Chulalongkorn University Theses and Dissertations (Chula ETD)
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Study of aerotolerant Campylobacter Jejuni in broiler production process, Nichanan Jarusirivait
Study of G6PD deficiency with clinical and hematological correlation in newborn infants, Thanaporn Pimpakan
Subjective perception of nasal breathing ; identifying patient at risk of a poor surgical outcome, Dichapong Kanjanawasee
Surface activation of rice husk-derived hydrochar as an adsorbent for atrazine and ammonium, Kim Anh Phan
Susceptibility investigation of debris flow, landslide and flood hazards using topographic index in Nakhon Si Thammarat province, Nutsorn Jaitum
Sustainable livelihood of fishermen: a case study in the city of Semarang, Indonesia, Adam Prayuda
Sustainable two-step MINLP heat exchanger network synthesis with practical detailed design, Thanawat Boonvaerojkul
Synthesis and application of polymeric micelles assembled from pentafluorophenyl ester-containing amphiphilic block copolymers, Panittha Damsongsang
Synthesis and biological activities of chalcone derivatives, Ade Danova
Synthesis and catalytic activity of layered double hydroxide and metal sulfide nanoparticle composites, Ajirawadee Suwanchan
Synthesis and evaluation of hepatoprotective effects of a tetrahydrocurcumin-diglutaric acid prodrug, Nattapong Jongjitphisut
Synthesis of Baicalein derivatives as anti-dengue agents, Apinya Patigo
Synthesis of magnetic carbon nanotubes via Co-pyrolysis of eucalyptus oil with bimetallic Ni-Fe catalyst, Tanapat Rodruangnon
Synthesis of modified nickel iron layered double hydroxides to enhance electrochemical properties for supercapacitor, Machima Mongkhonratanachai
Synthesis of molybdenum-based catalysts on carbon support for partial hydrogenation reaction of biodiesel, Dolrudee Jaruwat
Synthesis of quantum dot-based fluorescent sensors for detection of anionic metabolites and copper (ii) ion, Nattakarn Phromsiri
Synthesis of zinc sulfide nanoparticles using microemulsion generated by hydrodynamic cavitation method, Nachapa Choojan
Taiwan as a norm entrepreneur : advocating people-centred values in Southeast Asia, Ssu-yu Chou
การประเมินผลโครงการพัฒนาตำบลแบบบูรณาการ (Tambon Smart Team) : กรณีศึกษา อำเภอพระนครศรีอยุธยา จังหวัดพระนครศรีอยุธยา และ อำเภอลำทับ จังหวัดกระบี่, ธรรมปพน จันทร์แก้ว
Taxonomy and biological activities of a novel Saccharothrix species from soil of Sichang Island, Md Abul Kalam Azad
Techno-economic analysis of monoglyceride and diglyceride production from waste cooking oil, Napat Olarachin
มาตรการทางกฎหมายในการกำกับดูแลธุรกิจการให้บริการด้านสุขภาพ โดยระบบโทรเวชกรรม (Telemedicine) ในประเทศไทย, ศิรวีย์ ครองศิล
แนวทางที่เหมาะสมในการกำหนดกฎเกณฑ์เกี่ยวกับการทำงานทางไกลผ่านมัลติมีเดีย (Telework) ในประเทศไทย, อฑตยา นิลทองคำ
Temporal distribution of air pollutants (PM2.5, PM10 and O3) in Yangon City, Myanmar during 2019-2021, Tin Saw Pyae
Testing of a new job crafting measure and intervention to enhance Thai healthcare professionals' motivation, work engagement and, job performance, Pichaya Rochanadumrongkul
Tetracycline sorption by magnetic biochar derived from watermelon rind: performance and influential factors, Phisit Thairattananon
Thai Foreign Policy amid the US-China Competition of Vaccine Diplomacy between 2020 and 2021, Vajaris Hemmaphat
Thais' attitude towards product placement in gaming streamers on Youtube, Jiraphat Jirappapa
Thai's perceptions of Europe and the European Union, Bhornbhejraneevarn Vajiradevabhibhakti
Thai tokenizer invariant classification based on bi-lstm and distilbert encoders, Noppadol Kongsumran
Thai variable-length question classification for e-commerce platform using machine learning with topic modeling feature, Wasu Chunhasomboon
การเพาะเลี้ยงไดอะตอม Thalassiosira sp. เพื่อผลิตฟูโคแซนทินโดยใช้ถังปฏิกรณ์เชิงแสงชนิดแผ่นแบน, สุชานันท์ ขวัญเจริญ
The 7Ps marketing mix of KOI Thé that affect consumer’s purchase decisions in Bangkok, Varith Romyanan
The adjustment and influence of the Italian government’s policy towards China under the background of BRI, Zekun Liang
The Application of Machine Learning in Clustering Borderline Mild Cognitive Impairment among Aging Thai People Living with HIV, Akarin Hiransuthikul
The Application of Marketing analysis : A case study of Starbucks in the US, Norke Lama Sherpa
การแปลภาษาถิ่นจาเมกาในนวนิยายยุคหลังอาณานิคม เรื่อง The Book of Night Women โดย มาร์ลอน เจมส์, หรรษา ต้นทอง
The changing of south Korea's international economic policy: a geopolitical economy perspective, Sahatas Chindakul
The clinicopathological study and associated causes of pleural effusions in cats, Hsu Mon Hla
The co-movement between equity markets of Thailand and China : a wavelet-based approach, Shilei Sun
The comparative study of U.S.-China soft power diplomacy to ASEAN, Hui Ma
The cross-sectional return dispersion with momentum strategyand the spill over across FX and Equity markets, during COVID-19, Pisit Grittiyarangsan
The cultural assimilation of the Hakka Communities in Southeast Asia : the case of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and Bangkok, Thailand, Douglas Philip Labadin
The designs of miniscrew-assisted transpalatal arch affect molar intrusion, Ornnicha Pooktuantong
The determinants of export performance and the perspective to improve international competitiveness for Thai fisheries sector., Phatcharaphorn Kantasen
The determinants of unemployment rate: the case of Thailand, Wasamon Posrie