Chulalongkorn University Theses and Dissertations (Chula ETD)
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Human capital development in Thailand: lesson learn from Singapore, Thunyaporn Techvitul
Hybrid GNS3 and Mininet-WiFi emulator for survivable SDN backbone network supporting wireless IoT traffic, May Pyone Han
Hydrogen gas sensing and storage properties of doped and non-doped beryllium oxide nanotubes, Kritsanaphas Sawing
การรักษาเสถียรภาพของผงสารสกัดบีตาไซยานินจากเปลือกแก้วมังกรพันธุ์เนื้อแดง Hylocereus polyrhizus โดยใช้ไฮโดรคอลลอยด์และการประยุกต์ใช้ในเครื่องดื่มจำลอง, วิถวานี เทพปรียากุลกาล
ความท้าทายของประเทศไทยในการบังคับใช้ กติการะหว่างประเทศว่าด้วยสิทธิพลเมืองและ สิทธิทางการเมือง (ICCPR) ต่อเหตุการณ์ชุมนุมในสมัยรัฐบาล พลเอก ประยุทธ์ จันทร์โอชา พ.ศ.2562-2564., วิลาสินี จันทร์วุฒิวงศ์
ความร่วมมือระหว่างภาครัฐกับองค์การระหว่างประเทศ ในการแก้ไขปัญหาจังหวัดชายแดนภาคใต้ กรณีศึกษา คณะกรรมการกาชาดระหว่างประเทศ (ICRC), แทนพร วงศ์บุญเกิด
Identification and counting white blood cell subtypes with convolutional neural network, Singgih Bekti Worsito
Identification, antifungal and plant growth promoting activities of endophytic actinomycetes from orchids, Nisachon Tedsree
Identification, characterization and pathogenicity of aeromonas schubertii isolated from diseased striped snakehead fish (Channa Striata), Hendri Budiyansah
Identification of shared neoantigens in BRCA1-related breast cancer, Lucksica Ruangapirom
Identification of SNP barcode for classify carbapenem-resistant enterobacteriaceae (CRE) and non-CRE using Nanopore sequencing, Nicha Sangpiromapichai
Identification of α-glucosidase inhibitors from black garlic, Pattraporn Tantiwatcharachai
Impact analysis of variable renewable energy integration on total system costs and electricity generation revenue and impact mitigation, Veeraya Imcharoenkul
Impact of bacterial DNA in severity of sepsis, Warerat Kaewduangduen
Impact of COVID-19 outbreak on export values of industrial products from Thailand to China, Burapas Yotwilai
Impact of new coronavirus pneumonia on Chinese import and export trade, Hengyu Guo
Impacts of Bandwagon Effect and Product Type in Instagram Native Advertising on Generation Z Consumer's Behavior, Leiv Tore Kaltbeitzer
Improvement of selection criteria and prioritisation for neoantigen prediction, Phorutai Pearngam
Incorporating context into non-autoregressive model using contextualized CTC for sequence labelling, Burin Naowarat
การศึกษาวิจัยเชิงทดลองแบบสุ่มถึงผลของการให้ยา indomethacin ทางทวารหนักเพื่อลดอุบัติการณ์การเกิดภาวะ post-embolization syndrome ในคนไข้มะเร็งตับ, กฤตยา เมฆฤทธิไกร
Influence of seasonal variations on contamination level and ecological risk of heavy metals in the surface sediments of the inner Gulf of Thailand, Phuttiphat Lapat-atiwat
Influences of biofriendly amino acids on methane hydrate formation for natural gas storage and transportation application, Chuvich Chaovarin
Influences of herbicides on health of rice frog Fejervarya limnocharis populations in Nan Province, Thailand, Luhur Septiadi
Inhibitory effects of propiconazole on rice root development and abilities of brassinosteroid and auxin in alleviating its effects, Watcharapong Wimonchaijit
Innovation in evaluating and recommending fashion clothing sellers on live streaming, Earth Chandrruangphen
In silico and in vitro screening of newly designed compounds against coxsackivirus A16 and enterovirus A71, Amita Sripattaraphan
Integer-valued polynomials over discrete valuation domains, Rattiya Meesa
Integrating human and ecotoxicological impacts into willingness to pay evaluation: transition from paraquat to atrazine use in sweet corn cultivation, Patharanun Toolkiattiwong
Integrative transcriptomic analysis and validation of non-coding RNA in liver cancers, Varunya Virushkul
International evidence on corporate rating changes, Torfun Kantatasiri
Investigating consumers' perspective and impact on green cosmetics and personal care products in Thailand, Tawalhathai Suphasomboon
Investigating sustainable consumption practices: a case of single-use plastics in online food delivery market, Thailand, Boonchanit Wongprapinkul
Investigation of an automatic speech recognition software for numbers trigger management in remote simultaneous interpretation from English to Thai., Chirattikarn Kittimongkolmar
Investigation of copper and zinc contaminations in bioponic systems using chicken manure fertilizer, Satja Aksorn
Investigation of pm2.5 dispersion in Din Daeng district, Bangkok using computational fluid dynamics modeling, Amintra Tancharoen
Investigation of statistical seismology in Thailand-Laos-Myanmar borders, Manunchaya Neanudorn
Investment model of commitment to parasocial interaction and purchase intention among beauty youtuber followers, Parima Kosakarn
In vitro generation of transplantable insulin-producing cells from canine adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells, Quynh Le Dang
In vitro inhibitory effect of lactic acid bacteria and their supernatants on flavobacterium columnare biofilm, Farras Daffa Imtiyaz
การแปลบทสนทนาภาษาถิ่น Irish English ในนวนิยายเรื่อง the commitments โดย Roddy Doyle, พิมพ์สุจี กิติโชตน์กุล
Is cryptocurrency a hedge, safe haven, diversifier against Thailand, Indonesia, Philippine stock market on pre-COVID-19 and during COVID-19?, Suphawit Keakultanes
Is currency risk priced in the stock return - evidence from AEC markets, Viriyah Vorasitchai
Isolation of α-glucosidase inhibitors and cytotoxic compounds from heartwood of mansonia gagei drumm, Le Thi Thu Huong
Is Thai baht a safe haven currency during the COVID-19 pandemics, Nanapat Chaochavanil
Janus solutions from four-dimensional N=4 gauged supergravity, Tissana Assawasowan