Chulalongkorn University Theses and Dissertations (Chula ETD)
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Cross-cultural adaptation and psychometric properties of the Thai version of the neurophysiology of pain questionnaire, Pichet Pasangkayo
ปัญหาการจัดเก็บภาษี กรณีธุรกิจขุดเหมืองคริปโทเคอร์เรนซี (Cryptocurrency) : ศึกษาเปรียบเทียบกับกฎหมายต่างประเทศ, ชลาพันธ์ เจนงามกุล
การจัดเก็บภาษีเงินได้จากคริปโทเคอร์เรนซี (Cryptocurrency), เกศสินี ศรีทิพย์วงศ์
Cryptocurrency trading with ensemble machine learning algorithm, Siwat Assavakijphanich
การประเมินผลของการซ่อมแซมดีเอ็นเอที่เสียหายจากกระบวนการ cytosine deamination ในตัวอย่าง FFPE หลายชนิด, นรมน แซ่จิว
การประยุกต์ใช้แนวคิดวิสัยทัศน์ร่วมในการพัฒนากลยุทธ์ D2RIVE ของกรมสรรพากร:กรณีศึกษา สำนักงานสรรพากรพื้นที่สาขาบางรัก 1, ศาขิณี พระจันทร์
การศึกษาเปรียบเทียบศัพท์และสำนวนจีนที่มีค่า “DA” กับ ศัพท์และสำนวนไทยในลักษณะเดียวกันที่มีค่า “ตี”, พิชชาวีร์ กิจประภาศิริ
Data augmentation for Thai natural language processing using different tokenization, Patawee Prakrankamanant
Decision on later life migration of Myanmar migrant workers in Ranong province, Thailand, Pyone Thidar Aung
Deep learning approach on symptom questionnaire and abdominal radiography for diagnosis of dyssynergic defecation, Sornsiri Poovongsaroj
Deep learning with attention mechanism for iterative face super-resolution, Krit Duangprom
Degree of genetic admixture in hybrid populations between macaca fascicularis fascicularis and M. F. aurea in association with stone tool-use behavior, Poompat Phadphon
องค์ประกอบของกรดไขมันและการแสดงออกของยีน delta-6 desaturase (ArD6D) ที่เกี่ยวข้องกับวิถีการสังเคราะห์กรดไขมันโอเมกา-3 ในโคพีพอด Apocyclops royi, ศุภกานต์ สังข์แก้ว
Demand forecasting in production planning for dairy products using machine learning and statistical methods, Chayuth Vithisoontorn
Deployment of RFID, GPS and IOT technology for medical specimen logistic system, Mya Myet Thwe Chit
Depolymerization of kraft lignin to phenolic compounds by electrochemical advanced oxidation in microreactor, Chawakorn Rittirong
Deprogramming senescence by genomic stabilizing molecules in vivo, Sakawdaurn Yasom
Design and fabrication of perovskite solar cells for tandem structures, Kwanruthai Butsriruk
Designing an extracorporeal plasma filtration column with specific binding to dengue virions, Sasiwimon Thonghong
Designing answer sets for Thai advisory chatbot with different talking styles for COVID-19 pandemic, Sakolwan Peetaneelavat
Detection of antimicrobial resistance in Escherichia coli and Salmonella spp. Originated from cultivated oysters and estuarine waters, Mullika Kuldee
Determination of adsorption and separation of CO2/N2 and H2S/CH4 mixtures in porous materials by molecular simulation, Tanawut Ploymeerusmee
Determination of field output correction factors in elongated small field photon beams, Mananchaya Vimolnoch
Determination of volatile compounds in yellow curry paste using from-two-to-one dimensional gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, Natsuda Singtothog
Developing a detection method for rabies virus neutralizing antibodies using pseudotype technique, Nichapat Rojjananavin
Developing a system of community-based agritourism for sustainable local food systems: a multi-case study of rural livelihood diversification and sustainable urban consumption in city-regional Bangkok, Sofia Anna Enrica Cavalleri
Developing Tanjung Kelayang as a new Bali: an analysis of sustainable tourism policy and implementation, Herdi Andrariladchi
Development of a device for postural change while sitting for the prevention of neck or low back pain in office workers, Nipaporn Akkarakittichoke
Development of a human viable heavy chain antibody against the alpha folate receptor as a molecule for targeted application by phage display technology, Nattihda Parakasikron
Development of a personalized workplace learning program to enhance the cultural intelligence of cabin crew from international airlines, Dech-siri Nopas
Development of a preliminary energy assessment tool for alternative cooling system, Pinsuda Netphasom
Development of colorimetric paper-based analytical device for cortisol detection, Thanathip Kosawatphat
Development of copper complexes containing quinoline derivatives as photoredox catalysts for atra reactions, Pawittra Chaibuth
Development of Elisa for detecting antibody against Bartonella spp. specific protein in cats and its application in natural infection, Krissda Boonaramrueng
Development of English speaking ability using digital storytelling techniques through virtual instruction for lower primary level students in Bhutan, Pabitra Devi Gurung
Development of extensive listening activities for listening comprehension of Thai secondary school students, Kaewthida Kampiranon
Development of Hek-293t cells stably expressing the c-x-c chemokine receptor type 4 (cxcr4) for binding assay of potential anti-breast cancer agents, Thi Thai Ha Dinh
Development of mucoadhesive polymeric nanoparticles for intranasal delivery of Favipiravir in treating SARS-CoV-2 infection, Khent Alcantara
Development of nonaqueous zinc-ion battery based on manganese dioxide cathode, Wathanyu Kao-ian
Development of novel point-of-care-testing for oxalate detection in urine based on oxalate-binding ligands, Naruerat Joybumrung
Development of plant-produced subunit vaccine and therapeutic protein for COVID-19, Konlavat Siriwattananon
Development of retention index based simulation for validation of compound identification in GC×GC, Palathip Kakanopas
Development of rotating tube reactor for biodiesel production from palm oil, Narita Chanthon
Development of speaking teaching activities using communicative language teaching approach through social media for Bhutanese students, Tshetrim Dorji
Development of teaching activities based on online easa instructional model to enhance speaking ability of Thai EFL students, Yosakorn Sayasonti
Development of tetrahydrocurcumin-loaded chitosan-coated-nanostructured lipid carriers for topical treatment of psoriasis, Hoang Thien Truong
Development of turmeric oil-loaded folic acid-grafted chitosan/alginate nanocapsules for targeted delivery to breast cancer, Htet Htet Moe San