncertainty in illness, health literacy, and social support on quality of life of patients with heart failure), วนิดา หาจักร and ดวงรัตน์ วัฒนกิจไกรเลิศ
The Integration of Lukthung Songs into the German Language Teaching and Learning Process of Thai Students, Korakoch Attaviriyanupap
The Interdependence model : The alternative to the power model?, Bidhya Bowornwathana
กระบวนการเข้าสู่ความเป็นสากลของ ระบบทุนนิยมและลัทธิเสรีนิยมใหม่ (The Internationalization of Capitalism and Neoliberalism), กุลลดา เกษบุญชู มี้ด
The internet for the beginners: How to uses?, อนิรุทธิ์ สติมั่น
The Interpersonal Metafunction and Translation of Power Relations: A Case Study of Fifty Shades of Grey, Pasakara Chueasuai
The investigation of using dynamic assessment to enhance English academic vocabulary knowledge of Thai low proficiency undergraduate students, Duangkamon Klungthong
The isolationism of The United States, Europe and the future of World politics, Arnulf Baring
The Japanese army and Thailand's southern railways during the Greater East Asia War, 1941-1945, Puengthip Kiattisahakul
The journey of Halal Science in CNX
The Kasunean River Revisited:Some Notions on the Role of Cultural Landscape Elements in Cirebon City, West Java, Indonesia, Dini Rosmalia and Widjaja Martokusumo
The King and I: Another Orientalia in Commercial Theatre, Pawit Mahasarinand
The L2 Motivational Self System of Low and High Achievers in a Cambodian context, Helene By and Chonlada Laohawiriyanon
The Labyrinth and the Non-Solution: Murakami's a Wild Sheep Chase and the Metaphysical Detective, Rhys William Tyers
ปฐมสมโพธิสำนวนล้านช้าง (The Lan Xang Version of the Pathamasambodhi), อนันต์ เหล่าเลิศวรกุล
The Lao-speaking Nyo in Banteay Meanchey Province of Cambodia, Thananan Trongdee
The Legacy of Traditional Thai Literature and Its Impact on Contemporary Children's Literature, Ruenruthai Sujjapun
The Lexicology of Perception Verbs in English, Somseen Chanawangsa
ภาพลักษณ์พระพุทธเจ้าในฐานะมนุษย์ผู้อภิวัฒน์ใน The Light of Asia, วิศิษย์ ปิ่นทองวิชัยกุล
The limits of power: The end of American exceptionalism / The irony of manifest destiny: The tragedy of America's foreign policy, Thanachate Wisaijorn
สนทนาภาษาหนังสือ : The Line of Beauty., รองรัตน์ ดุษฎีสุรพจน์
The Listening Comprehension Programme at the Asian Institute of Technology, Tim Kirk
การวัดการกระจายตัวของอุตสาหกรรมในประเทศไทย โดยใช้ The localization coefficient, สุภาภรณ์ ภิญญาวัธน์
The Loss of Empire, Soravis Jayanama
The luminescence, optical, and structural properties of SrMoO4:Ce3+ phosphor for photonics material applications, Eakgapon KAEWNUAM, Nuanthip WANTANA, Sasithorn SAIKAEW, and Jakrapong KAEWKHAO
The making of Southeast Asia, Sida Sornsri
The management strategy for stateless persons in Southeast Asia, Unchalee Srichomphu and Pitch Piyapramote
The Martial Law andthe Makingof Special Authority bythe Constitution(พระราชบัญญัติกฎอัยการศึกกับการสร้างอำนาจพิเศษ ในกรอบรัฐธรรมนูญ), Thep Boontanondha
บทสัมภาษณ์ ชัยวัฒน์ สภาอานันท์ เรื่อง The Matrix
The Meanings of the Horse-Faced Mask in the Story of Kaeo Na Ma, Cholada Ruengruglikit
The Media, Cultural Politics and the Nation-State, Ubonrat Siriyuvasak
The Metaphysics and Ethics According to the Bhagavadgita and the Suttanta Pitaka, Samniang Leurmsai
The methods and materials of demography, สุชาติ ประสิทธิ์รัฐสินธุ์
The microgeometry parameters of uncoated and zinc-coated cold rolled steel strips, J Bidulská, T Kvačkaj, V Bodák, and R Bidulský
The migration system of low-skilled migrants from northern Thailand to Japan, Akiko Kuwajima
The Mind and the Thinking Machine, Eberhard Lammert
The minimum wage change effect to the household saving between 2011 and 2013, Soraphong Smitintu
The Mixing of English and Thai in Thai Television Program, Prathana Kannaovakun and Albert C. Gunther
The moderating effect of stock price on the relationship between earnings quality and dividend payments : a study of Thai Listed Companies, Jirayu Boonyuen
The Modernity of Aristotle's Ethnics, Charles Freeland
The Modernization Base in Japan and Thailand: Education and Science, Prasert Chittiwatanapong
การพัฒนาละครแบบขนบนิยม : กรณีศึกษาจากงานละครชาวบ้าน (The Modernization of Traditional Theatre : A Case Study in Thai Folk Dance Drama), พรรัตน์ ดำรุง
The Modern Police State of the Government of Thaksin 2001-2006, Chanchai Chitiaoarporn
The molecular detection of hemotropic Mycoplasma species in dogs, Hafize Tuğba YÜKSEL DOLGUN and Şükrü KIRKAN
The moral economy of the peasant : Rebellion and subsistence in Southeast Asia, James C. Scott
The Most Frequent Opaque Idioms in English News, Wenhua Hsu
The Motives of Pre-Service English Language Teachers for Utilizing a Jargon Book in a Methodology Course, Emine Esin Ozturk and Yonca Ozkan
"The Murderer of Bangkhunphrom": The Semi-Colonial Siam and Its Early Literary Adaptations, Thosaeng Chaochuti
The Myths of Chao Pho Pak Hueng: The Dynamic of the Sacred Narratives and the Construction of Social Space in Thai-Lao Border Communities, Payungporn Nonthavisarut and Pathom Hongsuwan
The Myths of the Buddha's Relics of the Tai People: Reflections on the Relationship between Buddhism and Indigenous Beliefs, Pathom Hongsuwan
The narcotics problems in Burma: Insurgency, drugs, politics, and poverty, Jesse Earle Odum
The nature and concept of political development, Pricha Hongskrailers
The nature and significance of Thai political philosophy, Prachoom Chomchal
The 'Nature' of Beneficial Flooding of the Mekong River, Carl Middleton
The Needs of Chulalongkorn University Students' with Regard to Learning English and Implications for Language Instruction, Ongon Thananart
The Negative Form ma:j2 as a Pragmatic Marker inCasual Conversations in Nakhon Si Thammarat Thai(รูปปฏิเสธ ma:j2ในฐานะดัชนีวัจนปฏิบัติในบทสนทนาแบบกันเองในภาษาไทยนครศรีธรรมราช), Rujira Bumrungkarn
The network of Indian textile merchants in Thai society, Inthira Sahee
The new balance of power in Asia and the Pacific, Hedley Bull
The New Economy and Its Effects on Gender Relations, Nattha Komolvadhin
หลักเกณฑ์การเขียนใหม่ในภาษาเยอรมัน : ข้อดีและปัญหาสำหรับผู้เรียนคนไทย (The New German Orthographical Rules: Advantages and Problems for Thai Learners), วิลิตา ศรีอุฬารพงศ์
The new Middle Ages, นิธิ เนื่องจำนงค์
The "New Normal" The "Covid Culture", Bussakorn Binson
ปกิณกะ : การประชุมพยาบาลนานาชาติ The New Nursing: Converging Conversation of Education, Research and Practice ณ Madison, Wisconsin ประเทศสหรัฐอเมริกา, พวงเพ็ญ ชุณหปราณ
พิน็อคคิโอคนใหม่ : บทวิเคราะห์พิน็อคคิโอในฉบับของเนอสลิงเงอร์ (The New Pinocchio: An Analysis of Noestlinger's Pinocchio), ศิริพร ศรีวรกานต์
The Notions of Language Proficiency and Language Dimensionality, Suthathip Thirakunkovit
The operation of the common market as an econmic union, Hans Christian Lankes
Theoretical Review of Phonics Instruction for Struggling/ Beginning Readers of English, Pragasit Sitthitikul
Theoretical study of lithium absorption in silicon nanostructures for application as anodes in lithium-ion batteries, Fadjar Mulya
Theories vis-a-vis Practices in English as a Foreign Language Writing Classes in the Ethiopian Context, Ebabu Tefera Adugna
The origin of SEATO, Charoen Kanthawongs
The Origins of the Chaozhou Chinese in Thailand, Supang Chantavanich
Theory without variables : A Markov sociologist, Ralph Thomlinson
The outcome of endodontic treatment performed by dental students: A retrospective study, Phonphanit Sivavetpikul, Kessiri Wisithphrom, and Peraya Puapichartdumrong
The outcome of HLA-B*58:01 screening test before initiating allopurinol at a tertiary hospital, Putcharapon Ferngprayoon, Chonlaphat Sukasem, Sirinoot Palapinyo, Nichapa Taibanguay, and Chankit Puttilerpong
The overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia : Comparative study with a special case study of Thailand, Nopamas Dhiravegin
The oxidation behaviour of stainless steel AISI 409 coated By decorative nickel-chromium plating, T. Wongpinij, T. U-dom, T. Suptrakun, T. Puttanasun, C. Pimpan, N. Nangnoi, and P. Wongpanya
The paradox of sacred consumption in the case of Wat Phra Dhammakaya, Hidetake Yano
ความตกลงปารีส [The Paris Agreement], แสงจันทร์ ลิ้มจิรกาล
The Parsi Theater as a Cultural Channel between South and Southeast Asian Cities, Chinthaka Prageeth Meddegoda
ประชาชนกับการมีส่วนร่วมด้านสิ่งแวดล้อมในโครงการพัฒนา (The Participation of People Concerning Environment in Developing Project), พักตร์วิมล เพียรล้ำเลิศ
The Patterns of Social Interaction and Integrative Mechanisms in Communities in the Northern Bangkok Extended Metropolitan Region, Daranee Thavinpipathkul and Luksanawadee Tanamee
THE PENTAGLOT, จิรายุ นพวงศ์
The Perception of some Tai Consonant Sounds by Native Speakers of Siamese, Jimmy G. Harris and Lyle F. Bachman
The Persian Connection : Four Loanwords in Siamese, Jimmy G. Harris
The Philippine land reform's failures : A patronage system's perspective, Weerasit Sittitrai
The Philippines and the 1992 Presidential Election, ASEAN Desk
The Policy of French Expansion in in Indo-China in the 19th Century, Vilaswongse Nobaratana
The politics of Buddhist nationalism in Myanmar : History, legitimacy and democratic transition, Saittawut Yutthaworakool
The Politics of Discourse in Sexual Abuse Narratives, Chutima Pragatwutisarn
The Politics of Economic Reform : A Comparative Study of Thailand, Indonesia, and Burma (Myanmar), Priyambudi Sulistiyanto
The politics of taxation: A comparative perspective, จรัส สุวรรณมาลา
The Politics of the NGO Movement in Northeast Thailand, Somchai Phatharathananunt
The Polysemy of "chɔ̂ɔp" in Thai: A Pragmatically Motivated Phenomenon, Kandaporn Jaroenkitboworn
The popularity of Thai Y Series in Japan, Taiki Yamamoto
The population dilemma, Hauser Philip M.
