Background: Diabetic foot care involves complications such as impaired balance and proprioception, which can impact a patient's quality of life. This study investigated the short-term effects of self-administered Thai Foot Massage (STFM) on balance and proprioception in diabetic patients.
Methods: A randomized controlled trial was employed; ninety diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN) participants were randomly assigned to receive either STFM combined with standard foot care (STFM-SFC) or standard foot care alone (SFC). The intervention spanned four weeks, with two weeks at the hospital followed by an additional two weeks at home. Outcome measures included assessments of balance using the Mini Balance Evaluation System Test (Mini BESTest), ankle joint proprioception testing, foot sensation evaluation, and active/passive ankle joint range of motion (ROM) in dorsiflexion and plantar flexion for both legs.
Results: The results indicated significant improvements in both intervention groups comparing baseline with the end of the 4th week period (p < 0.001). However, the STFM-SFC group exhibited superior outcomes in various variables compared to the SFC group. After the initial two-week intervention, the STFM-SFC group demonstrated better results, particularly in balance and joint proprioception measures (p < 0.05). This trend continued during the subsequent two weeks of home-based care, with the STFMSFC group maintaining advantages in most assessed parameters.
Conclusion: Our study highlights the potential short-term benefits of incorporating self-administered Thai foot massage into diabetic foot care protocols. Improved balance and proprioception were observed in the STFM-SFC group.
Keywords: Self-Thai foot massage, Diabetic foot care, Balance, Proprioception
Recommended Citation
Soe S, Wanpen S, Thaweewannakit T, Peungsuwan P, Chatchawan U.
Short-term Effects of Self-Thai Foot Massage and Foot Care on Balance and Proprioception Among Patients with Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy.
J Health Res.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56808/2586-940X.1115
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