Applied Environmental Research
Introductory text for Applied Environmental Research.
See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.
Current Issue: Volume 43, Number 1 (2021)
Change in Rainfall Patterns in the Hilly Region of Uttarakhand due to the Impact of Climate Change
Dilip Kumar and Rajib K. Bhattacharjya
Evaluating Water Quality Variation in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta Area Using Cluster and Discriminant Analysis
Giao Thanh Nguyen and Thi Hong Nhien Huynh
Case Study of Modular Pre-cast Concrete On-Site Stormwater Detention System during Monsoon Season in Southeast Asia
Darren Y.S. Mah, Johnny O.K. Ngu, Rosmina A. Bustami, and Frederik J. Putuhena
The Spatial Variability of Soil Physical Properties of Different Sized-gap in a Subtropical Forest, China
Supaporn Buajan, Jinfu Liu, and Zhongsheng He
Ecosystem Service Value of the Mixed Land Use Pattern in Asia: Thailand's Experience
Nararuk Boonyanam and Somskaow Bejranonda
Effect of Modified Septic Tank on Groundwater Quality around Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, South-west Nigeria
Kofoworola Olatunde, Modupe Sarumi, Sadiq Abdulsalaam, Babatunde Bada, and Funmilola Oyebanji
Tourism Density Effect on Environmental Performance Index: Evidence in ASEAN Countries
Jain Yassin, Sarma Aralas, and Danie E.K. Basa