The Thai Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences
(Thai title: ไทยเภสัชสาร)
TJPS is a quarterly, open-access and peer-reviewed journal officially published by the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand.
The TJPS issues include:
1. January – March
2. April – June
3. July – September
4. October – December.
TJPS is an international journal publishing original research, reviews and short communications (or research reports), including editorials and commentaries, on all aspects of pharmaceutical sciences, pharmacy practice, and social and administrative pharmacy.
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Please look at About This Journal and Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.
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Professor Pithi Chanvorachote, PhD
Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
Current Issue: Volume 48, Issue 4 (2024)
The central and peripheral analgesic effect of Vietnamese traditional herbal formula Thai Binh HV decoction on experimental animal models
Nhu Quy Nguyen Thi, Mai Linh Nguyen Thi, Quan Nguyen Van, Huu Tran Duc, and Ngan Nguyen Hoang
The effect of preparation technique on the properties of alginate floating beads
Ali Alazzo and Mohanad Alfahad
Investigating the link between over-the-counter pain medication use and hypertension risk
Maheen Zahidi, Saira Saeed Khan, Sadaf Naeem, Anosh Tahir, Gufran Ullah Khan, Maryam Mehmood, and Afshan Bano
Assessing dietary supplement misinformation on popular Thai e-marketplaces: A cross-sectional content analysis
Chawalin Inthong, Sanguan Lerkiatbundit, Sakorn Mekruksavanich, and Piya Hanvoravongchai
Molecular docking, molecular dynamics simulation, and in vitro evaluation of hydroxythioxanthone derivatives as antimalarial agents
Faris Hermawan, Jumina Jumina, Teni Ernawati, Puji Budi Setia Asih, Ismail Ekoprayitno Rozi, Elisabeth Farah Novita Coutrier, and Din Syafruddin
Antifungal effects of cinnamon and clove essential oils on oral Candida albicans: In vitro comparative study
Ghada Bouslama, Haifa Boudegga, Nour Sayda Ben Messaoud, Lamia Ouala, and Souha Ben youssef
Risk factors associated with systemic reactions in allergen immunotherapy: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Prayuth Poowaruttanawiwit, Teerawat Nitichaikulvattana, Chanida Chantim, Kanyakorn Potikit, and Supitchada Songkram