Chulalongkorn University Theses and Dissertations (Chula ETD)
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
A study of auditors' judgement when taking management's perspective on management discussion and analysis, Wattanachai Sangsuwan
A Study of self-directed learning in online English reading of secondary school students attending CALL learner training, Suttiya Khongyai
A study on the effects of historical meteorological data set on simulated radioactive dispersion from a nuclear power plant accident by NACAC code, Narakhan Khunsrimek
Automatic liver tumor segmentation in computed tomography (CT) imaging, Kasun Gayashan Hettihewa
การแปลศัพท์เฉพาะด้านระบาดวิทยาในหนังสือวิชาการเรื่อง Basic epidemiology ของ Ruth Bonita, อนุตรศักดิ์ รัชตะทัต
การนำ BIM มาประยุกต์ใช้ในช่วงก่อนงานก่อสร้างอาคารชุดพักอาศัยภาคเอกชนในประเทศไทย ระหว่างปี พ.ศ. 2559-2564, ธีระพงษ์ อินทรพาณิชย์
Bioactive compounds from diospyros gracilis stem, Somnatthakit Wuttikit
Bolt classification system for motorcycle retail shop, Monchai Angkapiyasiri
Brand experience of Thai consumers towards Let's Relax Spa and Massage, Sasachol Chumnanvej
Bureaucratic reform policy formulation of Thai Political Parties., ญาณิศา พัดเจริญ
Carboxymethyl cellulose as artificial solid/electrolyte interphases and separator for Zn-based battery, Phonnapha Tangthuam
Chanel brand equity in the eyes of male consumers, Alexandra Grace Sheehan
Chitosan blending with water-soluble polymers as dissolving microneedles for controlled drug release, Fuad Abdullah Farhan Saleh
การปรับปรุงการเพาะเลี้ยงจุลสาหร่าย Chlorococcum ด้วยน้ำจากระบบเลี้ยงสัตว์น้ำในถังปฏิกรณ์ชีวภาพเชิงแสงแบบอากาศยก, จรีลักษ์ เปล่งสกุล
Common ticketing systems : case studies of Bangkok, Fukuoka, Singapore, and Sydney, Tam Viet Hoang
Consumers' media exposure, attitude and purchase intention toward Samsung Brand in Myanmar, Soe Darli
Correlation between virus reduction and trihalomethanes risk after chlorine disinfection, Waraporn Khantong
COVID-19 Infodemic and Social Media Platforms in Thailand, Abhibhu Kitikamdhorn
CRISPR-Cas12a-based detection and differentiation of Mycobacterium spp., Peeraphan Compiro
Cultural destination branding for Doi Mae Salong : stakeholders’ perspectives, Shu Ma
Curatorial practice project for art exhibition : from the island to the woods, Suphavinee Srisopon
Curatorial practice project for art exhibition : from the island to the woods, Suphavinee Srisopon
Curatorial practice project for online platform : music forest and the inner peace of sloth, Li Hsuan Chang
Curatorial practice project for online platform : music forest and the inner peace of sloth, Li Hsuan Chang
แนวทางการป้องกันอาชญากรรมบนเทคโนโลยีการเงินแบบกระจายศูนย์ (DeFi) : กรณีศึกษาปรากฏการณ์ล้มทั้งยืน (Rug Pull), กุลนันทน์ ศรีเจริญ
Depression classification on privacy protected facial features data, Yanisa Mahayossanunt
Development of a gel-based electrolyte for determination of heavy metals using smartphone, Nuntanuch Lersanantasit
Development of a pseudotype-based neutralization test for SARS-COV-2 antibody measurement, Kunlanan Charsangbong
Development of duplex loop-mediated isothermal amplification (dLAMP) for detection of carbapenem antibiotic-resistant genes KPC and NDM, Nindi Syahputri Lubis
Development of Raman spectroscopy-integrated calcium oxalate crystallization index (rCOCI) test and its clinical validation for diagnosing calcium oxalate urolithiasis, Kamonchat Boonkam
Development of spreadsheet-based simulation to reduce number of experimental trials in separation with comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography, Chisanupong Kunmas
แนวทางการพัฒนากำลังพลกรมกิจการชายแดนทหาร กองบัญชาการกองทัพไทย ให้มีความพร้อมในการปฏิบัติหน้าที่ ในรูปแบบ digital headquarters ในปี พ.ศ.2570, ทุติยาภรณ์ อินทเวช
Does ESG matter In corporate takeover?, Sann Wai Lhyan
Does ESG performance impact financial distress risk? evidence from Asia-Pacific markets, Methee Srikranjanapert
Dynamic nearest neighbor classifier using mass-ratio-variance outlier factors for class imbalance problem, Patcharasiri Fuangfoo
Effectiveness of tendingpets application on working memory among adolescent in Phrae Province, Thailand : a quasi-experimental study, Phitchasuda Detboon
Effect of aprotic solvents on the microtensile bond strength of composite core and fiber-reinforced composite posts, Wisarut Prawatvatchara
Effect of Dispersion of Carbon Nanotubes on Electrical Conductivity and Compressive Strength of CNT/Cement Composite, Rittikiat Wandaw
Effect of filling volume and head space on the release of silicone oil from glass prefilled syringe with formulations containing polysorbate, Paksupang Tantisereerut
Effect of rice straw loading on morphological, thermal, gas barrier, and mechanical properties of poly(lactic acid)/poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-4-hydroxybutyrate) blend films, Danaipat Tuangwattanasin
Effect of type and concentration of acid on characteristics of functionalized biochar and its performance in converting fructose to 5-HMF, Pimlapas Bunwichian
Effects of coastal structures on the shoreline change in Phan Thiet bay, Vietnam, Hoai Thi Phuoc Pham
Employment situation of older persons in Vietnam: Impact of COVID-19 and individual coping strategies, Trieu Thi Phuong
Enhancement of a decellularized tracheal scaffold for tracheal tissue engineering, Pensuda Sompunga
Enhancing momentum strategy with insider transaction information in the Stock Exchange of Thailand, Pimnara Supradith Na Ayudhya
Epigenetic regulation of leucine rich repeat containing G protein coupled receptor 5 (LGR5) in corneal endothelial cells, Kulsiri Prakanrattana