
The Thai Journal of Veterinary Medicine


The aim of this study is to determine the influence of EM stimulations on macro and micro element concentrations in the blood, to determine if changes in ion concentrations depends on their basal values and to determine the usefulness of this kind of stimulation in the maintenance of the blood macro and micro element levels in cows. 17 cows were included in the experimental group (affected by a unique EM stimulation protocol of three weeks duration) and 9 cows were included in the control group. Significantly higher (P<0.01) concentrations of Ca, P, Na and Cu and lower (P<0.05) concentrations of Zn were found in the experimental group after EM stimulation. Dynamic changes of macro and micro element concentrations were inversely proportional to their basalvalue before the beginning of the experiment which means that animals with lower basal concentrations had greater changes of value during stimulation. Dynamicchanges of Ca, P, Mg, Fe, K and Cu were more notable in the experimental group that was exposed to EM stimulation compared to the control group. However, dynamic changes of Na and Zn concentrations were identical in the experimental and control groups. Exposure of cows to EM stimulation had a positive effect at Ca and P concentrations and improved calcaemia and phosphatemia in all the exposed animals.



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