Chulalongkorn University Theses and Dissertations (Chula ETD)
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
A corpus stylistic study of the TV series script desperate housewives, Unjita Siripachanah
A four-element mimo antenna for ultra-wideband communications with a rejection band, Aale Muhammad
การประยุกต์ใช้คิวซีเอ็มเซนเซอร์ในการวิเคราะห์อันตรกิริยาเพื่อการตรวจวัด Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, สาธิต รอดภักดีกุล
Agricultural trade between EU and China, Sile Zhou
Analysis of expression patterns of brassinosteroid-responsive genes in arabidopsis root using single-cell RNA sequencing datasets, Thanaporn Wongkham
Analysis of fatty acid methyl esters by two-dimensional gas chromatography using cryogen-free modulator, Adrian Jose Sacan
Analysis of genetic diversity in a novel vaccine candidate, the glutamic acid-rich protein of Plasmodium Falciparum (PfGARP), Rattanaporn Rojrung
Analysis of VOCs from exhaled breath for the diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma, Thanikarn Suk-aram
Analyzing impact of economic indicators on Vietnam stock market with machine learning techniques, Nuttawan Sangsawai
Analyzing two opposing opinions from social media through static and contextualized word embeddings, Wassakorn Sarakul
An analysis of group singing intervention for patients with dementia : a scoping review of the literature, Pongthipok Sootthipong
An analysis of intercontinental Phuket resort’s crisis management strategies in response to COVID-19., Pimchon Chotikiat
An analysis of success and popularity of Thai boy love series among Chinese fan, Yueying Zheng
An analysis on trends of research topics in civic education using dynamic topic model, Poon Thongsai
An analytical network process (ANP) model for choosing optimal public-private partnership (PPP) contract types for infrastructure projects, Su Lae Yee Zaw
An application of reinforcement learning to credit scoring based on the logistic Bandit framework, Kantapong Visantavarakul
A new spinel high-entropy oxides nanoparticles (FeCoNiMnZn)3O4 as anode materials for lithium-ion batteries, Maha Nur Aida
An implementation of an integrated performance assessment module to promote English speaking ability and learning engagement of undergraduate students, Benjawan Plengkham
An improvement in protection coordination and criteria settings for Bhutanese power system, Cheten Tshering
Anti-adipogenic activity of 4,5,4'-trihydroxy-3,3'-dimethoxybibenzyl from dendrobium ellipsophyllum in 3t3-l1 preadipocytes, Hnin Ei Ei Khine
Anti-inflammatory compounds in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells from dendrobium species, Virunh Kongkatitham
Anti-neuroinflammatory effects of auricularia polytricha extracts on bisphenol a (BPA)-induced microglial cell activation and reduction of hippocampal cell damage, Chanin Sillapachaiyaporn
Anti-pathogenic yeast malassezia globosa activity by propolis of stingless bee geniotrigona thoracica, Kawisara Konsila
Antiproliferative agents from mushroom phellinus sp., Kulrut Pichayaphinyo
Anti-proliferative and apoptotic effect of cannabinoids on human pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma xenograft in BALB/c nude mice model, Quang Trung Le
Anxiety and social experience stressors of LGBT in Thailand, Bunatta Aritatpokin
A pair trading using reinforcement learning and wavelet decomposition, Panudate Nithinon
A path analysis model of mobility among persons with hip fracture after surgery, Chanipa Yoryuenyong
การคัดเลือกตัวแทนผู้ให้บริการ API ในต่างประเทศโดยใช้กระบวนการตัดสินใจแบบวิเคราะห์ลำดับชั้น (AHP) กรณีศึกษาธนาคาร ABC, อารยา อรุณสกุลวงศ์
อิทธิพลของความเค็มต่อองค์ประกอบกรดไขมันและการแสดงออกของยีนที่เกี่ยวข้องกับการสังเคราะห์กรดไขมันไม่อิ่มตัวเชิงซ้อนในโคพีพอด Apocyclops royi, สุภิดา เกื้อกอบ
ศักยภาพของโคพีพอด Apocyclops royi เพื่อใช้อนุบาลลูกกุ้งก้ามกราม Macrobrachium rosenbergii, ฮับเซาะ มามะ
Application of core annular flow for oil transportation in different pipe configurations using computational fluid dynamics, Cindy Dianita
Application of fractional exponential feature to GARCH model variants for improvement in value-at-risk prediction, Chanet Saisatian
Applications of deep learning framework and localization to intelligent radio spectrum monitoring, Truong Thanh Le
Applications of remote sensing and geographic information system on salinity assessment: a case study on Bang Pakong River, Thailand, Min Thura Mon
A situation analysis of the outpatient dispensing service patterns among hospitals in Thailand, Trisak Chetsurakarn
Assessing the contribution of Thailand’s poultry agribusiness towardsmitigating climate change, Tita Phairaksa
Assessing the physical conditions of motorcycle taxi stands and comfort conditions of the drivers in the central business district of Bangkok, Nissa Phloimontri
Assessing the potential of developing an ecosystem for electric scooters in Bangkok, Thailand, Rosyad Yan Wibowo
Assessment of greenhouse gases emissions from dairy cattle production in Thailand, Phoo Pwint Pwint Thu
Assessment of hydrogen adoption readiness in energy sector using indicator-based analysis, Patcharee Penchan
Assessment of municipality roles in adaptation to climate change: A case study from Mangalsen Municipality of Acchham Nepal., Samridhi Kharel
Association among anterior maxillary dental arch form, alveolar bone thickness and sagittal root position of maxillary central incisor : a cone beam computed tomography analysis, Suttikiat Somvasoontra