"Educational Intervention Through Telemedicine and its Impact on Kidney" by Luh P.F. Larasanty, Anna W. Widayanti et al.


Background: Educational intervention is a strategy that can be used to improve chronic kidney disease (CKD) patient adherence and can be provided through telemedicine. The goal of this study was to identify impact of educational intervention through telemedicine on kidney function of CKD patients.

Method: A systematic review of randomized and non-randomized controlled trials (2013–2022) was conducted using PubMed and Scopus, following PRISMA guidelines. Study quality was assessed with the Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool (MMAT).

Results: From a total 460 articles identified, 9 controlled trial articles using estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) as a kidney function parameter were included in the review. Health information education was the most common clinical intervention offered via telemedicine for CKD patients. The in-depth information covered the CKD disease, including risk factor management (diet, lifestyle), complications, monitoring, and followup. Mobile applications, phone calls, and text messages were the most frequently used delivery modes. Patients who received educational telemedicine intervention had more stable renal function or a slower rate of deterioration in kidney function than patients in the control group.

Conclusion: An educational intervention delivered through telemedicine may have a beneficial impact on kidney function in CKD patients. Further review with a larger number of studies is needed to clearly understand the effects of telemedicine on CKD patients and the long-term intervention effects on patients’ kidney function.

Keywords: Chronic kidney disease, Clinical intervention, E-Health, Glomerulus filtration rate


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