
Chulalongkorn University Dental Journal

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The orthodontic treatment is a time-consuming procedure. Fixed orthodontic treatment usually takes 2-3 years, with several regular follow up appointments, depending on various factors such as severity of the malocclusion, treatment planning, and patient compliance. The prolong treatment could increase more complications such as caries and root resorptions. A patient burnout also could happen because of this long term exhausted procedure. Thus, to be able to shorten the orthodontic treatment duration will be highly desirable for both patients and orthodontists. Up to now, several treatment modalities have been reported to accelerate orthodontic tooth movement including biomechanical, biological, physical/mechanical, and surgical approaches. This review describes current surgical procedures used for accelerating orthodontic tooth movement. The regional acceleratory phenomenon (RAP) phenomenon, surgical techniques including dental distraction, corticotomy/ osteotomy-assisted orthodontic tooth movement, piezocision, and micro-osteoperforation are summarized and discussed.



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Dentistry Commons



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