The Portuguese in Arakan in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, Suthachai Yimprasert
The Portuguese in Siam and Pegu, Suthachai Yimprasert
The Portuguese in Siam: a quinquacentennial retrospect, Edward Van Roy
The Possibility of Using Kodaly Method to Teach Music Literacy in Thailand, Twatchai Narkwong
The Postmodern Explained to Grown-ups: A Lesson of A Thai Study of the Postmodern, Chaiyan Chaiyaporn
The Potential of Social Capital in the Implementation of Payment for Environmental Services in Tawang Retention Pond, Edi Santosa
The Practice of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Environmental Protection in Thailand, Chayanin Wangsai
The Practice of "Grammar Naziness" on Facebook in Relation to Generating Grammar Learning: A Motivation or Demotivation in Updating Statuses in English on Facebook, Noraziah Mohd Amin, Noor Azam Abdul, Mohamad-Noor Sharipudin, and Mohd Saifulnizam Abu Bakar
The Prepararion and Supervision of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language in Thailand, Panniee Sagarik
The Presence of Social Space, Morida Siagian
The preservation of lik-luong poetic literature among the Shan communities of Northern Thailand, Jotika Khur-yearn and Kate Crosby
The prevalence of dens evaginatus and apical periodontitis in dens evaginatus in a group of Thai schoolchildren, Suphakorn Suksamai
The Prince กับการศึกษา ปรัชญาการเมืองสมัยใหม่, วิกิจ สุขสำราญ
The proactive cosmopolitan foreign policy of the European Union: The Burmese issue reconsidered, Piyapat Bunnag
The Problems of Propositional Attitude Reports in Russellianism(ปัญหาของประโยครายงานสภาวะทางจิตในทัศนะแบบรัสเซลล์), Pailin Pinsum-ang
วิธีสร้างคําในภาษาไทย : การซ้อนคำ (The Process of Producing New Lexis in Thai: Lexical Reduplication), ราตรี ธันวารชร รศ.ดร.
The production of encapsulated holy basil oil powder via different scales of spray drying process., Chanakarn Chungmarisakul
The Progression of Art in Bangkok's Public Spaces, Kamol Phaosavasdi
The Prosperity Aspect of Sustainable Agronomy towards Sustainable Development: An Analytical Approach to the Future of Thai Population When Deaths are Greater Than Births, Anil Dhammasakiyo, Kua Wongboonsin, Piyachart Phiromsawad, Patcharawalai Wongboonsin, and Pojjamarn Keattitorn
The protective effect of lycopene-rich products on skin photodamage: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials, Witoo Dilokthornsakul, Teerapon Dhippayom, and Piyameth Dilokthornsakul
The Proxemic Study of Dwelling: A Case Study of Traditional Thai Houses at Ban Khlong Lamsali, Waricha Wongphyat
The Psychological Atmosphere We Create in our Classrooms, Adrian Underhill
คุณภาพชีวิตการทำงานของข้าราชการตำรวจไทย The Quality of Work Life in Thai Police Officers, ศิริพร ลือวิภาสกุล, ชวนชิม ชินะตังกูร, and สุรพล พยอมแย้ม
The Quest and Reconstruction of Identity in Haruki Murakami's Kafka on the Shore, Kanya Wattanagun and Suradech Chotiudompant
The Quranic Concept of Peace and Humanity, PatchraThanyarasm Salamat
ยารูปแบบใหม่ - THERAPEUTIC SYSTEMS, ภารุณี ถนอมเกียรติ
The Reading Programme at King Mongkut's Institute of Technology (Thonburi), Andrew Dunlop
The Rebuilding of Memory Through Architecture: Case Studies of Leipzig and Dresden, Nataša Danilovic Hristic and Nebojša Stefanovic
The Reception of Western Political Thought on the Forms of Government in Siam(การรับ ความคิดทางการเมืองตะวันตกว่าด้วยเรื่องรูปแบบการปกครอง), Akekalak Chaiyapumee
The Recreational Landscape of Weltevreden Since Indonesian Colonization, Evawani Ellisa
ความสัมพันธ์ระหว่างสังคมเมือง สังคมเสี่ยงภัย กับสังคมผู้สูงวัย The Relationship among Urban, Risk, and Ageing Society, สิริพงศ์ ปาลกะวงศ์ ณ อยุธยา
The Relationship between Buddhism and Indigenous Beliefs and People as Reflected in the Names of Lokapālas in Early Buddhist Literature, Natchapol Sirisawad
The relationship between environmental, social, governance, and financial performance among listed companies in Thailand between 2019-2022, Saranpong Daengdej
The Relationship between L2 Listening Proficiency and L2 Aural Language Processing, Paul Joyce
The relationship between periodontal disease of feline and oral core microbiome, ZIYAO ZHOU
The relationship between reheat-treatment and hardness behaviour of cast nickel superalloy, GTD-111, P Wangyao, V Krongtong, P Tuengsook, W Hormkrajai, and N Panich
The Relationship between Self-Regulation and Use of Language Learning Strategies in Secondary School Students, Furkan CANBAY
The Relationship between Single-Parent Families and Academic Performance, Hao Yang
The Relationship between the Chulalongkorn University Students' Ability to Identify Stress Patterns of English Polysyllabic Medical Terms and the Ability to Pronounce Them, Satita Watanapokakul
The Relationship between the Reading Strategies and Language Background of Thai Science Students in Performing Summary Tests, Kanchana Prapphal
The relationship between vertical and horizontal dimensions of interproximal embrasure and the presence of interdental papilla in maxillary anterior teeth, Suphot Tamsailom, Thanaporn Torsricharoen, and Benjaporn Thanaratikul
The relationship of intangible capital and ESG score on capital structure: evidence from Thailand, Chalita Rammavas
The Relationships between Selected Learners' Variables, Methods of Learning and English Achievement in a Self-Instructional Program, Achara Wangsothorn, Kanchana Prabphal, Tassanee Sripraipan, and Passorn Singkanvanich
The Relationships Between the English Entrance Examinations and The Foundation English Achievement Tests of Chulalongkorn University, Karnchana Prapphal
The RELC Journal, Panniee Sagarik
The reliability of survey data collected in Thailand, Peter J. Donaldson and Thavisak Svetsreni
The Representation of Consumerism and Identity Formation in Contemporary Thai Literature, Suradech Chotiudompant
The Representation of Oriental Others in Haydn's L'incontro Improvviso, Oak Joo Yap
The resurgence of US influence on Thailand's economy and Southeast Asia policy, 1990-2001, Ukrist Pathmanand
The Revitalization of Community Through Dance Communication: A Case of Community Dance in Sapporo, Japan, Takako Iwasawa
The Rise of Labor Movement in Thailand : An Analysis of Public Enterprise Workers, Sungsidh Piriyarangsan
The Rite of the Elephant Duel in Thai-Burmese Military History, Sunait Chutintaranond
Thermal analysis of Fe-carbide and Fe-C mixtures, R Tongsri and B Vetayanugul
Thermal and mechanical properties of an epoxidized natural rubber composite containing a Li/Cr Co-doped NiO-based filler, B Khumpaitool, S Utara, and P Jantachum
Thermal Comfort in the Traditional Rural Bangladesh House, Rumana Rashid, Mohd. Hamdan Bin Ahmed, and Sayem Khan
Thermal correction Judd-Ofelt analyze of Eu3+ ion doped calcium gadolinium silicoborate oxyfluoride glass, N Wantana, Y Ruangtaweep, and J Kaewkhao
Thermal degradation of PET fabrics coated with interpenetrating polymer network-silica fume mixtures, B. Kusuktham, S. Harburud, and K. Srikulkit
Thermoplastic cassava starch/sorbitol-modified montmorillonite nanocomposites blended with low density polyethylene: properties and biodegradability study, S Chuayjuljit, S Hosililak, and A Athisart
The Role of Analogy in the Development of the Plural System in English, Namtip Pingkarawat
The role of bank capital through monetary policy transmission mechanism, Waraluk Rosmontee
