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Whole language recently has become an impressive tool for our educational community. It offers a way to teach language from whole to part. It is suggested that children should read 'whole' books and write 'whole' stories, letters, and other real-life writings, for example. Reading, specifically, should be taught as a means of creating meaning from prints. It is taught in the meaningful context of real reading and writing activities. In other words, meaningfulness is the key word for classroom instruction. In the context of Thailand, whole language also offers lots of suggestions. Incorporating whole language in an EFL reading classroom in Thailand will encourage students to explore on authentic materials rather than practicing and drilling on worksheets, or reading a created paragraph for a specific sub-skill. In conclusion, the natural environment of acquiring language, the meaningful contexts, the communicative purpose, the authentic materials, and faith in the ability of students cause students to learn and acquire the target language effectively.



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