
Chulalongkorn University Dental Journal

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Objective The aim of this present study was to evaluate the radiation dose associated with intraoral radiographic techniques. Material and methods The radiation doses were measured at eyelid and thyroid gland, using the alarm digital dosimeter during taking intraoral radiographic techniques; the parallel technique, the bisecting-angle technique and the bitewing technique in different positions of oral cavity. Organ doses were estimated by averaging the readings obtained from digital dosimeter placed in anatomically appropiate positions of 20 patients for each view. The results were presented as the mean dose equivalent per single exposure and the combination dose at various locations for the four full mouth surveys. The dosimetry measurements were compared among techniques including maximum permissible dose. Results The lowest dose to the thyroid gland (0.0018 0.0001 mSv) and to the eyelid (0.0029+0.0001 mSv) were recorded from the parallel technique in the upper canine area and lower anterior area respectively. The highest dose to the thyroid gland was 0.0048 +0.0002 mSv from the bisecting-angle technique in the lower molar area and to the eyelid was 0.0150+0.0007 mSv from the parallel technique in the upper canine area. The absorbed dose to the thyroid gland from the full mouth survey was less than that to the eyelid. The lowest doses to the thyroid gland and to the eyelid from full mouth survey were 0.0403 mSv and 0.1043 mSv respectively.Conclusion There are the different doses in a variety of intraoral radiographic techniques. When prescribing the radiographs, the technique selected should fulfil the clinical requirement and keep the dose as low as reasonably achievable.



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