The role of central banking in a World of tensions, Puay Ungphakorn
The Role of Chinese Traders on the Growth of Songkhla, 1775-1912, Srisuporn Choungsakul
The Role of Communicative Social Capital in Vietnamese Marriage Immigrants’ Access to Health Resources in Eastern Taiwan, Chuan-Chuan Cheng
The Role of Creative Caring in Transformative Learning for Sustainable Lifestyles, Victoria W. Thoresen
The Role of Design in CreatingSustainability in Tourism Development:The Case of Bang Saen, Thailand, Daichi Iwase
The Role of English in Thailand : Transition and Tradition, Larry E. Smith
The Role of Frequency on the Acquisition of L2 English Infinitive And Gerund Complements by L1 Thai Learners, Raksina Keawchaum and Nattama Pongpairoj
The role of Hox genes in head development, Prasit Pavasant
The Role of Morphological Awareness and Background Knowledge in Turkish EFL Learners’ Writing Ability, Peri Aslan
The role of return dispersion in momentum profitA study in the Thai Stock Market, Chanunchita Watcharavasunthara
The Role of Second Language Teachers, Adisra Katib
The Role of Self-Study Materials in Proficiency Upgrade Programs for Offshore Gas Production Workers, Michael J. Lipinsky
The role of STAT4 transcription factor in purified human Dendritic cells treated with interferon-beta, an autoimmune disease model, Terdkiat Phonboon
The Role of Testing in the Certification of Language Teachers, Achara Wongsothorn
The Role of Tests in a Self-Study Reading Course, Kanda Thammongkol and M.A. Frankel
The Role of Thai Architects in Urban Housing Development, Bundit Chulasai
The Role of Translanguaging in Improving Thai learners' Interactional Competence in Dyadic English as a Foreign Language Tutorial Sessions, Tassanee Kampittayakul
The roles of catastrophe (CAT) bonds: diversifier, hedge, or safe haven?, Treepatchara Tasnavijitvong
The Roles of Grammar in English Language Teaching: Local Viewpoints, Saksit Saengboon, Panyaatisin Kosin, and Anuchit Toomaneejinda
The Roles of the Buddha in Thai Myths: Reflections on the Attempt to Integrate Buddhism into Thai Local Beliefs, Poramin Jaruworn
The Roots of Future Blooming: Youth Theatre in Thailand from the Twentieth to the Twenty First Century, Pornrat Damrhung
The rural electrification bureaucracy in Thailand : Past and present, J. Scott McDonald
The Salt Marsh - Pier 1:Brooklyn Bridge Park, Michael Van Valkenburgh, Matthew Urbanski, Gullivar Shepard, and Eric Rothstein
The Salzburg Music Festival - Peter Sellars & Mozart at Trump Tower Salzburg July 2019
The Samoreang Community's: Rehabilitation Project, Chantana Surasawadee, Somboon Sangsawang, Monton Chanchamsai, Pannat Tanatpansarat, Buncha Buranasing, and Worapun Surasawadee
The Sao Hpa administration of baan/mong in Mong Tai or the Shan States, Sao Noan Oo
The Second-Semester Reading Course at King Mongkut's Institute of Technology (Thonburi), Rasmee Chutima
The Secret Recipe of NUNUH: An Interview with Mr. Panumas Chanakan, Founder of Premier Heritage Company, Wila Munaowaroh
The Selection of Dental Students, Pensri Sitthisomwong
The Semantics of the Preposition khɔ̌ɔŋ in Thai(ความหมายของคำว่า ของ ในฐานะคำบุพบทในภาษาไทย), Sorn Abngern and Kingkarn Thepkanjana
The Sensitivity of L1 English-L2 Thai Language Learners to Errors in Thai Basic Serial Verb Constructions, Kamolchanok Hongthong
The Settlement Landscapes of the Mangroves: The Indigenous Knowledge on Sustainability and Energy Conservation, Navanath Osiri
The Seventh Annual Thai/TESOL Convention, Thiraboon Somboontakerng
The Shi'ite Muslims in Thailand from Ayutthaya Period to the Present, Julispong Chularatana
The Short-Course Training on ESP Course and Material Design, Krongkaew Kannasoot
The Siamese Composer Eugène Cinda Grassi Bangkok 1881- Paris 1941, Philippe de Lustrac
The Siamese Concept of Muslims through Mural Paintings, Adis Idris Raksamani
The Signifi cance of Implicit Socio-cultural Values in Self-built Housing Transformation, Tareef Hayat Khan
The Significance of Puccha-vissajjana in the Buddhist Literature, Pisit Kobbun
The Significance of Salahoen and Kaikaeo in Lilit Phra Lo, Cholada Ruengruglikit
The Socio-Economic Impacts of Lao-Thai Informal Border Trade on People's Livelihood and Poverty Reduction, Viengxay Thammavong
The Spatial Variability of Soil Physical Properties of Different Sized-gap in a Subtropical Forest, China, Supaporn Buajan, Jinfu Liu, and Zhongsheng He
The Spiritual Basis of The Struggle for Alternative Societies, Chandra Muzaffar
The Spiritual Quality in Facilitating a Transformation Towards Integral Sustainability: The Case of Real Estate Development, Tanapon Panthasen, John Motloch, and Vimolsiddhi Horayangkura
The Stability of Diazepam in Authentic Blood Samples From Thai Postmortem Cases, Peerayuht Phuangphung
The State, Modernization and Water Control in Thailand: The Case of Pak Mun Dam, Tony Doulman
The State of the Intercultural Communicative Competence: An Exploration through Trajectories in English Teachers' Discourse, Daron Benjamin Loo, Wannapa Trakulkasemsuk, and Pattamawan Jimarkon Zilli
สถานภาพ "ญี่ปุ่นศึกษา" ในประเทศไทย พ.ศ. ๒๕๐๐-๒๕๓๕ (ค.ศ. ๑๙๕๗-๑๕๕๒) (The Status of "Japanese Studies" in Thailand, 1957-1992), สุรางค์ศรี ตันเสียงสม
The Status of /-w-/: A Perspective from Khamphuan -- A Thai Language Play, Tamjai Awirutthiyothin
The Story of the Lost Thai CLassical Music Ensemble: The Wang Bang Kholaem Ensemble, Punnee Bualek
The Strategic Design Approaches for Chittagong Hill Areas to Reduce Risks of Landslides and Exploring the Opportunity of Tourism Development, Syed Monirul Islam and Maher Niger
The stress and burnout among lecturers in the universities with online teaching in Vietnam during COVID-19 pandemic: a cross-sectional study, Anh Hoang Thi Ngoc
The Student-Led Democratic Movement after the 14 October 1973 Incident and Its Relations with the Communist Party of Thailand., Pornpirom Iamtham
การศึกษาเกี่ยวกับ "เมืองประวัติศาสตร์" (The Studies of "Historic Cities"), ธิดา สาระยา
The Sufficiency Economy Philosophy beyond Thailand: Sustainable development challenges in a neo-liberal world, Justin John Shone
The Symbolization of Sounds in Thai Onomatopoeic Words, Sorabud Rungrojsuwan
The symptoms and management of children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder during COVID-19 pandemic at the child and adolescent psychiatry clinic, King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital, Nuttorn Pityaratstian
The Tai Muong Vat do not Speak the Black Tai Language, Theraphan L-Thongkum
The teaching of economics with special reference to South-East Asia, Prachoom Chomchai
The Teaching of Listening Comprehension for EFL University Students, Arunee Wiriychitra
The Teaching of Paragraph Rhetoric, Hubbard C. Goodrich
การใช้คำเรียกและความเปรียบเกี่ยวกับกษัตริย์ ใน "ยวนพ่ายโคลงดั้น" (The Terms of Reverence and Metaphors for the King in "Yuan-Pai Klong-Dun"), อัควิทย์ เรืองรอง
The Textual Functions of Time Adverbial Clauses in Thai Travelogues, Somsonge Burusphat
The Thai Garden, Khaisang Sukhavadhana
THE THAI MUSLIMS, Rong Syamananda
The Thai Muslims: Some aspects of minority integration, Astri Suhrke
The Thai perception of China and Japan, Sarasin Viraphol
The Thai personnel organization, Kasem Suwanagul
The Thai personnel organization (2), Kasem Suwanagul
The Thai Popular Song and Its Literary Lineage, chetana Nagavajara
