Volume 40, Issue 9 (1996) September 1996
พระราชกรณียกิจสมเด็จพระมหิตลาธิเบศร อดุลยเดชวิกรม พระบรมราชนก
Malee Phulklongton
Self - cutting behavior in juvenile delinquents
Umaporn Trangkasombat and Vachira Larpboonsarb
The comparative study of sixth year medical students'achievement among conventional curriculum, MESRAPcurriculum, and problem-base, Faculty of Medicine,Chulalongkorn University in academic year 1995
Nutjaree Pholwan and Kitpramuk Tantayapom
Genetic instability during early stage of tumorigenesispredicts poor prognosis in p53 overexpressed headand neck cancer
Navapun Charuruks and Narin Voravud
Case Report
Familial juvenile nephronophthisis with the immune complexdiffuse proliferative glomerulonephritis. A case report
laakchai lungthirapanich, Dhevy Watana, Laddawan Vajragupta, and Saowanee Yenrudi
Review Article
Ocular presentations in acquired immunodeficiencysyndrome
Pakitti Tayanithi
Special Article
A primary study of medical curriculum development, Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University
M. Phulklongton and N. Pholwan
Modern Medicine