Background: Children were significantly impacted during COVID-19 surges, especially with highly transmissible variants like Delta. This study explored caregivers' experiences of children with COVID-19 in hospital isolation rooms, focusing on psychological and practical challenges.
Methods: Qualitative methods were used to describe the experiences of caregivers of children with COVID-19. Data were collected through in-depth interviews and from field and observation notes to capture reflections, ideas, and meanings. Content analysis was used to generate themes until saturation was reached with seven participants. The study was conducted at the Queen Sirikit National Institute of Child Health (QSNICH) in Bangkok, Thailand.
Results: The research identified three main themes: 1) caregiving in close proximity and handling everything, 2) difficulties and laborious efforts, and 3) emotional experiences and barriers to communication. These themes reflected the practical challenges of managing care with limited support, restricted visitation, and the inability to leave the isolation room, which were collectively summarized as 'caring in confinement'.
Conclusion: Insights from this research are crucial for both academic discourse and practical applications. They serve as a foundation for knowledge management practices and inform policy development to enhance pediatric care strategies during health crises. Supporting caregivers and assisting pediatric nurses can improve health outcomes for children during infectious disease outbreaks. This preparation enhances the readiness of pediatric nurses and health care personnel for new health emergencies
Keywords: : Caregivers, Children, COVID-19, Thailand
Recommended Citation
Pinchai K, Treenai S, Jongsomjitt C.
Experiences of Caregivers of Children with COVID-19 in Isolation Rooms: A Qualitative Study Conducted at Queen Sirikit National Institute of Child Health in Bangkok, Thailand.
J Health Res.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56808/2586-940X.1119
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