
The Thai Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences


Diabetes is the third most customary non-infectious disease occurring worldwide and leads to untimely disability and mortality. This metabolic disorder is characterized by impaired insulin secretions and high blood glucose levels. Among others, type 2 diabetes is the most common. Various chemical and biochemical hypoglycemic drugs are utilized to control and treat hyperglycemia but required further interventions to reduce their toxicity and side effects on the users. Edible mushrooms have been employed from ancient times to heal many diseases as it composed of anti-oxidant, alkaloids, fibers, triterpenoids, and other phytochemicals. The bioactive secondary metabolites of mushrooms can improve insulin resistance and reduce blood glucose levels by activation of insulin receptor substrate-2, protein kinase B, peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma, and adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase pathway. Moreover, mushrooms can inhibit the function of aldolase reductase and α-glucosidase, the two major enzymes responsible for an increased glucose level. Diabetes has increased the chance of viral infections and mortality rates. This article is focused on analyzing the concern of different types of diabetes and summarizing the significance of mushroom as a curative agent. We also discussed the fungal metabolites which acted as a complimentary successor for curing diabetes as it will discursively decrease the severity and mortality rate of patients suffering from outbreak (COVID-19).



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Pharmacology Commons