The Thais in Exile: Repression, exile and emergence of the guerilla in the North East of Thailand (1960-1965), Alexandre Barthel
ธรณีประตู คนดีศรีอยุธยา (The Threshold of Khondee Sri Ayuthaya), วัลยา วิวัฒน์ศร
The TOEFL and Its Imitators : Analyzing the TOEFL and Evaluating TOEFL - Prep Texts, Robert Hilke and Paul Wadden
The toxicity produced by Kloi, Dioscorea sp.,Dioscoreaceae(อันตรายที่เกิดจากการรับประทานกลอย), วิบูลย์ ฤทธิทิศ
The Translation of Literature Works and Cross-Cultural Understanding, Nitaya Masavisut
The trouble with hegemony: hegemonic destabilization theory, Jan Nederveen Pieterse
The Tumen River Area Development Program, Chanwoo Lee
The Type of Pharmacy Ownership and Its Impact on Service Quality and Regulatory Compliance in Community Pharmacies, Afshin Azari, Farzad Peiravian, and Nazila Yousefi
The Ultimate Sacrifice: European Festivals in a Somber Mood Summer 2016, Kjell Skyllstad
The unbound postcolonial leviathan, Pranoto Iskandar
The United States, Globalization, and World Order, Soravis Jayanama
The university in relationship to social structures, Kasem Udyanin
การแปลการเล่นคําจากหนังสือ The Unofficial Harry Potter Joke Book: Great Guffaws for Gryffindor ของ Brian Boone, เพ็ญสิริ บุญแสนแผน
เจ้าผู้อยู่เหนือหลักการ (The Unprincipled Prince), ครรชิต ยันตโกศล
The urban development of Phnom Penh: "A happy garden with an ever-bright sun", Christina Warning
The Usage of Causatives in Classical Chinese: A Review, Suree Choonharuangdej
The usage of CoAl−layered double oxide for removal of toxic dye fromaqueous solution, Pornnapa Tongchoo, Sonchai Intachai, Prakaidao Pankam, Chomponoot Suppaso, and Nithima Khaorapapong
The usage of the French definite and indefinite articles(การใช้คํานําหน้านามภาษาฝรั่งเศส Article defini-indefini), Wannachai Kampeera
The Use and Effectiveness of Thai and English Questions and Responses in Multiple - Choice and Open - Ended Tests of EFL Reading Comprehension: A Comparative Study of Test Results, kanittha Vanikieti and Kornsiri Sareepukkana
ประโยชน์ที่ได้รับจากการอบรมสัทศาสตร์ทั่วไปแบบเข้ม (The Usefulness of the CIEL Phonetic Training : Student Comments), ธีระพันธ์ ล. ทองคำ
The Use of a Cloze Test as a Measure of English Proficiency for Thai University Graduates, Ponsawan Chavanachat
The use of a custom anterior guide table for anterior guidance fabrication in single implant-supported anterior and tooth-supported restorations, Chaosin Chaitanuvong, Pravej Serichetaphongse, and Atiphan Pimkhaokham
The Use of Address Terms in Thai during, M.R. Kalaya Tingsapat and Amara Prasithrathsint
The Use of Appraisal Theory to Analyze Thai Newspaper Commentaries, Sudrutai Arunsirot
The use of a removable orthodontic appliance for space management combined with anterior esthetic restorations: a case report, Pasumon Sawangnimitkul and Chalermpol Leevailoj
The Use of "CAN" VS. "BE ABLE TO", Mayuree Durongbhan
The use of ceramic veneers to mask moderately tetracycline-stained teeth: a case report, Thida Chaipattanapruk, Chalermpol Leevailoj, and Sirivimol Srisawasdi
The use of color modifier and resin cement to mask tetracycline-stained teeth restored with porcelain veneer: a case report, Sarasin Sarakun and Chalermpol Leevailoj
The Use of Corpora and Concordancing in Translation, Prima Millikamas
The Use of Creative Arts Therapies for Diagnostic and Therapeutic Purposes, Rachel Lev-Wiesel, Hod Orkibi, and Dita Federman
The use of diatoms (Amphora sp.) As immunostimulant in pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) diet, Ekthida Thongdet
The Use of Dredged Sediment from the Watsongpeenong Canal with Paper Mill Residue to Produce Facing Bricks, Jiraporn Namchan and Nuta Supakata
The Use of -ing, -ed Adjectives Derived from "Emotive" Verbs : How Are They Treated in Grammar Books?, Mayuree Durongbhan
The Use of Journals to Develop Grammatical Accuracy in Writing, Walaipun Puengpipattrakul
The Use of Multilevel Writing Tasks in an EFL Classroom, Apiwan Nuangpolmak
The use of orthodontic elastomeric ligatures and composite resin as an alternative to orthodontic treatment in closing maxillary anterior spacing: a case report, Apinya Namkarunarunroj and Chalermpol Leevailoj
The Use of Phyllanthus Reticulatus for Removal of Hexavalent Chromium from Contaminated Soil, Sutinee Wadesirisak and Pantawat Sampanpanish
The Use of Pragmatic Test to Identify Two Different Stages of Language Acquisition for Thai Students, Kanchana Prapphal
The use of reclaimed rubber from waste tires for production of dynamically cured natural rubber/reclaimed rubber/polypropylene blends: Effect of reclaimed rubber loading, A Thitithammawong, C Hayichelaeh, W Nakason, and N Jehvoh
The Use of Task-Based and Game-Based Learning in English Learning at Small Primary Schools in Nakhon Pathom, Thailand, Sasithida Saraiwang and Kanoknate Worawong
The Use of the Thai Final Particle Na by Japanese Learners of Thai, Sumintra Maklai, Theeraporn Ratitamkul, and Thanasak Sirikanerat
The Use of Video Sequences and Interactive Video in the Self-Access Learning Center, Ong-On Thananart
The Use of WIN, Self-Creative Interaction PPT, and Online Tests to Assist in the Instruction of English for Taiwanese Freshmen, Hui-kuei Hsieh, Hui-uen Chia, and Erickson Lin
The Utilization of Cashew Shell Residues and Grease Waste for Charcoal Briquette Production, Supaporn Pongthornpruek
The Validity of the Rasa Literary Concept: An Approach to the Didactic Tale of Phra Chaisuriya, Kusuma Raksamani
The Value of an Epistemologically-Based Concept of Critical Thinking (CT): A Critique of a Pure CT-Pedagogy and a Scientific Paradigm of CT, Ma. Andrelita S. Cenzon
The Vietnamese in Thailand, วัลภา บุรุษพัฒน์
The Water-managed Patterns of Local Irrigation System for Agriculture in Mae Khan Watershed, Chiang Mai Province, Chaowalit Simsuay and Apiwat Ratanawaraha
The water permeability properties of re-vibrated lightweight concrete, Muayad Mohammed KASSIM
The World and Nong Khon: Continuity and change, William J. Klausner
Think Globally Act Locally : ความเคลื่อนไหวของท้องถิ่นไทยสู่การเป็นเมืองคาร์บอนต่ำ, สุจิตรา วาสนาดำรงดี
THIRD MOLAR AGENESIS, Pairat Dhiravarangkura, Supa Nanthaviroj, and Somporn Prapanpoch
Thoughts about Supplementary Reading Materials for Thai University Students, Russell Whiting
Three-body-type abrasive wear behavior of 26% Cr cast iron with molybdenum, A. Chooprajong, P. Sricharoenchai, S. Inthidech, and Y. Matsubara
Three Case Studies of High Achieving Learners of English, Nipaporn Ratanaphrucks
Three Currently Used Direct Retainers in Distal Extension Removable Partial Dentures, Mansuang Arksornnukit
Three Pillars of a Sustainable Creative City in ASEAN: Examples From Thailand, Singapore & Indonesia, Grisana Punpeng
Three Stages in The Development of the Thai Capitalist State, Ji Ungpakorn
ผลของความหยาบผิวของโลหะผสม Ti-6Al-4V ที่ขึ้นรูปด้วยวิธีการพิมพ์สามมิติต่อลักษณะทางสัณฐานวิทยาของท่อนาโนไทเทเนียมไดออกไซด์และความต้านทานการกัดกร่อน, ปาณิสรา พุทธสุวรรณ
Time Series Based Predictive Control for Acetate Removal using Anaerobic Biofilm Process, Thiti Chiewchanwit, Yen H. Lin, Ali Cinar, and Ted H. Chang
Tissue Proteomics of Feline Mammary Carcinoma: Identification of Potential Biomarkers Based on Metastatic Status and Histopathological Characteristics, Weejarin Paphussaro, Sittiruk Roytrakul, Narumon Phaonakrop, Sawanya Charoenlappanit, Anudep Rungsipipat, Theerawat Tharasanit, and Gunnaporn Suriyaphol Assoc. Prof.
