
The Thai Journal of Veterinary Medicine


Specimen preservation is an essential factor in gross anatomical study of the brain and spinal cord. Forcedimpregnation of the specimen using polymer, or plastination, is to date one of the best specimen preparationprocedures. This study aimed to study the possibility of staining whole brain specimen using Sudan Red III dye priorto plastination. Dog brains were divided into 3 groups each stained with the dye for 1, 2 and 3 months, respectively.The stained specimens were then dissected to reveal the staining of deep structures before undergoing theplastination procedure. After the experiment we found that Sudan Red clearly stained the fiber tracts making itdifferentiable from the gray matter. However, after the strong acetone dehydration steps during the plastinationprocedure, most of the dye were thinned down in some specimen whereas in a few it was enough to differentiate thegray from white matter although not as clearly as prior to the procedure. Hence, Sudan Red III may not be a reliabledye of choice when followed by plastination.



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