"Self-Protective Behavior against Monkeypox" by Awirut Singkun, Wichan Phibarn et al.


Background: An emerging monkeypox outbreak in many countries caused the WHO to declare the disease an international public health problem. This study aimed to explore knowledge of monkeypox and its transmission, intention to engage in self-protection, and factors predicting the intention to engage in self-protective behavior among Thai people.

Methods: A cross-sectional design was conducted between September and October 2022 with a self-administered questionnaire through an online survey. A total of 581 respondents were included in the data analysis. Descriptive statistics, and a binary logistic regression were used.

Results: Most respondents had good knowledge of monkeypox and its transmission (82.4%). More than half had poor intentions of engaging in self-protective behavior. Factors associated with the intention of having self-protective behavior against monkeypox included being single (aOR = 3.973, 95%CI = 1.559–10.126), working for the government (aOR = 2.768, 95%CI = 1.317–5.816), having a smallpox vaccination (aOR = 0.366, 95%CI = 0.183–0.733), never having had a smallpox vaccination (aOR = 0.347, 95%CI = 0.201–0.598), having no intention to get a smallpox vaccination (aOR = 2.725, 95%CI = 1.083–6.858), being undecided about getting a smallpox vaccination (aOR = 5.721, 95%CI = 2.354–13.905), and having good knowledge of monkeypox and its transmission (aOR = 1.807, 95%CI = 1.052–3.103).

Conclusion: Self-protection is needed and health education should be promoted to support accurate perceptions of all aspects of the transmission of monkeypox. Furthermore, public health preparedness measures should be taken to deal with this public health issue.

Keywords: Intention, Monkeypox, Self-protective behavior, Smallpox, Outbreak


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