

Background: In Thailand, there is a lack of studies investigating the assistance provided for children who are economically disadvantaged. Therefore, in this study, we aimed to develop assistance specifically designed for economically disadvantaged students (EDSs) which takes into account both psychological and social dimensions.

Methods: We utilized a design-based research (DBR) approach for a study with 33 participants. The key participants consisted of nine Thai EDSs, aged between 13 to 15 with trauma resulting from emotional abuse by parents. Non-key participants consisted of twenty-four parents, peers, and teachers. The design involved two iterations in the design cycle.

Results: The completed intervention design consisted of nine sessions. Sessions 1 to 3 were conducted individually. Sessions 4 to 8 involved collaboration with parents, peers, and teachers. Session 9 was the summarizing session. Following the intervention, participants demonstrated notable improvements in their levels of EDSs’ post-traumatic growth (PTG) and perceived social support (PSS).

Conclusion: The intervention fostered PTG and PSS among EDSs, thus demonstrating improved students’ mental health and well-being. In addition, this innovation added to the body of knowledge which fosters PTG and PSS among EDSs and integrates psychological counseling and social work.

Keywords: Design-based research, Economically disadvantaged students, Intervention, Perceived social support, Post traumatic growth


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