

Background: Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a common condition in adolescent mothers and children. This systematic review examined specific disability risk associated with ADHD in adolescent mothers. The study provides a comprehensive review of related publications from 2013 to 2023 on various databases including EBSCO, Embase, Cochrane, Ovid, ProQuest, Web of Science, as well as PubMed.

Methods: The search strategy used keywords ‘adolescent,’ ‘pregnancy,’ and ‘ADHD’ aligning with the PRISMA guidelines. As many as 1,257 articles were identified and seven were incorporated in this scoping review. Six articles discussed maternal age, two reported socioeconomic factors, and one examined maternal psychopathology and education relationship with disability risk in adolescent mothers.

Results: Results showed an increased risk of ADHD among children of adolescent mothers, indicating the need for integrated support programs specializing in comprehensive prenatal care, mental health interventions, and educational initiatives are critical to mitigate these risks.

Conclusions: Understanding the specific needs of introverted pregnant adolescent mothers due to strong stigma and providing targeted home visit interventions during and after pregnancy, including stress reduction, healthy behavior promotion, and breastfeeding support, can significantly contribute to preventing the onset of ADHD in their children.

Keywords: Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, adolescent mothers, disability risk


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