
The Thai Journal of Veterinary Medicine


The round body shape and short legs of Bantam chickens (Gallus gallus) pose breeding challenges, making artificial insemination critical for these animals. To contribute to such assisted reproductive technology in avians, this study assessed the effect of a modified simple medium for assisted reproductive technology (SMART) extender on sperm longevity and frozen-thawed semen quality compared to the Blumberger Hahnen Sperma Verdünner (BHSV) extender. Sperm motility and viability were measured in 20 roosters at fresh and chilled conditions at 4-, 24-, and 48-hour intervals. For the subsequent freezing step, 6% and 9% DMA were added to both extenders as cryoprotectants. Results showed significant declines in sperm motility and viability over time (P<0.05) using the modified SMART extender, indicating that the extended semen should be used within 4 hours of collection. CASA analysis also found no significant differences in total motility between the different combinations of extenders and cryoprotectant levels (P>0.05). However, notable differences in progressive motility were observed between the modified SMART extender with 6% DMA and the BHSV extender with 6% and 9% DMA (P<0.05). In conclusion, the modified SMART extender effectively extends semen longevity but falls short of the BHSV extender in terms of cryopreservation efficiency.



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