
The Thai Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences


Background/Aim: This work aimed to establish in situ hydrogel formation based on crosslinking of methacrylated hyaluronic acid (MeHA) and the polymer incorporated with insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) for keratinocyte three-dimension (3D) culture. Materials and Methods: The compatibility of human keratinocytes with developed hydrogel was determined by PrestoBlueTM cell viability assay. The live and dead cells were determined by Calcein AM, Propidium Iodide and Hoechst 33342 staining. The physical properties including gelation time, microstructure (porosity and interconnectivity), swelling ratio, and stability of the different concentration hydrogel were determined and correlated to cell viability. Results: Three percent w/v MeHA for in situ hydrogel formation resulted in the most suitable properties for the 3D cell culture. The 3% w/v MeHA hydrogel was used as a scaffold incorporated with various IGF-1 concentrations. The compatibility of the cells to hydrogel and effect of the growth factor were examined and found that the viability of the encapsulated cells was dramatically enhanced by incorporating IGF-1 into hydrogel in a dose-dependent manner. The established hydrogels incorporated with IGF-1 was established in this study and the hydrogels were demonstrated to be cytocompatible allowing the keratinocytes to grow in 3D fashion.



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