
The Thai Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences


Emulgels containing 18% w/w Zanthoxylum limonella Alston essential oils were developed as a mosquito repellent. The physical and chemical stabilities and in vivo efficacy of the product were evaluated. Physical stability was tested at 30°C, 75% RH, and 40°C, 75% RH for 3 months or using six heating–cooling cycles. The chemical stability of d-limonene and vanillin contents was analyzed using a gas chromatograph equipped with a flame ionization detector. In vivo mosquito repellency test was performed using the human-bait technique. The product, which contains 11.4% w/w d-limonene and 5% w/w vanillin, was homogeneous and off-white with sweet and mild citrus odor. It was physically and chemically stable up to 2.5 months. In the presence of 5% w/w vanillin, the product showed up to 3 h mosquito repellent efficacy against Aedes aegypti.


