
Asian Review

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This article offers an unconventional approach to the study of US-Thai relations. The conventional approach emphasizes political, military, and security affairs but ignores the interrelationship between the economic and political roles of the US in Thai policy making. This study emphasizes the US economic influence in two periods: during the period of anti-communism in the Cold War era, and again during the financial crisis of 1997 onwards. The first of these periods was set within the context of the Cold War. The US promoted liberal development policies as part of anti-communist strategy. The second of these periods was set in the context of globalization and rapid socioeconomic and political change in the Southeast Asian region. The Democrat-led Cabinet of Chuan Leekpai not only fell in line with the economic policies of the US and IMF, but also aligned its regional foreign policy with US aims and ideals.



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Asian Studies Commons



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