

Background: ED is negatively associated with men’s sexual function capacity, emotional, intimate relationship and particularly psychological well-being. The purpose of this study was to synthesize qualitative findings which explain the experiences of men with diabetes who have erectile dysfunction.

Method: A meta-synthesis was performed. A search for qualitative studies published in English from 2010 to 2020 was conducted using PubMed, CINAHL, PsycInfo, and Science Direct databases. The main key words included: experience, men/male patient, erectile dysfunction, diabetes, diabetic erectile dysfunction, and qualitative research. Inductive and interpretative technique was used to analyze and synthesize findings from qualitative studies and reviewed by another reviewer. Seven qualitative studies were included in this review.

Results: The experiences of living with erectile dysfunction among men with diabetes were presented in five themes: 1) Personal sexual values, 2) Lack of understanding of causes, 3) Breaking manhood and husband’s role, 4) Recovering masculinity, and 5) Negative experiences and needs in care.

Conclusion: Men interpret erectile dysfunction as a threat to their masculinity and can have deleterious impact on their relationships and self-esteem. Health care providers should provide information on the connection between sexual problem and diabetes. Screening for erectile dysfunction and its risk factor should be routine in diabetes. Health care providers should ask men with diabetes about their sexual health and give them the opportunity to express their concern.

Keywords: Diabetes mellitus, Erectile dysfunction, Men, Meta-synthesis


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