
Chulalongkorn University Dental Journal

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Objective To present techniques to mask discolored teeth before porcelain veneer cementation using resin-based color modifier as a subopaque layer in severely tetracycline-stained teeth. Materials and methods A female patient had severely tetracycline-stained teeth on both upper and lower anterior teeth, and space between teeth #11 and #21. Her oral hygiene was good. Based on patientûs smile analysis and patientûs desires, the treatment plan was agreed upon 16 porcelain veneers on teeth #14 through #24 and #34 through #44. The porcelain veneers were fabricate using IPS Empress E.max®, and used resin-based color modifier as a subopaque layer. The resin luting cement used in this case was Variolink veneer®. Results The patient was very satisfied with the result. The color of discolored teeth can be masked. The function and occlusion were in proper condition. Conclusion This case report demonstrated that opaque masking technique was possible to mask severely tetracycline-stained teeth. Nevertheless, the technique cannot eliminate the monochromatic appearance of porcelain veneers on severely tetracycline-stained teeth.



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