Chulalongkorn University Theses and Dissertations (Chula ETD)
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Effects of ferulic acid and UV curing on properties of soy protein film, Md Shakil
Effects of genre-based approach with graphic organizers on argumentative writing ability of EFL secondary school students, Ratchaneekorn Uamsiri
Effects of integrin subtypes on migration and invasion in primary lung cancer cells in advanced stage and inhibitory effect of Millettocalyxin B, Pennapa Lafauy
Effects of intergroup ideologies on willingness to engage in intergroup contact with essentialism as a mediator, Piraorn Suvanbenjakule
Effects of intrauterine intermittent hypoxia on skeletal muscle in offspring rats, Wirongrong Wongkitikamjorn
Effects of local versus systemic administration of CXCR4 inhibitor AMD3100 on orthodontic tooth movement in rats, Narubhorn Ongprakobkul
Effects of low degree of high ambient temperature on neural pathways from median preoptic nucleus to arcuate nucleus in related to food intake., Pornsiri Suwannapaporn
Effects of selected aroma compounds on physiological activities and emotions, Akarat Sivaphongthongchai
Effects of Strongyloides stercoralis antigens on immune responses in dendritic cells, Vittawin Sutaveesup
Effects of types of arylamine based benzoxazine binders in brake pads on thermal degradation kinetics, Juntasak Wangrangsimakul
Effects of working memory on structural competition in processing English present tense morphology by L1 Thai learners, Sonthaya Rattanasak
Efficacies of Thai probiotic strains against antibiotic resistance bacteria and modulate gut microbiome and resistome in pig model, Prasert Apiwatsiri
Efficacy and safety of Phlai capsule compared to placebo as the treatment in allergic rhinitis patients, Minh Phuoc Hoang
Efficacy of cannabidiol (cbd) for the treatment of recurrent aphthous ulcers, Chalapinyo Umpreecha
Efficacy of chitosan paste as intracanal medication against enterococcus faecalis and candida albicans compared to calcium hydroxide, Pasika Thien-ngern
การศึกษาการแสดงออกของ efflux pump ในเชื้อ Acinetobacter baumannii ที่ถูกเหนี่ยวนำให้ดื้อยา Amikacin, ณัฐนิชา บัวงามดี
นวัตกรรมการส่งรายงานผลการตรวจสอบและรับรองการจัดการพลังงานทาง e-Form:กรณีศึกษา กรมพัฒนาพลังงานทดแทนและอนุรักษ์พลังงาน, มันฑนา สมเทพ
Elastic bending behaviour of sandwich composite structures with abs cores by using additive manufacturing, Dechawat Wannarong
การศึกษาความเป็นไปได้เชิงธุรกิจในการพัฒนาเครื่องมือการวิเคราะห์พัฒนาทักษะรายบุคคลผ่าน E-Learning ด้วยเทคโนโลยี AI learning detection, ชณุตพร ศรีชัย
Electrochemical reduction of carbon dioxide on copper-based cathodes in electrochemical tubular fixed bed reactor, Kanjira Janya
Electrochemical synthesis of methoxide for transesterification of palm oil, Apiruedee Juntuma
Electrochemical tubular fixed-bed reactor for conversion of pressurized CO2 to CO, Pakawat Sengchim
Electroless CuNiSn electrocatalyst supported on carbon fabric for electrochemical reduction of CO2, Atikom Hongmeuan
Endotoxemia from NSAIDS-induced gut-leakage enhanced lupus characteristics in Fc gamma receptor iib deficient lupus mice, Thansita Bhunyakarnjanarat
Enhanced heterogeneous network model with ensemble similarities for identifying protein targets of drugs, Piyanut Tangmanussukum
Environmental ethics, survival and apocalypse: an analysis of Margaret Atwood’s Maddaddam Trilogy, Sarawut Kururatphan
การออกแบบและพัฒนากิจกรรมบนแพลตฟอร์มออนไลน์เพื่อส่งเสริมการใช้ e-PAR ในชั้นเรียนสำหรับครูวิทยาศาสตร์, กรวิก อยู่พันดุง
Epidemiology, molecular genetic, and evolutionary analysis of humanrotavirus a infection in Thailand, Fajar Budi Lestari
Epigenetic regulation of reactive oxygen species-induced tumor progression in hepatocellular carcinoma, Suchittra Phoyen
Epiphytic microbiota of kai Cladophora sp. from Nan River, Nan Province, Thailand, Karnjana Ruen-pham
การศึกษาแนวทางการพัฒนาระบบติดตามและประเมินผลแผนงาน/โครงการ (e-Project) กรณีศึกษา กรมศุลกากร, พิยวรรณ สุภัททธรรม
EU-Vietnam FTA: Implications for Thailand, Uthaipan Promkhatkaew
Evaluation and assessment of the near field behind 3D printed-modulators for proton beam therapy, Warisara Charuchinda
Evaluation of cadmium bioaccumulations in Pak Choi grown by hydroponics system, Piyachet Jinsart
Evaluation of integral depth-dose curves in proton pencil beam scanning using plane-parallel ionization chambers, Phatthraporn Thasasi
Examination of Facebook's announcement effect on Metaverse tokens, Chalakorn Sathiwas
Experimental investigation and numerical modelling of biomechanical variation of decomposed root: an application of vegetated slope stability, Trung Nghia Phan
Exploring and analysis of student engagement in English writing grammar accuracy based on teacher written corrective feedback, Thanakorn Santanatanonw
Export competitiveness analysis of Thailand plastic resins to Chinese market, Petcharat Kananuruk
Expression and characterization of dextransucrase from leuconostoc citreum ABK-1, Kakuttapun Bulan
Expression of vascular endothelial growth factor protein in mRNA-transfected human periodontal ligament cells, Mana Naratippakorn
Extraction of cannabinoids using vegetable oils and its uva-photoprotective effect on human skin keratinocytes, Nur Alfan Muhammad Zen
Facebook and depression in COVID-19 pandemic: the role of time spent on information overload and depressive symptoms with trait rumination as a moderator, Vidchuda Taechajinda
Factors affecting airline decision to join alliance: evidence of global full-service carriers (FSCs), Thikhamporn Benyaapikul
Factors affecting PTT stock price and effects from government policy, Pharisa Chaisuwan