
The Thai Journal of Veterinary Medicine


The present study was undertaken to determine the influence of sperm:oocyte ratio at fertilization in vitrousing frozen boar semen on fertilization rates and subsequent embryo development and quality in pig. Cumulusoocytecomplexes (COCs) were collected from porcine ovaries and then matured in vitro. After 44 hours of culture,matured oocytes were fertilized for 6 hours with three different sperm:oocyte ratios (1000:1, 2000:1, and 4000:1).Presumptive zygotes were fixed at 18-20 hours post-fertilization and then examined for sperm penetration andmonospermy rates. The developmental competence, in terms of cleavage and blastocyst rates, and the blastocystquality were evaluated at 48 and 168 hours post-fertilization, respectively. Sperm penetration rate significantlyincreased when the oocytes were fertilized with 2000 (90.23±2.5%) and 4000 (93.46±3.7%) sperm: oocyte, comparedwith those fertilized with 1000 (74.08±1.2%) sperm:oocyte (p=0.005). The oocytes inseminated with 1000 sperm peroocyte had a significantly higher rate of monospermic zygotes (81.79±2.9%) than those inseminated with 2,000 and4,000 sperm per oocyte (48.07±6.0 and 31.51±4.9%, respectively; p=0.001). The development of blastocysts increasedsignificantly (p<0.05) in the group fertilized with 1,000 sperm:oocyte (29.02±1.8%) compared to those of 4,000sperm:oocyte (14.00±3.0%). However, there was no significant difference in the mean number of blastocyst cellsamong the groups but blastocysts derived from 1000:1 oocyte/sperm ratio had the highest ICM cell numbers. Ourresults indicated that optimization of sperm:oocyte ratio at fertilization in vitro improved fertilization rates, inparticular, the monospermic penetration rate and blastocyst rate.



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