Titanium dioxide nanostructures synthesized by sonochemical hydrothermal process, N Wongpisutpaisan, C Kahattha, N Vittayakorn, A Ruangphanit, and W Pecharapa
Title: The Effects of Dietary Mulberry Leaf Powder Levels on Growth Performance, Carcass Yields, and Serum Lipid Levels in Pradu-Hang-Dam Chickens During the Cool and Rainy Seasons in Thailand., Sarawanee Khunmanee, Thuwanon Boonkerd, Thananon Junsuri, Winai Kaewlamun, Pachara Pearodwong, and Kajohn Nitiwararak
To Address the Dust of the Dust Under the Soles of the Royal Feet: A Reflection on the Political Dimension of the Thai Court Language, Sombat Chantornvong
Toleration and Religious Freedom in the Thai state: Tolerator and Tolerated, Preeda Sataworn and Chaiyan Chaiyapom
Tonal Variation and Change in Dialects in Contact: A Case Study of Lao, Phinnarat Akharawatthanakun
Tonal Variation in the Lue Dialects of Thailand, Kanita Chaimano
Tonal Variations and Changes in a Language Mixture Area: A Case Study of Northeastern Thailand (ISAN), Phinnarat Akharawat-thanakun
Tongue lesions: prevalence and association with gender, age and health-affected behaviors, Aree Jainkittivong, Vilaiwan Aneksuk, and Robert P. Langlais
Tooth deformation in extracted molars in response to thermal stimuli, Pairoj Linsuwanont, Joseph Palamara, and Harold Messer
Toponyms in Eastern and Southeastern Thailand : A Preliminary Study of Village Names in Chonburi, Rayong, Chantacuri, and Trat, Jerry W. Gainey
Toponyms in the Western Region of Thailand, Sujaritlak Deepadung
Tourism Density Effect on Environmental Performance Index: Evidence in ASEAN Countries, Jain Yassin, Sarma Aralas, and Danie E.K. Basa
Tourism Development in a Secondary Province: Understanding the Inter-relations between Social Institutions within the Tourism System of Amnat Charoen(การพัฒนาการท่องเที่ยวในจังหวัดเมืองรอง: การทำความ เข้าใจความสัมพันธ์ระหว่างสถาบันทางสังคมภายในระบบ การท่องเที่ยวของจังหวัดอำนาจเจริญ), Siripong Palakawong-na-ayudhya
Toward a Language Education Policy for Immigrants in Thailand: Lessons Learnt from Europe and Canada with a Case Study of Phuket Island, Saranya Pathanasin and Sureerat Jittasatian
Toward a Way to Balance Conservation and Development in the Ayutthaya Historic Town Centres, Doosadee Thaitakoo
Toward disengagement in Asia : A strategy for American foreign policy, Pretice Bernard K. Gordon
Towards a GIs-based Urban Information system to Plan a smarter chiang Mai, Somporn Sangawongse and Vittaya Ruangrit
Towards an ASEAN Economic Community and a freer flow of persons, Patcharawalai Wongboonsin
Towards Chamlong Srimuang's Political Philosophy, Duncan McCargo
Towards population aging in the ASEAN Community, Vipan Prachuabmoh
Towards Postmodernism in Islamic Thought: The Contribution of Mohammad Arkoun, Imtiyaz Yusuf
Towards Sustainable Eco-cultural Tourism for Water ? based Settlements on the Banks of Chao Phraya River: Ko Kret, Case Study Nonthaburi Province, Thailand, Suwattana Thadaniti
Towards the Practice of Feminist Translation in Thailand, Gritiya Rattanakantadilok
Toward the study of local bureaucratic politics in Thailand, Ronald L. Krannich
To What Extent Can Learners Be Actively Engaged in Language Needs Analysis and Program Design?, William Savage and Graeme Storer
สัมภาษณ์พิเศษ : TOYOTA & สิ่งแวดล้อมโครงการต่าง ๆ ของ โตโยต้า ที่เกี่ยวข้องกับสิ่งแวดล้อม
Trade and welfare, Prachoom Chomchai
Trade credit with firms' life cycle: Evidence from Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET), Chaiwat Sae-low
Traditional and Non-traditional Storytellers in Modern Japanese Societies, Yoko Takashima
Traditional Design in an Ancient Village of Tanintharyi, Winn Myintzu, Soe Thainkha, and Elizabeth H. Moore
Traditional Intricate Paper Cutting Techniques of Southern Thailand: Background, Beliefs, and Cultural Animation of Thai Buddhist Culture, Pannee Virunanont
Traditional Thai Medicine and COVID-19, Mathurada Kraduangdet
Traditional Thai Wisdom as Based on the Pali Tripitaka: A Challenge to Science and Technology, Somparn Promta
Tradition and Creativity of the Rahu Symbol in Buddhist Temples: Case Study of Paintings, Sculptures and Amulets in Central and East of Thailand, Prasirt Runra and Sukanya Sujachaya
Trafficking in persons in Japan: Laws and events, Yuriko Saito
Training Students in Peer Interaction and Peer Feedback to Develop Competence in L2 forms, Hatice OKYAR and Gonca EKŞİ
Trans-Asia mobility from above and below: Elderly migration from Japan to Southeast Asia, Mika Toyota
Transcultural nursing, AMY A. BARTJIS
Transfers of Bureaucratic Elites by Political Bosses : The Question of Political Versus Bureaucratic Accountability, Bidhya Bowornwathana
Transformation graphene quantum dot structure on Ag electrodes under electrochemical reduction, Sivakorn Bovornsintuchon
Transformation of Bangkok in the Press during the Reign of Rama V (1868-1910), Pirasri Povatong
Transformation of Cultural Landscape through Resilience Lens: A Case Study of Mae Kampong Village, Chiang Mai, Thailand, Teranetr Tienthavorn
Transformation of Housing in Low-income Settlement: A Study of Domestic Spaces in Ershad Nagar Resettlement Camp, Masud Ur Rashid
Transformations and Mutations of the Chinese Language Publishing Field in the Digital Age, Lee Yu-Ching
Transformations for the Survival of Traditional Water-Based Communities in Amphawa, Wilawan Phamornsuwan, Wannasilpa Peerapun, and Siriwan Silapacharanan
Transformative pedagogy: An evaluation of the use of the Learning to Live Together (LTLT) principles in higher secondary schools in Thailand, Muara Cusack and Claudine Claridad
Transgender People's Deterritorialization in Arundhati Roy's The Ministry of Utmost Happiness and Trace Peterson's "After Before and After", Tanrada Lertlaksanaporn
Translated Plays as a Force for Social Justice, Rachod Nusen and Kamron Gunatilaka
Translation and the Teaching of English in Thailand, Thiraboon Somboontakerng
Transnational Art and the Multicultural City, Brynjar Bjerkem
Transparent coating materials based on inorganic/organic composites, K Srikulkit, N Rojtinnakorn, and R Charoensak
Transposition: A Project for Cultural Change, Geir Johnson
Trauma, Repressed Memory, and the Question of 'Authenticity': Reading See Under: Love and Beloved through Bhabha, Phrae Chittiphalangsri
Treatment considerations for skeletal Class III orthognathic surgery, Janeta Chavanavesh and Kanok Soratesn
Treatment gaps in preventive treatment-eligible migraine patients: a hospital-based study in Thailand, Thanin Asawavichienjinda
Treatment of eyelid divided nevus using shave and graft: an alternative technique, Suppapong Tirakunwichcha
Treatment of moderate dental fluorosis using porcelain laminate veneers: A case report, Ketmanee Kruetongsri and Chalermpol Leevailoj
Treatment of Piggery Wastewater by Three Grass Species Growing in a Constructed Wetland, Supaporn Pongthornpruek
Treatment strategies of biliary stones through multiple liver lobectomy and cholecystectomy in a dog, Jae-Hwan Jung, Seoung-Yob Ahn, Mu-Young Kim, and Hun-Young Yoon
Tree Plantation Business Booming in COVID-19 Pandemic, Anat Matimu
Trends in Food Industry after the Spread of COVID-19, Arnat Denyingyhot
Trends in Language Programme Evaluation, Premvadee Mullins
Trends in Temperature and Rainfall Extreme Changes in Bangkok Metropolitan Area, Sangchan Limjirakan, Atsamon Limsakul, and Thavivongse Sriburi
Trends of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus Infections among Thai Pediatric Patients, Pintip Suchartlikitwong, Nopphon Wuthinantiwong, Watsamon Jantarabenjakul, Noppadol Wacharachaisurapol, Jiratchaya Sophonphan, Tanittha Chatsuwan, and Thanyawee Puthanakit
Tribological behavior of austenitic stainless steel and vanadium carbide coated by TRD process, C. Lertlummeechai and P. Sricharoenchai
