
The Thai Journal of Veterinary Medicine


Canine urinary incontinence is commonly encountered in small animal veterinary practice with highprevalence in spayed female dogs. The diagnosis of neutering-induced urinary incontinence is usually based onclinical signs, history and elimination of other possible diagnoses. The proposed predispositions to incontinence thatfollows neutering including gender, breed, body weight, obesity, tail docking, spaying technique (ovariectomy andovariohysterectomy) and morphology of the LUT, e.g. the position of neck of the bladder and urethral length, have allbeen investigated. At present, the exact underlying mechanisms are not fully understood. However, it is widelyagreed that the condition is multi-factorial and hormone-associated. The role of gonadotrophin LH and FSH in thephysiology and/or pathology of the canine lower urinary tract function and its relationship to the development ofurinary incontinence post-spay has recently been suggested and remains an interesting subject for further research.Medical approach is the mainstay of treatment for affected animals with surgical correction being considered whenmedical treatment fails to restore continence or patient is unsuitable for long-term medication. Medical and surgicaloptions in the treatment of post-neutering urinary incontinence are reviewed.



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