Chulalongkorn Medical Journal


Background : Posterior urethral valves (PUVs) are the most common cause ofobstructive uropathy in male children that in long-term can leadto ESRD.Objectives : The aim of the study was to report outcomes of primary valveablation in patients with posterior urethral valves.Design : Descriptive study.Setting : King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital, Bangkok, Thailand.Materials and Methods : We retrospectively reviewed every medical record of patientsdiagnosed with posterior urethral valves and treated withprimary valve ablation or other modalities at King ChulalongkornMemorial Hospital from January 2002 to December 2012.Patient’s demographic data, age of presentation, imaged finds,presenting signs and symptoms, complications, and long-termoutcomes were recorded.Results : Forty-four patients were recruited. Their median age ofpresentation was 12.6 months and median follow-up time was43 months. Most common presenting symptoms were urinarytract infection (77%), rising serum creatinine, and antenataldiagnosis, respectively. The initial imaging was found asabnormal bladder (84%), hydronephrosis (65.9%), andvesicoureteral reflux (50%). After primary valve ablation, serumcreatinine was improved by 81%, hydronephrosis 79.3%, andvesicoureteral reflux 57.1%. Complications were urethralstricture found in 1 patient and urinary retention in another.Conclusion : Primary valve ablation seems to be safe and effective fortreatment of posterior urethral valves. Renal function improvedafter the treatment, and complication rate was low.



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