The Thai Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Volume 41, Issue 4 (2017) 2017
Gold nanoparticle-colocasia gigantean conjugates for enhancing cytotoxic effect against A375 melanoma cell line
Amornpun Sereemaspun
Extra precision Docking studies of novel Luteolin analogues for the inhibition of Tankyrase II- “a theoretical based approach towards novel cancer target
Aravinda Pai, Jayashree B.S., Sanchari Basu-Mallik, and Richard Lobo
Hepatoprotective and hepatoregenerative therapeutic effects of polyherbal medicine Heparmin TM on Rattus norvegicus Wistar with liver fibrosis
Diana Lyrawati, Amalia Ghassani Muslimah, Dewi Laksmita, Dian Indrawati Santoso, Erlien Lindawati Poernomo, Karina Larasati, Lina Zahrotus Sajidah, Oktavia Rahayu Adianingsih, Rosida Dewi Agusningtyas, Mudjiwijono Handaru Eko, and Bogi Pratomo Wibowo
Determination of ethionamide in pharmaceutical by spectrophotometry via oxidation reaction with potassium iodate
Nagib A.S. Qarah and Kanakapura Basavaiah
Stability determination of an alternative approach to use of liquid drug substance as oil phase in microemulsion formulations: methyl salicylate
Warunee Leesajakul, Sunee Channarong, and Pathamaporn Chuetee
In vitro Antimicrobial activity of Antidesma bunius extracts on oral pathogenic bacteria
Panicha Pongnaratorn, Prakasit Kuacharan, Vayura Kotsuno, Naruwat Pakdee, Pranee Sriraj, and Jintana Sattayasai
Clinical Outcomes of a Pharmaceutical Care Service in Lithium Clinic adjunct to Standard Care Compared with Standard Care Alone in Patients with Bipolar Disorder: 10 years Naturalistic Retrospective Cohort Study
Orabhorn Suanchang, Vithaya Kulsomboon, Yupadee Sirisinsuk, Norrawee Phoomchan, and Charnwit Skawatananont