Background: No data were available about the relationship between pharmaceutical therapy-related quality of lifeof patients and types of physicians.Objectives: This study aimed to compare the pharmaceutical therapy-related quality of life of patients treated bystaff and resident physicians.Methods: This study was a cross-sectional survey and was conducted in three public university hospitals inBangkok, Thailand, between July 2014 and March 2015. A convenience sample of 1,156 outpatients aged 18 yearsor over who were continuously taking any medicines to treat a chronic disease for at least three months wasincluded. The Patient-Reported Outcomes Measure of Pharmaceutical Therapy for Quality of Life (PROMPT-QoL)questionnaire was used to measure the pharmaceutical therapy-related quality of life. The PROMPT-QoL had 42items including eight domains. The associations between type of physicians and PROMPT-QoL item, domain, andtotal scores were tested by multiple linear regressions which included three confounders including, age, diseasegroups, and the number of medicines per day. An effect size was calculated employing the difference in meanscores divided by pooled standard deviations.Results: The patients treated by staff physicians (n = 644) had four significantly higher domains scores and totalscore than those treated by resident physicians (n = 512). The four domains included receiving medicine anddisease information from healthcare providers, satisfaction with medicine effectiveness, therapeutic relationshipwith healthcare providers, and overall quality of life. However, the effect sizes to detect differences in PROMPTQoL scores between the two groups were small.Conclusion: Resident physicians may have more training on medicine therapy or pharmaceutical care provision toimprove this patient-reported outcome.
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Sakthong, Phantipa
"Comparison of pharmaceutical therapy-related qualityof life of patients treated by staff and resident physicians,"
Chulalongkorn Medical Journal: Vol. 64:
4, Article 7.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.58837/CHULA.CMJ.64.4.7
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