Chulalongkorn University Theses and Dissertations (Chula ETD)
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
การออกแบบกระบวนการจัดซื้อเครื่องใช้สำนักงานของธุรกิจขุดเจาะน้ำมันนอกชายฝั่ง : กรณีศึกษาบริษัท ABC Drilling, มินตรา มณีฉาย
Ab initio calculations on superconducting metal-hydride and perovskites for energy applications, Wiwittawin Sukmas
A case study of brunch time on marketing analysis toward Diamond Grain product, Kodchakorn Trangkasan
A causal model for the quality of nursing work life among professional nurses in public hospitals, Thailand, Pattaramon Tubsoongnoen
Accuracy comparison of dental implants obtained by dynamic CAIS in All-on-4 edentulous area among different types of bone density: an in vitro study, Jutasinee Pornpolsarun
A comparative study of gut microbiota in the healthy elderly and the elderly with colorectal cancer, Nutta Iadsee
A comparison between integrative and instrumental motivation of Thai-Korean language learners, Koravan Teeramatvanit
A comparison of implant stability between two dental implant designusing two different stability measuring technique, Chanikarn Chaksupa
A comparison of implant stability between two implant systems using guided surgery in inexperienced surgeons, Pinmuk Supachaiyakit
Adaptive image preprocessing and augmentation for disease screening on multi-source chest x-ray datasets, Wasunan Chokchaithanakul
A decision making model for horse transportation, Siengsaw Lertratanachai
A deep learning model for predicting long non-coding RNA and messenger RNA with model interpretation, Rattaphon Lin
A design of FPGA framework for quantum computing simulation, Yaninee Jungjarassub
A development of disaster risk profile in public healthcare system during flood situation : a case study of Nakhon Sawan city municipality, Nakhon Sawan province, Thailand, Kodchakorn Krutphong
Adsorption of hydrogen gas on polymorphic zirconium dioxide surfaces, Monrada Petchmark
บทบาทของ advanced glycation end products และภาวะเครียดออกซิเดชันในโรคกระดูกสันหลังส่วนเอวเสื่อม, มนัสนันท์ จิตรจำนงค์
A hedonic pricing model of condominiums in Hua hin area, Thailand, Panwalee Sakulvatana
การประเมินการเติมหมู่เมทิลของยีน ALDH3B1 ASAH2B และ FOXC1 ในหลายระยะของการเกิดมะเร็งปากมดลูก, กาญจนา เอี่ยมสมบุญ
A Learner corpus-based study on the use of spoken discourse markers by Thai EFL learners, Zhaoyi Pan
Algebraic degree of spectra of cayley hypergraphs, Naparat Sripaisan
Alteration of extracellular matrix components in anterior pituitary gland of neonatal rats induced by maternal Bisphenol a (BPA) diet during pregnancy, Bumpenporn Sanannam
แนวทางการบริหารจัดการสถานที่กักกันทางเลือก (Alternative State Quarantine: ASQ) ในช่วงสถานการณ์การระบาดของโควิด-19 (COVID-19): กรณีศึกษา พื้นที่เขตกรุงเทพมหานครและปริมณฑล, สิรินทร พุทธรักษา
A market strategy analysis of Luckin Coffee, Yuqing Huang
สมรรถนะการดูดซึมและการคืนสภาพตัวทำละลาย AMP–PZ–TEA สำหรับการดักจับคาร์บอน, วรรษวัน เทพอารยางกุล
Analysis of ancient storm deposits along coastal areas of Andaman sea, Thailand and coastal areas of south china sea, Vietnam, Stapana Kongsen
Analysis of influenza a genomes and bacterial microbiota in upper respiratory tracts of influenza patients, Somruthai Rattanaburi
Analysis of inventory in a food repackaging company, Chutipapha Thiantravan
Analysis of protein-protein interaction network from leukocyte transcriptomic profiles in severe COVID -19 patients, Pakorn Sagulkoo
Analyzing Intra-Industry trade between Thailand and China: A case study on Agricultural sector, Li Wang
Analyzing NYPD stop, question, and frisk with machine learning techniques, Passiri Bodhidatta
An anatomical study of the central myelin portion and transitional zone of the oculomotor and abducens nerves, Wiyada Quanchareonsap
An implementation of close reading instruction to promote English reading comprehension of secondary school students, Apiwat Piyasakulchai
An improvement of data analytics detection rules in the internal audit of the procurement and inventory processes, Penpak Rangsipunyaporn
An SDN-coordinated multipath transmission steering framework, Kiattikun Kawila
Anti-addictive activity of quinuclidine derivatives in nicotine-induced conditioned place preference test in mice, Saranda Nianpanich
Antifungal, physical, and mechanical properties of tissue conditioner incorporated with zinc oxide nanoparticles, Woraporn Homsiang
Anti-inflammatory and regeneration properties of iloprost on inflamed human dental pulp cells model: an in vitro study, Rahman Wahyudi
Anti-inflammatory efficacy of New Zealand green-lipped mussel extract in canine chronic stifle osteoarthritis monitoring by thermographic imaging, Supakit Vilaisuntornkiat
Antioxidant activity of thunbergia laurifolia lindl. Ethanolic extract in keratinocytes, Buakotchaphan Jirabanjerdsiri
Antioxidant with antimelanogenic activities of sericin hydrolysates optimized by response surface methodology in human melanin-generating mnt-1 cells, Keerati Joyjamras
Antivenom cross-neutralization and neutralization: a systematic review of non-clinical studies in Asia region, Sutinee Soopairin
A numerical study of flow past arrays of cylinders at low Reynolds number, Woraphon Wannaviroj
Application of oxygen scavenger in gel electromembrane extraction for determination of nitrite and nitrate, Thidarat Samkumpim
Approaches for developing academic management of secondary schools in Cambodia based on the concept of exemplary leadership, Soksamnang Pheach