"Knowledge and Attitude Towards Genetics and Genetic Testing Among Late" by Asyirah Mujahidah Fillah, Muh Akram et al.


Background: Despite the potential benefits, genetic testing has a negative stigma in Indonesia, leading to relatively low utilization. Without adequate knowledge, the incidence of genetic disorders could rise. Thus, a clear understanding of knowledge and attitudes towards genetics and testing among late adolescents and adults is crucial.

Method: A web-based questionnaire was administered between May and October 2022. Respondents (n= 467), composed of late adolescents (n= 332) and adults (n= 135), were recruited through social media and email. General genetic knowledge, perceptions about personal knowledge of genetic testing applications and its social implications, and the attitude toward genetic testing were analyzed. Predictors of knowledge, perceptions, and attitude were identified through binary logistic regression.

Results: About 83% of participants exhibited an adequate level of general genetic knowledge. While 75% of the respondents perceived themselves as knowledgeable about genetic testing applications, only half demonstrated a comprehensive understanding of its social implications. Notably, one-third of respondents held positive attitudes towards genetic testing. Medical background, religion, and familiarity with genetic testing significantly affected general genetic knowledge. Age was significantly associated perceived genetic knowledge. Sociodemographic factors were not associated with attitudes toward genetic testing.

Conclusion: Indonesian late adolescents and adults showed adequate genetic knowledge and positive attitudes toward testing. A larger, randomized survey is recommended to identify effective strategies for promoting genetic testing and reducing Indonesia's genetic disease burden.

Keywords: Genetics, Healthy, family planning, Reproductive age, Youth, Indonesia


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