Publication Ethics Statement
Publication Ethics
Chulalongkorn Medical Journal adheres to principles of research integrity and aim to avoid any type of scientific misconduct, such as fabrication, falsification, plagiarism, redundant publication, or authorship problems.
We follow the Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing (a joint statement by COPE, the Directory of Open Access Journals [DOAJ], WAME, and the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association [OASPA]; https://doaj.org/bestpractice).
To publish in Chulalongkorn Medical Journal with the highest quality, publishing ethics are necessary. The following infractions shall be prohibited and sanctioned.
- Manuscripts and articles with plagiarism
- Manuscripts and articles with fabricated or falsified data
- Manuscripts and articles that have already been submitted to other journals or subject to other revisions
- Manuscripts and articles that have already been published elsewhere
- Manuscripts and articles with manipulated citation
All submitted manuscripts are checked for potential plagiarism of all types. using iThenticate service In resolving any potential scientific misconduct, Chulalongkorn Medical Journal follows international standards, guidelines, and flowcharts provided by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) (available at: http://publicationethics.org/resources), the Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences (CIOMS), the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME) (http://www.wame.org/about/recommendations-on-publicationethics-policie), and the Council of Science Editors (http://www.councilscienceeditors.org/resource-library/editorialpolicies/).
Any suspected cases or suspected instances of plagiarism, including self-plagiarism, will be taken seriously. Regardless of the severity of the situation, the editorial staff will stop the reviewing process and return the article back to the authors if plagiarism and/or self-plagiarism are discovered.
The articles in which plagiarism is detected are handled based on the extent of the plagiarism.
- Less than 25% plagiarism: The article will be evaluated and considered for review.
- 25%–30% plagiarism: The article will be sent back to author for content revision.
- More than >30% plagiarism: The article will be rejected without the started further process. The authors are advised to revise the article and resubmit the article.
According to Chulalongkorn Medical Journal, plagiarism is defined as the unacknowledged insertion of content drawn from published or unpublished work, whether it was done on purpose or not. Self-plagiarism is the act of sending a draft to editors that has already been published in whole or in part elsewhere with the intention of passing the document off as an unpublished original piece of work. The responsibilities of each participant involved in the reviewing process are as follows.
Editor’s Regulations
- The duty of the editor(s) is to consider and evaluate the submitted manuscripts related to field of the multidisciplinary body of knowledge in Medical Sciences based on the content only. The ethnicity, country of origin, gender, sexual orientation, political affiliation, or religious belief of authors will have nothing to do with the editor’s decision.
- The editors shall not share the information about the submissions to anyone except the authors, reviewers, and Chulalongkorn Medical Journal staffs throughout the process(es).
- The editors always make sure the manuscript does not possess substantial interests from authors or affiliated organizations.
- It is the duty of editorial staffs to assure that the manuscript has been peer-reviewed by at least two reviewers in the field of Medical Sciences or other related field appropriate for each manuscript. The editorial staffs also have to be careful about the copyright Infringement, falsification of data, and plagiarisms. If there is an offense according to the regulations, the editor must investigate and seek for evidence before considering reject the manuscript.
- If the editors suspect that the manuscript might has been published elsewhere, the editors should investigate and consider reject.
- In case of unethical publishing practices that are later uncovered, the action will still be taken seriously.
Reviewer’s Regulations
- The reviewers should give constructive and professional comments. Improper criticism must be avoided.
- If the manuscript given is not in the area of expertise, the reviewers should inform the staff immediately.
- The reviewers must not share any information of the manuscript to anyone apart from the editorial staff.
- If other works contained in the manuscript are not properly credited, reviewers are required to inform the editorial staff.
- If there are conflicts of interests, reviewers should inform the editorial staff. The editors will decide whether the reviewer is appropriate for the manuscript or not.
Author’s Regulations
- The authors should write a manuscript related to the theme of multidisciplinary in Medical Sciences. The research manuscript should contain relevant background information, proper methodology, Vancouver style citations, accurate results, and reasonable discussion.
- The authors should follow the journal guidelines strictly.
- Any opinion or perspective made in the manuscript must be explicitly highlighted as “opinion” or “perspective”
- The authors must be aware that fraudulent information and omission of important information are unethical author behaviors.
- The authors must be able to provide research data if the editor see the need.
- The authors must credit other works properly. Any work involved in the manuscript also must be well credited.
- The authors must ensure that the manuscript has not been published elsewhere and is not currently in the publication process in any journals.
- To be listed as an author, the person must have made significant contributions to the manuscript, participate, and give important efficient content during revisions and provide approval for publication. Researchers who do not meet the above criteria should be listed in the acknowledgements section.
- The authors should identify any conflicts of interest that might have influenced the data and/or interpretations of data.
- To make efficient modifications, the authors should respond to all the given critiques and suggestions during the revision.
- If the authors find errors in their works that need to be corrected, the author should inform the editors immediately.
