Volume 39, Issue 4 (1995) April 1995
Sudtiluk Patumraj
Effects of ACE inhibitor on diabetic cardiovascularcomplications : cardiovascular functional changes
Wasan Udayachalerm, Amporn Jariyapongsakul, and Suthiluk Patumraj
Effect of allicin on rat uterine contraction
Somsak Borvonsin, Antika Permpintong, and Ratree Sudsuang
Effect of 3α-dihydrocadambine isolated from wild cinchonaleaves on blood pressure and heart rate in tree shrew
Ratree Sudsuang, Anusara Vattanajun, Pongsak Kunluan, Veerachai Singhaniyom, and Prayode Boonsinsukh
Can garlic and garlic extract reduce blood perssure in dogs?
Krailert Phasanasophon, Ratree Sudsuang, and Sompol Sanguanrungsirikul
Case Report
Juvenile pemphigus vulgaris: a case report
Siriwan Wananukul and Prapai Pongprasit
Review Article
Trigeminovascular system: the nociceptive system of cranial vessels
A. Srikiatkhachorn
Special Article
Roles of garlic in medicine
Sudtiluk Patumraj