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This study aimed to investigate (1) the relationships between three selected variables (formal content study, English language attainment, and overall academic achievement) and performance in the Reading Test of English for Consumer Product Marketing (RT-ECPM), (2) the extent to which the three variables can predict the RT-ECPM scores, and (3) the test takers' attitudes towards the test. The two research instruments employed were the RT-ECPM and an attitude questionnaire for test takers. The subjects were 133 fourth-year university students from the Faculty of Commerce and Accountancy majoring in Business Administration at Chulalongkorn University. The study revealed that all selected variables had significant relationships with the RT-ECPM scores at the 0.01 level. However, only English language attainment was a significant predictor of success in the RT-ECPM. An attitude questionnaire indicated that the test takers had positive attitudes towards the test. The results provided more insights into the predictors of success in reading test performance in English for Business Purposes.



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