Volume 54, Issue 1 (2010) January 2010
สมรัตน์ จารุลักษณานันท์
Clinical experiences of malignant hyperthermia encountered by Thai anesthesiologists
K Uerpairojkit, A Earsakul, S Prapreuttham, and W. Srirojanakul
Anti-proliferation and induction of apoptosis by extract of Turbinaria conoides (J. Agardh) Kützing on human cervical cancer cell line
C Saengkhae, T Noiraksar, J Jongaramruong, and P. Palee
Nature of care in Intensive Care Unit at King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital
W Lowphruckmanee, O Huntrakul, and W. Sindhvananda
MRI-based anthropometric measurements of proximal humerus in Thai population
S Suratkarndawadee, P Itiravivong, S Kuptniratsaikul, and C. Virulsri
Case Report
Anesthesia for cesarean hysterectomy in a patient with placenta percreta: A case report
P Chinda and K. Supbornsug
Review Article
Alcohol withdrawal: Syndrome and treatment
D. Lalitanantpong
Modern Medicine
Change in cell viability, reactive oxygen species production and oxidative stress in older patients with coronary heart disease under going lifestyle management program
A Saengsiri, R Wunsuwan, S Srimahachota, S Boonyaratavej, W Tanechpongtamb, and P. Tosukhowong