Tribological properties of polymeric composites: A review, Yusuf ŞAHIN and Hakan ŞAHIN
Tribology, mechanical properties and coloration of a mica glass-ceramic, Sahadsaya PRASERTWONG, Sukanda ANGKULPIPAT, Thapanee SRICHUMPONG, Kallaya SUPUTTAMONGKOL, Chanchana THANACHAYANONT, Ramona SOLA4, Greg HENESS, Cristina LEONELLI, and Duangrudee CHAYSUWAN
การออกฤทธิ์และพิษของยา Tricycilc Antidepressants ต่อระบบหัวใจและโลหิต, ประสาน ธรรมอุปกรณ์
TRIGEMINAL NEURALGIA และรายงานผู้ป่วย 1 ราย สาเหตุจาก TRAUMA, กอบกาญจน์ ทองประสม and พรรณี สุ่มสวัสดิ์
Tripitaka in Practice in the Fourth and Fifth Reigns: Relics and Images according to Somdet Phra Sańgharāja Pussadeva's Pat̥hamasambodhi Sermon, Prapod Assavavirul-hakarn and Peter Skilling
Trophic Models of Seagrass Ecosystems in Maqueda Channel, Caramoan Peninsula, Philippines, Michael A. Clores and Michael A. Cuesta
Trying to be Funny: A Conversation Analysis of Humor in EFL University Students’ Role-plays, Siriprapa Srithep and Patharaorn Patharakorn
ผลกระทบจากเหตุธรณีพิบัติ (TSUNAMI) ต่อทรัพยากรทางทะเลและชายฝั่งทะเลอันดามัน, ปริทัศน์ เจริญสิทธิ์
Turkey expands Halal- certification corporation to Azerbaijan, Jasmin Manee
Turkish EFL Learnersʼ Receptive Affix Knowledge as a Diagnostic Tool to Predict Their Productive Derivative Vocabulary Knowledge, Mustafa Yildiz
Twenty Questions about Action Research, Kathleen M. Bailey
Twin-jet electropolishing of cast sterling silver alloys using perchloric acid and potassium cyanide solutions, W. Kongmuang, T. Chairuangsri, and C. Chanmuang
Tyrosinase inhibition and free radical scavenging activities of bee pollen from western honeybee Apis mellifera, Phanthiwa Khongkarat
ก๊าซชีวภาพจากการบำบัดน้ำเสียโรงเบียร์ด้วยระบบ UASB, อรุณี ศุภสินสาธิต
เทคโนโลยีการสำรวจด้วยภาพถ่ายจากอากาศยานไร้นักบิน UAV Photogrammetry Technology, วิชัย เยี่ยงวีรชน
ลดความเหลื่อมล้ำด้วยการออกแบบเมือง ศูนย์ออกแบบและพัฒนาเมือง (UddC) จุฬาลงกรณ์มหาวิทยาลัย, นิรมล เสรีสกุล
Ultraviolet‐shielding and water resistance properties of graphene quantum dots/polyvinyl alcohol composite-based film, Sutthipoj Wongrerkdee and Pichitchai Pimpang
Unakan: A Combination of the Images of Thai Hero and Heroine, Thaneerat Jatuthasri
Under drone attacks: Lacan and trauma in international politics, Chyatat Supachalasai
Understanding Artists' Relationships to Urban Creative Placemaking Through Documentary Storytelling, Brian Plow
Understanding Foreign Language Education at BFSU, Zhou Yan
Understanding Historical Attachment: Through Oral Tradition as a Source of History, Ari Widyati Purwantiasning, Kemas Ridwan Kurniawan, and Pudentia Maria Purenti Sri Suniarti
Understanding Necessity Causally, Puttawit Bunnag
Understanding Organizations, Charles B. Handy
Understanding the Identity of the Thai Muslim Community of Kudi Khao in Thonburi, Bangkok, Penchan Phoborisut
Understanding the Impact of Cultural Design Aesthetics and Socioeconomic Shifts: Approaches to Urban Resilience Empowers Place-Making, Stephen T. F. Poon
Understanding the Weathering Process of Antimony Minerals: Case Study Sb-Mine Sulzburg, Black Forest, Germany, Sakonvan Chawchai and Raphael Bissen
คอลัมน์พิเศษ รู้จัก "ศูนย์บริการวิชาการแห่งจุฬาลงกรณ์มหาวิทยาลัย" .......รู้จัก "Unisearch"
บทบรรณาธิการ เปิดประตูสู่โลก "Unisearch Journal"
Unity in diversity: exploring central Thai speaker’s attitudes towards Thai dialects through a linguistic approach, Tristan Aidan Pennell
การนำนโยบายไปปฏิบัติ: กรณีศึกษานโยบายเจ็บป่วยฉุกเฉินวิกฤตมีสิทธิทุกที่ (universal coverage for emergency patients: UCEP), จามีกร แคนนารี่
Universal Social Protection: A Rights - Based Approach to Basic Income Support(การคุ้มครองทางสังคมถ้วนหน้า: แนวทางการวิเคราะห์ เน้นสิทธิมนุษยชนสู่การสนับสนุนรายได้พื้นฐาน), Kritsada Theerakosonphong
University ELT Faculty's Use of IT, Their Opinions on the Roles of IT and the Promising Tasks, Phan Banpho
สานต่อความสัมพันธ์ ไทย-บาห์เรน ผ่านความร่วมมือด้านวิชาการระหว่างศูนย์วิทยาศาสตร์ฮาลาล จุฬาฯ และ UNIVERSITY OF BAHRAIN, อาณัฐ เด่นยิ่งโยชน์
Unknown Particles and Red Blood Cells Associated with Oral Lichen Planus by Scanning Electron Microscopy, Kobkan Thongprasom and Prakob Buranasin
Unpacking Perceptual and Contextual Influences on Task-based Instruction: A Framework of Teacher Beliefs and Practice, Nguyen Van Loi
Unraveling the potential of natural anti-obesity agents: An insight, Naveen Kumar, Pranav Shah, and Shweta Agarwal
Upconversion luminescence of yttrium oxysulfide co-doped with rare earth elements, U Injarean, P Pichestapong, T Ruangsiritanyakul, and S Tayaniphant
Updated Basis Knowledge of Climate Change Summarized from the First part of Thailand's Second Assessment Report on Climate Change, Atsamon Limsakul, Boonlue Kachenchart, Patama Singhruck, Suriyan Saramul, Jerasorn Santisirisomboon, and Somkiat Apipattanavis
Update on surgical approach in accelerating orthodontic tooth movement: A concise review, Arthessarat Sirisa-Ard
Urban Cultures at the Crossroads - Interuniversity Center, Dubrovnik September 2015, Kjell Skyllstad
Urban Dignity - Global Dignity: What Is It? How Do We Achieve It? (Part 1), Evelin Lindner
Urban Dignity - Global Dignity: What Is It? How Do We Achieve It? (Part 2), Evelin Lindner
Urban Dynamism, a Contrasting Experience:Street Life in Unplanned Bangkok and Planned Melbourne, Sidh Sintusingha, Kasama Polakit, and Richard Bruch
Urban growth in Thailand, 1946-1967, Sidney Goldstein
Urban Heat Island Phenomenon in Relation to Land Use/Land Cover in Bangkok Metropolitan Administration Area, Parinya Chayapong and Songkot Dasananda
Urban Hum: Memory Theater of the City, Sandra Uskokovic and Boris Bakal
Urbanization Impact of Higher Educational and Research Institutions on Rural Settlements Development in Ukraine, Ludmyla Hnes and Nadiya Cherevko
Urban Morphological Transformation of Riverfront Communities in the Nakhon Chaisri Basin, Thailand, Pornchai Jittiwasurat and Tapanee Rattanathavorn
Urban resilience and the neo-liberal subject of climate change in Thailand, Robert A. Farnan
Urban society : An ecological approach, Amos Hawley
Urban Spatial Development to Mitigate Urban Heat Island Effectin the Inner Area of Bangkok, Jittisak Thammapornpilas
Usability evaluation of IOT based HVAC dashboard, Rubina Shrestha
Use of PP-g-MA prepared by solution process as compatibilizerin polypropylene/polyamide 6 blends, S Chongprakobkit, M Opaprakasit, and S Chuayjuljit
Use of steam explosion as a green alternative method to prepare pulp from pineapple leaves, S Tanpichai, A Boonmahitthisud, and S Witayakran
Using Cooperative Concept Mapping Skill to Teach ESL Reading, Hua Tang
Using deep learning technique for price action analysis in gold trading, Kwan Boon-long
Using Focus Groups in Language Research, Arthur McNeill
Using GIS for Exploring Karen Settlements: A Case Study of Western and Northern Thailand in the Vicinity of the Thai-Burmese Border, Sirivilai Teerarojanarat
Using Health Literacy as a Tool for Equity and Engagement in Health Systems, Catina O'Leary, Stephanie Gonzalez, and Mark Valenti
Using Journal Writing with Peer Feedback to Enhance EFL Students' Writing Ability Across Proficiency Levels, Watcharee Kulprasit and Thanyapa Chiramanee
Using Literature in Language Teaching for Chulalongkorn University's First-year Commerce Students, Kalyanee Ruangmanamongkol
Using Morphology and Genomic Template Stability (GTS) to Track Herbicide Effect on Some Submersed Aquatic Plants, Kun Silprasit, Arin Ngamniyom, Patarapong Kerksakul, and Sirikul Thumajitsakul
Using Newspapers in the ESL Classroom, Roxane Marin
Using Portfolio Assessment in Course Evaluation, Pamararat Wiriyakarun
Using Positive Psychology Exercises in the ESL Classroom to Improve Student Well-being, Ian T. McDonald
