

Background: About 51% of post-stroke patients have recurrent strokes, with high blood pressure causing 51% of stroke-related deaths globally, and around 16% linked to high blood glucose levels. While research on stroke recurrence often centers on patients, there is limited research on family-related psychological factors. This study aimed to assess the impact of such factors on stroke recurrence using the Partial Least Square Structural Equation Model (PLS-SEM) on patients in Bukittinggi City.

Methods: The cross-sectional study employed convenience sampling techniques and included 191 participants from two hospitals in West Sumatra. The research was conducted over a period of 15 weeks, approximately 3.5 months, from November 2021 to February 2022. Data analysis was performed using PLS-SEM.

Results: The coefficient pathway for family burden on increasing stroke recurrence was β = 0.302. Family coping indirectly affected stroke recurrence through the family burden pathway, with an overall influence magnitude of 0.394. Similarly, self-efficacy indirectly impacted stroke recurrence via the family burden channel, with an overall influence of 0.868. On the other hand, family independence indirectly influenced stroke recurrence through the family burden pathway, with a total overall effect of -0.265. It is notable that family support does not directly affect stroke recurrence through the family burden pathway.

Conclusions: Psychological family factors, like family burden, significantly contribute to stroke recurrence. Implementing interventions to ease this burden is crucial in preventing recurrence. Addressing these psychological factors effectively aids in preventing stroke recurrence.

Keywords: Family Psychological Factors, PLS-SEM, Stroke, Indonesia


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