Chulalongkorn Medical Journal


Background: Cerebral palsy has pathology in immature brain problems, i.e., ischemic brain, and hypoxic brain.The cause of pathology can be prenatal, perinatal and postnatal. Electromyography (EMG) biofeedback isa muscle training program using electrical stimulation modality to train specific weakness of the muscles orpathologic side. A feedback response to the patients by visual or supporting sound can enable the patient to train themselves specifically. However, little evidences supports the efficacy of EMG biofeedback to train muscles in cerebral palsy, especially in balance and coordination.Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of EMG biofeedback compared with conventional physiotherapy on gaitand balance in children with cerebral palsy diplegia.Methods: Thirty-four children with diplegic cerebral palsy were recruited into the study. The EMG biofeedbackgroup included 17 children who received EMG biofeedback training in back and hip muscles plus conventionalexercise. The control group included 17 children who received only conventional exercise. Gait analysis, pediatric balance scale, range of motion of hip extension, abduction and 6-minute walk tests were evaluated and compared.Results: Both the EMG biofeedback and control groups displayed statistically significant improvement inpediatric balance scale (P <0.001 and P = 0.001, respectively). Only the EMG biofeedback group displayedstatistically significant improvement in gait speed, range of motion of hip extension, abduction and 6-minutewalk tests (P = 0.04, 0.003, 0.03, 0.003, respectively). No other statistically significant differences were foundbetween the two groups.Conclusion: The EMG biofeedback group displayed statistically significant improvement in gait speed, pediatric balance scale, range of motion of hip extension, abduction and 6-minute walk tests. The control group, however, displayed statistically significant improvement only in pediatric balance scale.



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