Using Principal Component Regression Method in Social Data Analysis, Chaiyasith Chalermmeprasert
Using Songs in Teaching Pronunciation to Young EFL Learners, Gizem Saldıraner and Emrah Cinkara
Using TED Talks for Extensive Listening, Euodia Inge GAVENILA, Mega WULANDARI, and Willy A. RENANDYA
Using the Flipped Classroom to Enhance Adult EFL Learners' Speaking Skills, Sabahattin Yeşilçınar
Utilities value in diabetic retinopathy, Pear Pongsachareonnont Ferreira
Utilization of aluminium dross as a main raw material for synthesis of geopolymer, P Puksisuwan, P Laoratanakul, and B Cherdhirunkorn
Utilization of Cellular Glass Insulation Waste in Construction Materials, Thitikorn Buasomboon and Orathai Chavalparit
Utilization of coal fly ash as a raw material for refractory production, R Sukkae, S Suebthawilkul, and B Cherdhirunkorn
Utilization of fly ash from power plant for adsorption of hydrocarbon contamination in water, J Sasithorn, D Wiwattanadate, and S Sangsuk
Utilization of Fruit Waste for Bioethanol Production by Co-cultures of Aspergillus niger and Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Nutchanat Chamchoi
Utilization of Herbivorous fish in the Thale Noi Ecosystem to control aquatic weed, Ruengchai Tansakul, Pimpan Tansakul, Niti Rittibhonbhun, Duangrat Meekaew, and Amporn Sornprasit
Utilization of rice husk ash silica in controlled releasing application, P Prawingwong, C Chaiya, P Reubroycharoen, and C Samart
Utilization of rice husk to synthesize high-performance phosphors, L Xiong, K Saito, S Wada, and E H. Sekiya
Utilization of silica in rice hulls as raw materials for silicon semiconductors, T Okutani
Utilization of Silica Waste to Replace Silica Fume for Mixed Mortar, Petchporn Chawakitchareon and Natthapol Sresthaolarn
Utilization of Waste Materials in the Manufacture of Thai Home Decorations, Thanaphan Boonyarutkalin
Utilizing asymmetric shock on volatility and asymmetric beta for enhanced investment strategies in the Stock Exchange of Thailand, Nuttapol Sirinakorn
UV radiation energy consumption in curing process of epoxidized sunflower oil-organoclay hybrid coatings, N Jiratumnukul and R Intarat
Uzbekistan ตามรอยเส้นทางสายไหม... จุดกำเนิดบิดาแห่งนักวิทยาศาสตร์โลก, ชีรีน นิภารัตน์ and อัครชัย เกิดอยู่
ผลของสารฟอกสีฟันต่อการรั่วซึมตามขอบของแควิตี้คลาส V ที่บูรณะด้วยกลาสไอโอโนเมอร์ชนิดดัดแปรด้วยเรซิน, ชัยวัฒน์ มณีนุษย์, บุญรัตน์ อำไพภิญโญกุล, and ปนัดดา นิลดำ
Vaccine Technology and Digital Contact Tracing in 2021, Netnapa Ontao
Validity, reliability and factorial structure of the Job Stress Inventory for Thai dentists, Chanchai Hosanguan
Valletta FIESTA Week - Celebrating the European Capital of Culture Malta January 2018, Kjell Skyllstad
Value change and political disaffection : A study of political implications in Japanese postindustrial politics, Chartchai Na Chiangmai
Vampires and Sexual Degeneration in Bram Stoker's Dracula, Nathamon Sunthikhunakorn
Vanishing Echoes, Victoria Vorreiter
Variable Production of English Past Tense Morphology: A Case Study of a Thai-speaking Learner of English, Chariya Prapobaratanakul and Nattama Pongpairoj
Variation and Change of the Phrae Pwo Karen Vowels and Tones Induced by Language Contact with the Tai Languages, Chommanad Intajamornrak
Variation of VOCs Inside a New Car during the First Year and Their Relationship to Temperature, Maneerat Ongwandee, Thabtim Chatsuvan, Theerapong Sairat, and Kritsanaphong Lephol
Varieties of English Accents: A Study of the Degree of Preference and Intelligibility Among Second-Year English Major Students at Maejo University, Daranee Choomthong and Supaporn Manowong
Vasubandhu on Travel and Seclusion, Prapod Assavavirulhakarn and Peter Skilling
Vegan peptide for skincare applications, Kasinee Katelakha
Vegetation dynamics and sea-level changes in the upper gulf of Thailand, Dissaya Sukaudom
Venom characterization and toxicology of box jellyfish chironex indrasaksajiae, Chanikarn Yongstar
การประยุกต์ใช้เทคนิค VERNADOC ในการบริการจัดการชุมชน, เจนการ เจนการกิจ
Verruciform xanthoma, Kittipong Dhanuthai
Versatile route for preparation of polydiacetylene/ZnO nanocomposites and their colorimetric response to pH and ethanol, N Rungruangviriya and N Traiphol
Vertical bracket position and occlusal plane angle affected the perception of smile esthetics, Nadda Manoonsin and Paiboon Techalertpaisarn
เรื่องน่ารู้ : การทำเกษตรกรรมแนวตั้ง (Vertical Farming), เสาวนีย์ วิจิตรโกสุม
Vertical Fracture Resistance of Endodontically Treated Teeth with Various Remaining Dentinal Wall Thickness, Siriluk Charoenwiriyakul, Supaboon Purnaveja, and Mansuang Arksornnukit
Vertical Garden : พื้นที่สีเขียวแห่งอนาคตของเมือง, เสาวนีย์ วิจิตรโกสุม
ประสิทธิภาพของหญ้าแฝกหอม Vetiveria zizanioides (Linn.) Nash และหญ้าแฝกดอน Vetiveria nemoralis A. Camus ในการกำจัดโครเมียมในพื้นที่ชุ่มน้ำที่สร้างขึ้นเพื่อการบำบัดน้ำเสียขั้นสุดท้ายจากโรงฟอกหนัง, ธเรศ ศรีสถิตย์ and วงศ์พลา เส็งสาย
Viability analysis of rice husk power plant for rice miller, Pakkachet Boonyaridh
ViaBus แอพพลิเคชันติดตามขนส่งสาธารณะ แบบเรียลไทม์ชิ้้นแรกของไทย, อินทัช มาศวงษ์ปกรณ์
ผลของความเข้มข้นฟอสเฟตในน้ำสกัดจากหอยสองฝาและอาหารเลี้ยงเชื้อสังเคราะห์ต่อการสร้างสารกีดขวางช่องโซเดียมโดย Vibrio alginolyticus, เบญจภรณ์ ประภักดี, ณัฐพันธุ์ ศุภกา, and กาญจณา จันทองจีน
Video Art: Everyday Fear within the Three Southern Thai Provinces, I-na Phuyuthanon and Prapon Kumjim
Video in the Language Class, Bhamani Kajornboon
Video Movies in Teaching English as a Foreign Language, David Wood
Video Review: A Song of Remembrance - Somtow Sucharitkul: Requiem in Memoriam 9/11, Kjell Skyllstad
Vietnam in the 1990s : Adjusting to Global Capitalism, Pasuk Phongpaichit
การพิจารณาและการสอนคำนำหน้านามของภาษาอังกฤษ ในเชิงอรรถศาสตร์ (Viewing and Teaching the English Articles Semantically), Jiranthara Srioutai
Views of Summer TEFL Postgraduate Students and their Supervisors on the Practice of Thesis Supervision in the Ethiopian Context, Yinager Teklesellassie
Virtual Democracy in Thailand: Information Technology, Internet Political Message Board, and the Politics of Representation in Thailand after 1992, Pitch Pongsawat
Virtues in German Proverbs (Tugenden im deutschen Sprichwort)(คุณธรรมในภาษิตเยอรมัน), Chusri Mewongukote
Virulence Factors and Antibiotic Resistance of Escherichia coli O157:H7 Isolated from Ogun River, Abeokuta Metropolis, Nigeria, Lateefat M. Ewuoso, Saka A. Balogun, Sarafadeen O. Kareem, and Temilade F. Akinhanmi
Virus like particle displaying the major allergen Der p 1 as a vaccine candidate against house dust mite allergy, Sirikarn Jitthamstaporn
Vision and Mission of the Halal Science Center
VISIONS OF GLOBALIZATION: The Twenty-first Century Perspective, Asawin Nedpogaeo
Visualization and Interpretation of PM10 Monitoring Data Related to Causes of Haze Episodes in Northern Thailand, Sirapong Sooktawee, Usa Humphries, Aduldech Patpai, Rungrawee Kongsong, Suteera Boonyapitak, and Nirun Piemyai
Vitamin D and COVID-19, Firadao Surattanamal
Vitamin E: A simple treatment for complicated diseases, Adhiraj Dasgupta, Sristi Das, Sandipta Ghosh, and Krishnendu Acharya
Vocabulary : A Problem of Thai Students in Learning English as a Second language, Nuntika Thanomsat and Bang-orn Savangvarorose
Vocabulary Knowledge as a Predictor of Performance in Writing and Speaking: A Case of Turkish EFL Learners, Mehmet Kilic
Vocabulary Selection through Word-List Comparison, Michael O'Shea
Vocational High School Students’ Metacognitive Reading Strategy and Volition in Language Learning: A Correlational Study, Erina Andriani
VOC participation in Siamese society during the Late Ayutthaya Period (1688-1767), Dhiravat na Pombejra
มาตรฐานคุณภาพอากาศของสารอินทรีย์ระเหยง่าย (Volatile Organic Compounds), นพภาพร พานิช
แนวทางการดำเนินโครงการลดก๊าซเรือนกระจกภาคสมัครใจ (Voluntary Emission Reduction Program), สุทธิรัตน์ กิตติพงษ์วิเศษ
