"Factors associated with access to water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH" by Cindy IS Lee, Yee Chu Kwa et al.


Background: Access to clean water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) are essential rights that impact individual and community health. The Siem Reap River is a vital water source in Cambodia for domestic, agricultural, and industrial use. However, limited local data and resources in the region exacerbate the challenge of providing adequate WASH services. This study aimed to evaluate WASH provision for communities living near the Siem Reap River and identify associated factors.

Method: A cross-sectional study in April 2023 across four Siem Reap River villages used purposive sampling to select 120 respondents from diverse backgrounds. Data were gathered through face-to-face electronic questionnaires. Descriptive statistics and Chi-square tests assessed demographic factors and WASH access.

Results: Residential status significantly affected latrine emptying (p < 0.001) and handwashing facility location (p < 0.05). Education, residential status, and income influenced drinking water sources and sanitation facilities (p < 0.001, p < 0.05). Water insufficiency was tied to income and household size (p < 0.05), and residency length impacted sanitation access (p < 0.05).

Conclusion: WASH provision in local communities is closely tied to demographic factors, highlighting key areas for improvement in service delivery.

Keywords: Public health, WASH, Water security, Cambodia

Appendix A.docx (18773 kB)


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