"The Development of Competency-based Performance Assessment Model to De" by Piraphat Wansangkaew, Sakarin Yuphong et al.


The purpose of this research was to develop a competency-based performance assessment model to develop employees in the security industry. The sample of this study was 26 security officers who worked in factories in Bangkok and vicinity. The purposive selection method was applied in the research and the research tools were a knowledge assessment form, performance assessment form (skills), and behavior assessment form. The statistics used in this research were mean, percentage, standard deviation, index of item-objective congruence: IOC, and content validity index: CVI. The research results revealed that the experts? opinions regarding the development of the competency-based performance assessment in the security industry was at the highest level. The four main components were: 1) Determine roles and responsibilities in security operation, 2) Design the performance assessment, 3) Implement the performance assessment, and 4) Summarize the result of competency-based performance assessment of the security officers. The researcher used the competency-based performance assessment tools to assess the samples and then analyzed the gap and implemented the Individual Development Plan. The plan includes classroom training on theory and practice, on the job training as well as coaching and supervisory training in order to close the competency gap and develop and increase the competency of security officers according to company standard requirements.


Faculty of Education, Chulalongkorn University



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