
The Thai Journal of Veterinary Medicine


Effects of intrarenal artery perfusion on kidney function in the dog. Either the hypertonic solution (537 mOsm/kg) or the hypotonic solution (27 mOsm/kg) were infused directly into left or right renal artery at the rate of 2.5 ml/min instead of the control isotonic saline solution (280 mOsm/kg). During experimental period the contralateral kidney received isotonic saline solution continuously as during the control period. Infusion of hypertonic saline solution, raising sodium concentration in that renal artery by 4.59 ± 1.18 (SD) μEq/ml, caused a significant increase in V, UNa .V and VCl.V. Hypertonic lithium and rubidium chloride of the same osmolality also caused a significant increase in V and Ucl.V but non-significant increase in UNa.V. When the systemic effect of hypertonic choline chloride was ruled out, it caused a non-significant increase in UNa .V. All hypertonic perfusates induced osmotic diuresis judging from a significant increase in Cosm Infusion of hypotonic saline solution (27 mOsm/kg) lowering renal arterial plasma sodium concentration by 4.94 ± 2.03 (SD) μEq/ml, caused a decrease in V, UNa .V and UCl.V. Hypotonic choline, lithium and rubidium chloride of the same osmolality caused slight increase in UNa.V and V. In the experimental kidney there were no significant different in GFR, ERPF, UK. V, Hct, MABP, plasma volume and plasma protein concentration in comparison to the control value. These results suggested that kidney can function as primary effector to various perfusates introduced directly into them. Each can function independently of the other. The changes that occur do not depend on just the sodium concentration or the osmolality. The transport mechanisms together with their capacities will initiate and determine the pattern and the degree of diuresis.



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