Human or Animal Subjects
If the work involves the use of animal or human subjects, the author should ensure that the manuscript constitutes statements of compliance with relevant institutional guidelines. Studies on human and animals require the approval from the institutional review board. Authors should provide a statement in the manuscript that informed consent was acquired for experimentation with human subjects.
Authors should include a statement in the manuscript that informed consent was obtained for experimentation with human subjects. The privacy rights of human subjects must always be observed. For investigations involving human participants or data, or human material samples, or animal studies or samples, appropriate institutional review board or ethics committee approval is required, and such approval must be stated in the Methods section of the manuscript. Research involving human subjects, identifiable human samples (such as urine, blood, serum, or tissue), and personal and health record data must be subjected to a review by a formally constituted institutional ethical review board. Studies must in any case be in accordance with the principles outlined in the contemporary revision of the Declaration of Helsinki of 1964 (World Medical Association (WMA) incorporating the most recent (October 2013) and earlier amendments.
Procedures involving any animal are to be undertaken only with the goal of advancing scientific knowledge and with the explicit approval of an Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) before they begin. All animal experiments must conform to the Animal Research: Reporting of In Vivo Experiments (ARRIVE) guidelines or the revised Institute of Laboratory Animal Resources, Commission on Life Sciences, National Research Council “Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals” Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press; 1996. The European Commission Directive 2010/63/EU revising Directive 86/609/ EEC for animal experiments, the revised Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act (ASPA) 1986 in the UK, or The Animals for Scientific Purposes Act, BE 2558 (AD 2015), which regulates the use of both vertebrates and invertebrates without exception and must be followed for all studies conducted in Thailand. The International Association of Veterinary Editors’ Consensus Author Guidelines on Animal Ethics and Welfare provide further guidance. The authors should clearly indicate in the manuscript that such guidelines have been followed. The sex of animals must be indicated, and where appropriate, the influence (or association) of sex on the results of the study.
Informed Consent
All authors are required to follow the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) requirements on privacy and informed consent from patients and study participants. Please confirm that any patient, service user, or participant (or that person's parent or legal guardian) in any research, experiment, or clinical trial described in the authors’ paper has given written consent to the inclusion of material with regard to themselves, that they acknowledge that they cannot be identified via the paper; and that the authors have fully anonymized them. Where someone is deceased, please ensure the authors have written consent from the family or estate.
Editorial Ethics
All of the manuscripts should be prepared based on strict observation of research and publication ethics guidelines recommended by the Council of Science Editors (http://www.councilscienceeditors.org/), the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE, http://www.icmje.org/), and the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME, http://www.wame.org/). All studies involving human subjects or human data must be reviewed and approved by a responsible Institutional Review Board (IRB). Please refer to the principles embodied in the Declaration of Helsinki (https://www.wma.net/policies-post/wma-declaration-of-helsinki-ethical-principles-for-medical-research-involving-human-subjects/) for all investigations involving human materials. Animal experiments also should be reviewed by an appropriate committee (IACUC) for the care and use of animals. Also studies with pathogens requiring a high degree of biosafety should pass review of a relevant committee (IBC). The approval should be described in the Methods section. For studies of humans including case reports, state whether informed consents were obtained from the study participants. The editor of Chulalongkorn Medical Journal may request submission of copies of informed consents from human subjects in clinical studies or IRB approval documents. The Chulalongkorn Medical Journal follows the guidelines by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE, http://publicationethics.org/) that set standards and provide guidelines for best practices in order to meet these requirements. The journal adheres to ensure the standards of expected ethical behavior for all parties related to the act of authors, peer reviewers, and editors.
How Chulalongkorn Medical Journal Handle Allegations of Research Misconduct
Chulalongkorn Medical Journal takes seriously any allegations of research misconduct, including those involving plagiarism, improper use of citations, and fabrication of data. The journal’s process of responding to allegations would also follow ethical standards.
- Editor-in-chief and editorial board carefully consider evidence and follow to the ethical standards to manage a comprehensive inquiry after receiving a claim of research misconduct.
- The alleged author(s) will be given an opportunity to refute the accusations.
- To support the privacy and reputation of all individuals concerned, Chulalongkorn Medical Journal keeps confidential throughout the inquiry process.
- If the inquiry finds evidence of misconduct, the appropriate actions will be followed, which may include retraction, correction, or statement of concern, in accordance with the ethical standards.
- All participants concerned will be informed of the conclusion when allegations that are determined to be fabricated or lacking sufficient evidence are rejected.
In order to keep the confidence of our readers, authors, and reviewers, we work carefully to prevent and resolve research misconduct. We motivated all participants involved to report any issues of claims of research misconduct through the channels we have established, and we will deal with them immediately and effectively in compliance with the ethical standards.
Ethical Concern Reporting Section
Chulalongkorn Medical Journal values the ethical standard of publishing scholarly works. It is important to us to ensure that you are able to report any misconduct you may have encountered. You can access the Ethical Concern Reporting form provided below. We will handle your report with confidentiality, professionality, and ensure that appropriate actions will be taken as necessary as soon as possible.