สลาวอย ชิเชค vs เกรแฮม ฮาแมน : วิวาทะปรัชญาร่วมสมัย, ชญาน์ทัต ศุภชลาศัย
Vulnerability to poverty of rural farm households in Thailand, Thitiwan Sricharoen
WAB2E : Biocoke อีกหนึ่งทางเลือกของประเทศไทย, ธีรพล คังคะเกตุ
Wage premiums for master's degrees in Thai private firms, Shiyu Xiang
ปฏิบัติการ "WAJU" หนีน้ำท่วม, ศิญาณี หิรัญสาลี
Wanna Change the World? Start with Yourself, Boonsiri Anantasate
War in the German Poetry of the Baroque Period(สงครามในบทกวีนิพนธ์เยอรมันยุคบาร็อค(Der Krieg in der deutschen Lyrik der Barockzeit)), Chusri Meewongukote
Washback Effect of School-Based Assessment (SBA) on Malaysia Secondary School Students’ English Language Learning, Nur Farisya Amylia Mohd Salleh, Vahid Nimehchisalema, Ilyana Jalaluddin, and Jayakaran Mukundan
Waste Composition Evaluation for Solid Waste Management Guideline in Highland Rural Tourist Area in Thailand, Nittaya Pasukphun, Yanasinee Suma, Anuttara Hongtong, Vivat Keawdunglek, Pussadee Laor, and Tawatchai Apidechkul
Wat Ban Don Contemporary Shadow Puppet Play: Strengthening Its Self-Respect & Sustainable Identity(หนังใหญ่ร่วมสมัยวัดบ้านดอน: อัตลักษณ์ที่ภาคภูมิและยั่งยืน), Bhanbhassa Dhubthien
เรื่องสืบเนื่องจากปก: ผักตบชวา Water Hyacinth, ศีลาวุธ ดำรงศิริ
Water Lore: Thai-Tai Folk Beliefs and Literature, Prakong Nimmanahaeminda
Water Management for Irrigated Farming: Reuse of Water from Macrobrachium rosenbergii Farming for Off-season Rice Production, Piyawat Promraksa, Thavivongse Sriburi, and Somkiat Piyatiratitivorakul
การทำน้ำให้บริสุทธิ์โดยกรรมวิธีออสโมซิสย้อนกลับ (WATER PURIFICATION BY REVERSE OSMOSIS), ภารุณี ถนอมเกียรติ
Water soluble chitosan as an environment-friendly coagulant in removal of rubber particles from skim rubber latex, R Werathirachot, P Danwanichakul, C Kongkaew, and S Loykulnant
Wear properties of Boron added high strength low alloy (HSLA) SAE 8620 steel, M Musa, A G. Mohammed, and A Muhammad
Web-Based Instruction (for Teaching/Learning English) Evaluation, Suphat Sukamolson
Website Review, JUCR Staff
Website Review -, Kjell Skyllstad
Weddings and Thai Women: The Construction of Weddings and the Portrayal of Thai Women through Wedding Stories in Thai Wedding Magazines, Permtip Buaphet
Welcome to the Club' Means for Developing Language Knowledge for ELT Specialists at the MITTC-Oman, Ali S.M. Al-Issa
Welcoming Message from the Executive Director, Suppakorn Disatapandhu
Welding residual stresses in two competing single V-butt joints, P Wongpanya
We Need to Become More Political! - Thoughts About Cultural Education in Light of Global Power Shifts, Michael Wimmer
บทกวีจีนสมัยใหม่ของเหวินอี้ตัว (Wen Yiduo's Modern Chinese Poetry), จินตนา ธันวานิวัฒน์
Western Mercantile Organization in the Early Twentieth Century Penang: an Examination of the Chamber of Commerce's Records, Chuleeporn Virunha
ก๊าซชีวภาพจากการหมักพืชพลังงานเพื่อผลิตในฟ้า Wet and Dry Fermentation, อรุณี ศุภสินสาธิต
จาก WHASIB 2008 สู่ THA 2018 พัฒนาการที่ไม่เคยหยุดยั้ง, วินัย ดะห์ลัน
WHASIB 2009 in Conjunction with IMT-GT Phuket Halal Expo(WHASIB 2009)
ขงเบ้งดีดกระจับปี่ ดีดพิณ หรือตีขิมกันแน่ (What actually did Kongming play, Krachabphii, Pin or Kim?), จินตนา ธันวานิวัฒน์
What a True Buddhist Should Know about, P.A. Payutto
What did we learn last class? An Exploratory Study of Student- Generated Review Questions, Christopher Nathanael Johnson
What Does Focus-on-form Journal Writing Tell Language Teachers?, Walaipun Puengpipattrakul
What Does It Mean to Be a Thai Student at an American University ?, Jerry G. Gebhard
What does Thai international relations want?, Jittipat Poonkham
What, How and Why? A Multi-Dimensional Case Analysis of the Challenges Facing Native and Non-Native EFL Teachers, Yusuf Demir
What Is Happening to What Was Happened?, Nirada Simargool
What is Inside Plant-based Food, Sunainee Mahama
หลังสมัยใหม่ (What is Postmodern?), จุมพฏ คำสนอง
การอ่านออกเสียงคำตามความนิยมควรมีขอบเขตเพียงไร (What Is the Limit of Common Pronuciation?), เฉลิม มากนวล
What Is the Meaning of Critical Thinking in the Context of Globalization?, Stephen Evans
What Really Makes You Gain Weight? Your Appetite or Hormone?, Winai Dahlan
What Techno-effective Teachers Mean for Preservice Teachers of English: A Socio-Constructivist Study, Tuçe ÖZTÜRK KARATAŞ and Hasan Çağlar BAŞOL
What was That You Called Me? : Forms of Address in Cross-Culture Interactions, Larry E. Smith
"What We Have is a Problem of Communication" : The Sheriff in Cool Hand Luke, Clarence Shettlesworth
When Affective Factors Change: A Corpus-based Analysis of Students' Reflections in English E-portfolios, Wasana Phasomyard, Pattamawan Jimarkon, and Sonthida Keyuravong
When Musicians Become a Menace, Kjell Skyllstad
Where was Lake Anodat?, Frits Staal
Which "Regionalism" for Southeast Asia? - Curating art in time of globalisation and neoliberalism, รัฐศรัณย์ สิรีกัญจน์
White Building: Smart City, Pen Sereypagna
Whither the cultural revolution?, Sarasin Viraphol
Who Are the Best English Teachers in Thailand?, Larry E. Smith
Who Is't Can Read a Woman?': Representation of Queen Elizabeth I in Cymbeline, Thanomnual Hiranyatheb
Whole Language Its Application to EFL Classroom in Thailand, Reongrudee Naranunn
Whole tooth regeneration using organ transplant method: Research comments, Chalida Nakalekha Limjeerajarus and Thanaphum Osathanon
Why Our Students Fail, David Paul
Why policy fails...are we tossing coin into garbage can...or are we not being able to bridge the gap between policy and practice?, Tavida Kamolvej
วิลเฟร็ด โอเวน และความรักที่ยิ่งใหญ่กว่า: การศึกษาการปฏิเสธขนบอัศวิน และความรู้สึกเกลียดชังสตรี (Wilfred Owen and the Greater Love: A Study of the Rejection of the Chivalric Tradition and Misogyny), รองรัตน์ ดุษฎีสุรพจน์
William E. Rutherford. Modern English : A Textbook for Foreign Students, Richard B. Noss
Willingness to communicate in English of Thai undergraduate students in online English classrooms, Koravick Thiangtham
Will-less Contemplation through Listening to Music - An Epistemic Process Analysis of Arthur Schopenhauer's Concept of Music, Tan Weng Chiang David
Wisdom from the Tortoise, Ruenruthai Sujjapun
Wise Men Say : Clay detergent: The natural way to Cleansing the "Najis"
ความรักความรู้ในบทละครเรื่อง Wit ของมาร์กาเร็ต เอ็ดสัน, ดารินทร์ ประดิษฐทัศนีย์
Woman/Warriors: Dual Images in Modern Thai Literature, Suvanna Kriengkraipetch
Women's Disintegrated Participation: Hierarchy and Gender Relations Re-Examined in Khru Somsri, Porranee Singpliam
Women, sexuality and political achievement in Thai society and Thai literature, Orathai Piayura
Women, Sexuality and Politics in Modern Cambodian Literature, Klairung Amratisha
Women's Fate and Faith as Told in Amy Tan's The Joy Luck Club, Napat Tangapiwut
Women's RightsAccordingtoLaw of InheritanceintheDharmaśāstras(สิทธิสตรีตามกฎหมายมรดกในคัมภีร์ธรรมศาสตร์), Boondarika Boonyo and Chanwit Tudkeao
เก็บตกวิชาการ Women's Worlds 2005: ประสบการณ์การเรียนรู้ "สตรีศึกษาเอเชีย" ที่เกาหลีใต้, ชนิดา ชิตบัณฑิตย์
Wood plastic composites based on recycled poly(ethylene terephthalate) and poly(butylene adipate-co-terephthalate), P Chaiwutthinan, A Pimpong, A Larpkasemsuk, S Chuayjuljit, and A Boonmahitthisud
Word Frequency Level and Lexical Coverage in the Reading Comprehension Texts of the Malaysian University English Test, Melisa Charles BENEDICT and Ahmad Affendi SHABDIN
Word? Music? Pronunciation!, Donald E. Bott
Word processing : Its Special Potential for Non-native Writers, Martha C. Pennington
Work ability among older workers in an agricultural community in Nan province, Thailand: a cross-sectional study, Jate Ratanachina and Wilawan Mormoon
Working between Two Worlds: New Roles for Traditional Thai Dance and Dancers, Pornrat Damrhung
World City Summit Singapore July 2012, Kjell Skyllstad