Chulalongkorn Medical Journal


Hepatic hemangioma is a frequently occurring benign liver lesion detected on Imaging. It might be challenging to make a definite diagnosis of Hepatic hemangioma since its radiological characteristics can mimic those of hepatic malignancies such as metastatic liver cancer. A 65-year-old female patient complained of a month-long reduction in appetite and distension of abdominal discomfort in the right hypochondriac area. A B-mode ultrasound was suggested for the patient. On USG, there was a large, poorly defined heterogeneous lesion that entirely occupied the right lobe of the liver. It had a hyperechoic periphery, an irregular hypoechoic patch in the center, necrosis, and several central course calcifications. Vigorous imaging workup using cross-sectional imaging modalities such as CT, MRI, or PET were carried out to distinguish Hemangioma from other liver lesions.



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Title Page

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Figure 1

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Figure 2

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Figure 3

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Figure 4



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