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The purposes of the present research work are to investigate which aspects of depth of vocabulary knowledge have strong and significant correlation with academic reading comprehension and examine to what extent different dimensions of depth of vocabulary knowledge have predicted to academic reading success in an EFL context. A total sample of 175 students at tertiary level was considered for the present study. The results of the study evince that a significant and strong correlation was found between the newly adapted analytic (meronymy) relations aspect of depth of vocabulary knowledge and academic reading success, and analytic relations was found to be the most unique predictor to explaining the academic reading success of the students. The results suggest that those students who had knowledge about the analytic (part-whole) relations of depth of vocabulary knowledge performed better in academic reading comprehension than knowledge of other dimensions of vocabulary depth, represented by morphological knowledge and both paradigmatic and syntagmatic relations. The addition of analytical relations jointly with paradigmatic and syntagmatic relations and morphological knowledge, which represented depth of vocabulary knowledge for conducting the present research, has added to the body of knowledge.



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