Applied Environmental Research
Volume 40, Number 3 (2018)
PM10 and PM2.5 from Haze Smog and Visibility Effect in Chiang Mai Province Thailand
Thitaporn Jeensorn, Pornphan Apichartwiwat, and Wanida Jinsart
Natural Radioactivity in Groundwater in Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Province
Paradee Kodcharin, Udorn Youngchuay, and Sopa Chinwetkitvanich
Contribution of Root Respiration to Soil Respiration during Rainy Season in Dry Dipterocarp Forest, Northern Thailand
Punlop Intanil, Anusorn Boonpoke, Montri Sanwangsri, and Phongthep Hanpattanakit
Stakeholder Involvement in Developing Environmental Indicators for the Lam Nam Yang Part 1 Watershed in the Northeastern Thailand
Warintorn Khunanake, Art-ong Pradatsudara, and Sura Pattanakiat
Stakeholders' Perspectives of Design Options for a Rooftop Solar PV Self-consumption Scheme in Thailand
Kespanerai Kokchang, Sopitsuda Tongsopit, Siripha Junlakarn, Wichsinee Wibulpolprasert, and Morrakot Tossabanyad
SWOT Analysis for Preliminary Study of Municipal Waste Management Toward a Zero Waste Highland Community in Northern Thailand
Nittaya Pasukphun, Anuttara Hongtong, Vivat Keawdunglek, Yanasinee Suma, Pussadee Laor, and Tawatchai Apidechkul
Development of Work-Rest Model for Reducing Fatigue in a Long Distance among Chemical Truck Drivers: Case Study in an Industrial Gas
Sujee Phatrabuddha, Thitima Wonginta, and Nantaporn Phatrabuddha
Seasonal and Annual Trends of Rainfall and Streamflow in the Mae Klong Basin, Thailand
Alamgir Khalil, Areeya Rittima, and Yutthana Phankamolsil