Chulalongkorn University Theses and Dissertations (Chula ETD)
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
การตรวจไวรัสมะเร็งเม็ดเลือดขาวในแมวที่รวดเร็วด้วยวิธี recombinase polymerase amplification (RPA), สิทธิโชค ลาชโรจน์
Reconstruction of sea level fluctuation and environmental change in Khao Sam Roi Yot National Park, Changwat Prachuap Khiri Khan during the late holocene, Worakamon Nudnara
Reducing the defects of a-pillar stamping partin automotive assembly process, Hassakorn Rojpitinithikorn
Removal of trace olefins from aromatics with modified USY zeolite and clays, Sirawit Lertprapaporn
Reproductive and developmental biology of rice field crab Esanthelphusa nani (Naiyanetr, 1984), Rachata Maneein
Resistome analysis of aeromonas veronii strains isolated from diseased outbreak in tilapia farms in Thailand, Rungnapa Sakulworakan
Responsiveness of the Thai version of the Patient Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System-29 (PROMIS-29) in patients with chronic low back pain, Kornkanok Khutok
การศึกษาอนุกรมวิธานของปลานินและโรนัน (Rhinidae, Rhinobatidae และ Glaucostegidae) ในน่านน้ำไทย, อภิญญา หัสกุล
Rice granules as natural carrier to encapsulate drug and aromatic oils, Xue Liu
Risk assessment of GMP inspection of overseas pharmaceutical manufacturers based on pic/s desktop inspection, Waranon Cheewajorn
Risk assessment of vibrio parahaemolyticus in white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) from retail market, Praphatsorn Yokyingyong
Risk factors for malaria infection and dihydroartemisinin+piperaquine resistance distribution between high and low endemic areas in Indonesia, Irfanul Chakim
Role of enzymes in glyoxylate cycle in transgenic 'KDML 105' rice Oryza sativa L. overexpressing OsCam1-1 under salt stress, Tanaporn Ausaha
Role of Neutrophils in Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis and Their Metabolomics, Dong Zhan
Roles of LIN28 Proteins in Cholangiocarcinoma, Nattapong Puthdee
Roles of WOx on Pt/γ-Al2O3 catalysts on the prevention of Pt metal sintering during hydrogenolysis of glycerol to 1,3-propanediol, Poonnapa Limsoonthakul
การเลือกเปิดรับ ความผูกพัน และการใช้ประโยชน์รายการ “R U OK” บนยูทูบของคนวัยทำงาน, ทรรศสม เพชรพรหมศร
การประยุกต์ใช้กรอบการทำงาน SAFA ในการประเมินความยั่งยืนทางสังคมของฟาร์มไก่เนื้อในระบบเกษตรพันธสัญญา จังหวัดสุพรรณบุรี, เบญญาภา อิตุพร
Screening and identification of probiotic lactic acid bacteria from plant samplesd, Ratthanatda Nuhwa
Screening development for anti-hemotoxic activity of Thai herbs against eastern Russell’s viper Daboia Siamensis (Smith, 1917) venom, Patchara Sittishevapark
Seismic enhancement of reinforced concrete columns with lap splices using external steel collars, Pochara Kruavit
Selective Oxidation of H2S in Biogas to Sulfur on V2O5 Catalyst Dispersedon CeO2-MO2 (M = Ti, Si, Zr) Mixed Oxides, Benjamaporn Tudkesorn
Self-balancing recursive partitioning algorithm for classification problems, Artit Sagoolmuang
Semantic segmentation on remotely sensed images using deep convolutional encoder-decoder neural network, Teerapong Panboonyuen
Semi-supervised deep learning with malignet for bone lesion instance segmentation using bone scintigraphy, Terapap Apiparakoon
Serial cultural heritage concept, values identification, and management : case study Angkor - Phimai cultural route, Saowalux Poshyanandana
Serum microRNA profile and serum neuron specific enolase, S-100, and interleukin-6 level as biomarkers for differentiating acute vertigo between cerebellar or brainstem infarction and peripheral vertigo, Naruchorn Kijpaisalratana
Serum non-coding RNA levels as potential diagnostic and prognostic markers of hepatocellular carcinoma, Pornpitra Pratedrat
Service quality, patient satisfaction, and types of medical insurance towards the revisit intention to private hospitals among outpatients in South Tangerang City, Indonesia, Fena Amalia Untari
Shareholder involvement and M&A announcement returns : evidence from Thailand, Chanon Thanaphumphong
Shear wave velocity measurement of Bangkok clay under triaxial testing with various stress paths, Sirichai Pethrung
Short term effects of sildenafil in treatment of pulmonary hypertension in degenerative mitral valve disease dogs, Karun Saetang
Silver Nano Polymer Composite Membrane for hydrogen sulfide sensing, Muhammad Bagus Arif
Simulation studies in ferroresonant phenomena on distribution transformers, Phinnakhone Phomvongsy
Single fixed-time artificial insemination with fresh or frozen thawed semen in pig, Pachara Pearodwong
Single-step conversion of xylose to furfural and furfuryl alcohol on zeolite-based catalyst, Jirapat Chatkaweekoon
SMEs' obstacles in Thailand: the analysis of the association between the difference in size, sector, region and the problems that occur in business operations, Phoom Traithaiteera
Social integration of foreign students in Korean higher education : a case study of Southeast Asian student in Seoul National University, Supatcha Thubsook
Solar energy management system for stand-alone application : analysis of power management strategies under different solar irradiance profiles, Chacrit Lerdwithayaprasit
Solid acid catalyst prepared via one step hydrothermal carbonization for production of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural in biphasic system, Phornwimol Siabbamrung
Solving interval-valued returns mean absolute deviation portfolio selection model under basis stability, Songkomkrit Chaiyakan
Solving system of linear Integro-differential equations by finite integration method with shifted Chebyshev polynomials, Matinee Juytai
Sorption enhanced chemical looping steam ethanol reforming for hydrogen production using calcium oxide/nickel oxide/iron oxide multifunctional catalyst, Janenipa Saupsor
Spatial and temporal variation of heavy metals in PM10 and PM2.5 surrounding e-waste dismantling community in Buriram province, Siriwipha Chanthahong
Spectra of unitary Cayley graphs of matrices over finite commutative rings, Jitsupat Rattanakangwanwong
Standardization of leaf and stem of Thunbergia Laurifolia and quantitative analysis of rosmarinic acid in selected Thai medicinal plants, Parichart Hongsing
Stationary test for first order autoregressive model subject to sampling errors, Weerapat Rattanachadjan