"Visual Spatial Intelligence Tools-Based Mathematics Teaching: Evidence" by Rajib Lochan Das and Athipat Cleesuntorn


Bangladesh has entered Sustainable Development Goal era with commitments in education including endeavor of ensuring quality in education for all. Secondary level education is the foundationfor future studies of the students. Mathematics is crucial subject as the students’ success often significantly falls down from it. Mathematics is one of the key subjectskillsof 21stcentury that are included in STEM:Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.Student’s performance can be significantly improved with the aid of Visual Spatial Intelligence (VSI)-tools based teaching approach for secondary level Mathematics. VSI is one of the intelligences according to the Multiple Intelligence theory, which is proven to incorporate in teaching for effective learning. The aim of this research was to make an evidence of developing a VSI-tools based teaching proposal for secondary Mathematics in Bangladesh. The study was conducted with 544students and 37 teachers and educators from 10 schools in Bangladesh. The qualitative data taken from the sample,by using researcher-suggested VSItools for the selected chapters of Mathematics in the chosen classes,wereanalyzed with common statistical and analytical tools. This studyshowedlogical reasons for proposing aVSI tools-based teaching approachthatwill make an improvement in effective Mathematics teaching at secondary level.Recommendations are made recognizing thechallenges in the areas ofteachers’ training, teachers’ and students’ comfort, and developing appropriate VSI tools.


Faculty of Education, Chulalongkorn University



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