Background : Since clinical chemistry testing has been taken as crucial in healthcare management, a good laboratory quality assurance system with the fastest turnaround time is therefore highly valued for physicians to assess patient's conditions and treatment options. Although, several high throughput automated chemistry analyzers are available, the analytical performance of these analyzers should be considered for selecting in routine laboratory services. Objective : To compare the analytical performances of the high automated chemistry analyzers between Abbott Architect c8000 and Roche Cobas c501 (Cobas 6000 series). Method : Twenty-five chemistry laboratory parameters were evaluated in both analyzers. Imprecision studies were performed using Multiqualฎ chemistry controls (Bio-Rad). Each control was assayed 20 times, and run for 20 consecutive days to evaluate the inter- and intra-variable data, respectively. The comparative performance studies were conducted by using 30 randomly serum samples and the correlation coefficient (r) were analyzed. Results : Inter- and intra- variable precisions for controls range from 0.50 - 4.93% in overall parameters except in bicarbonate and bilirubin (>5.47%). These results indicate high precision (<5%) and emphasize the instability of both parameters in the controls. Moreover, daily measurement of high and low level of controls confirms the accuracy and reproducibility of Architect c8000 analyzers. The comparative performance studies demonstrate an excellent correlation between Architect c800 and Cobas c501 with the correlation coefficients (r) above 0.975. Conclusion : Both analyzers demonstrate satisfactory correlation of 25 chemistry laboratory parameters with each other. Due to their similar performance, it can be stated that they are interchangeable and suitable for routine use in laboratories of medium to large size.
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Suwannaboot, S; Ketloy, C; Ganokroj, P; and Ujjin, P.
"Correlation of analytical performance of automated chemistry analyzer between Abbott Architect c8000 and Roche Cobas c501,"
Chulalongkorn Medical Journal: Vol. 56:
4, Article 3.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.58837/CHULA.CMJ.56.4.3
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